The 9.12 Project - Giving Morons a Voice

MB MLB 728x90 Jpg


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004


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Aug 29, 2006
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows
Gary... What most blacks and many whites know and what the look the President gave Joe Wilson revealed when he shouted the words "YOU LIE", was the unspoken word that was implicit with the spoken words. And that word was "BOY". And that's why what President Carter said wrang true to many of us.

No one needs to look any further than our lack of healthcare coverage for all to know that racism's alive and well in this country. Why are we the only industrialized country that doesn't provide healthcare coverage to ALL of our citizens? Is it our staunch belief in a free market economy? No. Most industrialized nations provide for both a free market economy AND healthcare coverage for all.

So what makes us so unique? In my opinion, it's the racial diversity of our population. All other industrialized nations have much more homogeneous societies than ours. What our politicians and what most of the media can't and won't come out and say is that many whites (who represent approx. 75% of the population) do NOT want their tax dollars going into a program that they perceive to be just another form of welfare for the remaining 25% of the population (non-whites). So instead, they use code words like "Socialism" and "Marxism".


Come on ! I can't remember exactly who had said this first
"YOU LIE", was the unspoken word that was implicit with the spoken words. And that word was "BOY".
But since when did calling someone a liar equate to calling someone BOY? Regardless of skin pigmentation.

And Trench, you know better than that.

Peas Chedda Head


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Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky

DTB, the photo is from a promise keepers rally in 1997. The scam started on facebook. You can check out the entire fack check rated as a pants on fire lie.

It may be a scam--its origin is msnbc
I should know better than to trust liberal media--Thanks KC :)

OOPS a little premature--you have bogus photo
-- your link KC is not same photo--its origin

---but ya all are welcome to :grouphug: and try again.:)
Last edited:
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Smurph --Shouldn't you be home practicing--

<TABLE class=contentpaneopen><TBODY><TR><TD class=contentheading width="100%">Week 11 Schedule </TD><TD class=buttonheading align=right width="100%"> </TD><TD class=buttonheading align=right width="100%"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE class=contentpaneopen><TBODY><TR><TD>GLAD Season Schedules - Summer 2009 </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top>Written by Mike Coca </TD></TR><TR><TD class=createdate vAlign=top>Monday, 03 August 2009 17:32 </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top><TABLE style="WIDTH: 431pt; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=574 border=0><TBODY><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl65 style="BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: #f0f0f0; BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 246pt; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: #f0f0f0; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR: #f0f0f0" width=328 height=36>WEEK 11</TD><TD class=xl66 style="BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: #f0f0f0; BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 185pt; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: #f0f0f0; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR: #f0f0f0" width=246>9/22/2009</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl67 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Home </TD><TD class=xl67 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Away</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Kobalt Kubs</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Cruisin' Underdowgz</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Pumphouse Jagerbombers</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Charlie's Devils ****</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Roscoe's on 7th ****</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Wrath of Apollo's</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>OZ Flaming Brooms</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Cherry Poppin' Daddies</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Rainbow Sharpshooters</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Ice Pirates ****</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>"Z" Girlz Playaz</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Bar One Shooterz</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>The Rockers</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Kobalt Kruizers</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Plazma Players</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Bunk's MGL</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Rainbow Skittles</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Pumphouse Posse****</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Cruisin' Taz</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Oz Flying Monkeys</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Charlie's Angels</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Simply "Z" Best ****</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Apollo's Flaming Darts</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Roscoe's Ruthless Rebels</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Cherry Bombers</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">"Z" Aim to Pleaze</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Icy Hot</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Plazma 69'ers</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Kobalt Knights</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Planet Kobalt</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Cash Out</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">The Rockettes</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Bar None</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Kobalt Santa's Elves</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Kobalt Hellraisers</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Rainbow Lightning</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 18.75pt" height=25><TD class=xl70 style="BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: #f0f0f0; BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: #f0f0f0; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: #f0f0f0; HEIGHT: 18.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR: #f0f0f0" height=25>**** Denotes Board Members Teams</TD><TD class=xl69 style="BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: #f0f0f0; BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: #f0f0f0; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: #f0f0f0; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR: #f0f0f0"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE class=pagenav align=center><TBODY><TR><TH class=pagenav_prev>< Prev </TH><TD width=50> </TD><TH class=pagenav_next>Next > </TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Smurph --Shouldn't you be home practicing--

