RobertBIrish thanks for posting . I personably look forward to your computer plays. Hope you don't mind if I jump onboard for the ride. Thanks again boilermaker
Well sides were definaltely the stronger but we have been working on it and it went 7-4 sides and 7-4 totals yesterday.Boilermaker I don't mind at all I just hope It can keep the winners coming. There is allot of my time and work in this and I hope it helps!
Wow.......That computer program just keeps on going. I had a hard time with the game tonight. I wanted Pitt but was about ready to just sit and watch the game. The way Tenn has dominated Pitt I was really struggling what to do.
So I said f*ck it and put 2 units on Pitt after I saw your post on the game. I followed some of your computer picks this past weekend and cashed in. If this thing keeps hitting at the pace it is and your are ever in Chicago or there about let me know and I will send my wife there to thank you personally and orally.(ha ha)
Keep posting and good luck the rest of the season. Thanks alot......