<TABLE class=contentpaneopen><TBODY><TR><TD class=contentheading width="100%">Week 11 Schedule </TD><TD class=buttonheading align=right width="100%"> </TD><TD class=buttonheading align=right width="100%"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE class=contentpaneopen><TBODY><TR><TD>GLAD Season Schedules - Summer 2009 </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top>Written by Mike Coca </TD></TR><TR><TD class=createdate vAlign=top>Monday, 03 August 2009 17:32 </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top><TABLE style="WIDTH: 431pt; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=574 border=0><TBODY><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl65 style="BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: #f0f0f0; BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 246pt; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: #f0f0f0; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR: #f0f0f0" width=328 height=36>WEEK 11</TD><TD class=xl66 style="BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: #f0f0f0; BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 185pt; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: #f0f0f0; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR: #f0f0f0" width=246>9/22/2009</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl67 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Home </TD><TD class=xl67 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Away</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Kobalt Kubs</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Cruisin' Underdowgz</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Pumphouse Jagerbombers</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Charlie's Devils ****</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Roscoe's on 7th ****</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Wrath of Apollo's</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>OZ Flaming Brooms</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Cherry Poppin' Daddies</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Rainbow Sharpshooters</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Ice Pirates ****</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>"Z" Girlz Playaz</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Bar One Shooterz</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>The Rockers</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Kobalt Kruizers</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Plazma Players</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Bunk's MGL</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Rainbow Skittles</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Pumphouse Posse****</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Cruisin' Taz</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Oz Flying Monkeys</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Charlie's Angels</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Simply "Z" Best ****</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Apollo's Flaming Darts</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Roscoe's Ruthless Rebels</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Cherry Bombers</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">"Z" Aim to Pleaze</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Icy Hot</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Plazma 69'ers</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Kobalt Knights</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Planet Kobalt</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Cash Out</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">The Rockettes</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Bar None</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Kobalt Santa's Elves</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 27pt" height=36><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 27pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=36>Kobalt Hellraisers</TD><TD class=xl68 style="BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Rainbow Lightning</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 18.75pt" height=25><TD class=xl70 style="BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: #f0f0f0; BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: #f0f0f0; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: #f0f0f0; HEIGHT: 18.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR: #f0f0f0" height=25>**** Denotes Board Members Teams</TD><TD class=xl69 style="BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: #f0f0f0; BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: #f0f0f0; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: #f0f0f0; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR: #f0f0f0"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE class=pagenav align=center><TBODY><TR><TH class=pagenav_prev>< Prev </TH><TD width=50> </TD><TH class=pagenav_next>Next > </TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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So you just spent several minutes searching for gay dart leagues.:mj07:

Poor Linus.:(
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows
Where do I sign up?

The lesbians throw the darts too hard and the gay men are too limp wristed to make it to the board.

:shrug: :shrug: According the right wing dumb asses on the board. JK, why would I drive to PHX when Palm Springs is only 15 miles from me :142smilie


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Where do I sign up?

The lesbians throw the darts too hard and the gay men are too limp wristed to make it to the board.

:shrug: :shrug: According the right wing dumb asses on the board. JK, why would I drive to PHX when Palm Springs is only 15 miles from me :142smilie

PHX is probably a stupid plastic tip league. Goota be steel tip.;)


Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows
With my eyesight,

Giving me a dart is a bad idea, yet I own several firearms? Maybe I just can't shoot darts? :shrug: :142smilie
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
DTB (aka Linus): The Early Years

DTB (aka Linus): The Early Years


"So ya see Linus, it's just too hard to be a liberal.
It requires intelligence... rational thinking...
compassion... education and lots of it...
No Linus, it's much easier to be a right-wing
extremist... it requires none of that."
"You're not so dumb after all Charlie Brown".


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI

Come on ! I can't remember exactly who had said this first But since when did calling someone a liar equate to calling someone BOY? Regardless of skin pigmentation.
Bullshit? Really?

You think it's a coincindence that the first President to be heckled and called a liar during a joint session of Congress just happens to be black? There's a simple explanation why it's never occurred before. The first 43 were white.


Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows

That's not in the thesaurus

Just because Olby said it, doesn't make it true, then Maddow, O'donnel, Matthews repeat it, over, and over....... again, still doesn't make it true. Just like Maddow wishing she had a dick, kind of like a Pinochio complex, but a different appendage. Yet, she doesn't wake up with one, unless it's stapped on. Matthews piddles down his leg at the the thought of Barrack and Michelle, and you can't tell me that the marching orders from Imelt haven't come down to use the race card as much as possible. Michelle has bad breath, "You should be wearing a hood!" Sasha skinned her knee "Leave the kids out of it David Duke" Matthews would fight to the death, if he wasn't so afraid of firearms, and he wouldn't fall over, the tubby fat fuck, to protect the last crap Barrack took.

I could give 2 shits about his color, he could be stripped like the cat in the hat's hat, just don't lie, don't parse words like Billy Blow Job, or Gee Wiz, but the thing is, he isn't telling the truth, he is coloring outside the lines.


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI

That's not in the thesaurus

I could give 2 shits about his color, he could be stripped like the cat in the hat's hat, just don't lie, don't parse words like Billy Blow Job, or Gee Wiz, but the thing is, he isn't telling the truth, he is coloring outside the lines.
Hey, believe what you want to believe Lumi but I saw what I saw during that speech. And my opinions are my own -- no one else's. I don't plagerize or try to pass off other's opinions as mine because I don't need to. But I do understand the truth can be uncomfortable at times, even for a "non-partisan" guy like you. ;)


Forum Member
Jul 31, 2000
But you'll always have Peggy Joseph

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

:confused: :confused: :sadwave: THE NEW FACE OF AMERICA:mj07:


Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows
Hey, believe what you want to believe Lumi but I saw what I saw during that speech. And my opinions are my own -- no one else's. I don't plagerize or try to pass off other's opinions as mine because I don't need to. But I do understand the truth can be uncomfortable at times, even for a "non-partisan" guy like you. ;)

I know it may seem that I only trash Dems, but when I hung my hat elsewhere, and I always wear a hat because of the sun is so hot hair and my hair has gone AWOL, I was all over GEE WIZ. All of these Shit Stains in Washington, minus 3 or 4 or bottom feeders and take up space and waste oxygen. When I was 17 I was up close to the Sen John Glenn run for the Dem nomination. The girl I was dating, her father was one of Sen. Glenn's campaign advisors and held a fund raiser at his back yard that I was invited to, even though my parents are, gasp... REPUBLICANS ! :nono: :scared but my parents let me go because Sen. Glenn was an American hero, being that he was an astronaut.
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Hmm I see we now have somethig for liberals to protest--lets take a look at "the other side".

Slide show from Reuters--

<CITE class=vcard>By Michelle Nichols and Jonathan Barnes Michelle Nichols And Jonathan Barnes </CITE>? <ABBR class=recenttimedate title=2009-09-25T03:15:13-0700>1 hr 54 mins ago</ABBR>
<!-- end .byline -->PITTSBURGH (Reuters) ? Protesters smashed shop windows and threw rocks at police on Thursday as police used pepper gas and batons to disperse marches against capitalism at the Group of 20 summit in Pittsburgh.
Protesters wore bandannas and goggles and held aloft a large black sign declaring "No hope in capitalism" and another saying "Kick Capitalism While It Is Down."

Officials said there were 15 arrests -- one for inciting a riot, four for aggravated assault and 10 others for failing to disperse.

More than 12 hours of clashes on Thursday began when police dispersed some 2,000 people at a lunchtime march. With protesters sent down various streets by police, the two sides soon clashed in the Lawrenceville neighborhood.
Protesters threw bottles and rocks and police responded by sending five to 10 canisters into the crowd.

Late on Thursday evening, several hundred protesters took to the streets near the Cathedral of Learning on the University of Pittsburgh campus. Police discharged gas and pellet-filled "beanbags" and protesters broke windows at a McDonald's, a Rite Aid pharmacy, a Subway sandwich shop and a FedEx store.


ught to you by linus :)


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
another reason to never attend one of those stupid tea'bag' parties. Good video to post for some of my facebook friends who are such dittoheads and Beck-ites. Those crackers all need a little coaching before they approach a microphone and video camera. K.I.S.S. should apply at all times for those who can't think for themselves.

I don't like any of these pundits, left or right. They're all morans as far as I'm concerned.

I'm also quite sure you could find a video very similar to this at any Obamacare, planned parenthood, or etc. other liberal gathering.

Truth about "Linus", however, is that our "Linus" would actually give you his blanket if he thought you needed it. "Linus" is a great man, a non-racist, a hero, and a patriot. The majority of you who bash him aren't fit to smell his jock. Fact. ;)