The only reason the Giants won........

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Feb 19, 2003
Las Vegas,NV
was because they had a bigger payroll than the phillies......the Giants were not the better team and did not out play the phillies.......................How bout them Giants:0074 and that is baseball folks


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Jan 7, 2001
Long Island
Hey Jason you still rolling with that 96' chopper around Vegas in the offseason.
I hear you and Boomer hang out at that strip club once in a while :0074
So who you think will take the trophy home, ya think the Giants have a chance :0008
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Jun 13, 2004
North Carolina
Dude, the advantage the Yankees have over most teams is huge. Its not a level playing field and everyone other than Yankee fans understand it.

How on earth you guys have only won 1 title the last decade is amazing.

Its not that I disagree with the strategy. They should implement a salary cap. Its just that Yankee fans want to act like they are playing in a fair league. Its not fair.

Bigger Market = More Money = Better players including stealing the best player from a couple teams each year midway through the season. So Yanks have an all star team every year, make the playoffs, and then usually choke when they get up against a little talent.

Go home as usual, Yankees.


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Feb 19, 2003
Las Vegas,NV
So how can you explain the Rangers beating the Yankees with this logic

I am being sarcastic of the top 8 payrolls only 2 teams made the playoff and the rangers .......................wait for it have the 4th lowest payroll in baseball........payroll helps but it does not buy a ring ask the cubbies


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 19, 2003
Las Vegas,NV
Hey Jason you still rolling with that 96' chopper around Vegas in the offseason.
I hear you and Boomer hang out at that strip club once in a while :0074
So who you think will take the trophy home, ya think the Giants have a chance :0008

he actually lives 5 minutes from me.......HE HE HE
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Registered User
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Jan 7, 2001
Long Island
So how can you explain the Rangers beating the Yankees with this logic

The Rangers were the hungrier team a bit younger.
The fucking yanks looked like they were ready for disneyland much too soon :rolleyes:
Even Girardi looked older and very tired this year.
I guess nobody wanted to step up and charge these fuckers up.
When Damon was on the team he seemed to have a significant persona and loosen this team up.
Even the veteran presence of Matsui sparked everybody, and all the big clutch hits didn't hurt either.
I guess winning last year was enough for most of these guys but I'm sure the younger players aren't to happy.


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Feb 19, 2003
Las Vegas,NV
How on earth you guys have only won 1 title the last decade is amazing.
So Yanks have an all star team every year, make the playoffs, and then usually choke when they get up against a little talent.

Go home as usual, Yankees.



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Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal

you're payroll guarantees you the playoffs....or have you been asleep for the last 15 years.

over 162 games, payroll wins out

in a 5 or 7 game series vs one of the 4 best doesnt matter

if you dont think spending 5x-10x as much as other teams, you've got your head in the sand
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Jun 13, 2004
North Carolina
I knew it was sarcasm but have a couple Yankee friends and that's all I hear from them.

In all reality, its a nice advantage that almost always gets you to the playoffs and from there, you face teams that are good and/or hot and its game on. Still, a favorite in every series when it comes to talent.

On one hand I don't like too much parity, but on the other, I'd prefer a level playing field.


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Aug 13, 2009
More different winners in baseball than the other 2 major sports. Pirates, KC, and Milwaukee have incompetant owners and very bad luck. Minn, TB, Florida, Oakland, and a bankrupt Texas organization can win occassionally. All money does for teams like the Yanks and Red Sox is make sure they are always competitive
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Feb 19, 2003
Las Vegas,NV
you're payroll guarantees you the playoffs....or have you been asleep for the last 15 years.

over 162 games, payroll wins out

in a 5 or 7 game series vs one of the 4 best doesnt matter

if you dont think spending 5x-10x as much as other teams, you've got your head in the sand

haven't the cubs and mets been spending forever too it's doing them alot of good

Buckwheat says it perfectly I totally agree very well said:mj06:


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Forum Member
Aug 13, 2009
Thanks. I live in Pittsburgh area. The owners place winning 2nd to making money. Fans still go to games and the Nuttings make a couple million a year. Sure they can invest their money and make more elsewhere, but it's like a "toy" to them or antique car. Enjoy it for a few years and sell it for more than what you paid for it. No matter how bad a team, who wouldn't want to be a billionaire and go out 81 times a year to look out on the diamond and say that's "MY TEAM"? When it gets old to them or baseball gets tired of it and makes them sell, they'll move on and still be rich finacially and for having lived a dream we all have.


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Oct 31, 2006
Dude, the advantage the Yankees have over most teams is huge. Its not a level playing field and everyone other than Yankee fans understand it.

How on earth you guys have only won 1 title the last decade is amazing.

Its not that I disagree with the strategy. They should implement a salary cap. Its just that Yankee fans want to act like they are playing in a fair league. Its not fair.

Bigger Market = More Money = Better players including stealing the best player from a couple teams each year midway through the season. So Yanks have an all star team every year, make the playoffs, and then usually choke when they get up against a little talent.

Go home as usual, Yankees.
That is sooooo real.....Yankees fans think they deserve the right to be in the post season but try and do it like Tampa and others,actually develope talent instead of just buying an all star....Fuk U NY


Forum Member
Jul 19, 2002
Regarding Pittsburgh, it's a shame. Yes the owner in all reality only cares about making $. Pretty sad if you ask me, because at the end of the day these guys are billionaires anyways and if they weren't they wouldn't have bought the team in the first place. Trying to make a few million each year sounds nice to us, but that is peanuts to them. One would think most owners have an ego somewhat about them, look me owner, um why wouldn't you want to win then.

The Pirates are a AAA club at best, go check some of the results with the players they have had that left. Shit, a few years after Loaiza and Schmidt left they were the All Star game starters I think against each other. Great stadium, but until they get a guy like a Mark Cuban, which Baseball would never allow even though he is from Pittsburgh, they stand no chance. If somehow a few players have good years, they will trade them to rebuild anyways. Casey Stengal could manage this team and it wouldnt matter.

It is why football is great, every year each team thinks they have a chance, case in point nobody thought NO would win the SB last year. If you are fortunate to draft quality players, solid D and O fronts, managebale QB you have a chance.
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Registered User
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Feb 19, 2003
Las Vegas,NV
Here is part of an article I read on the salary cap in baseball it goes right along with Buckwheat's statements..........I posted it in another thread....

But these are the parts I like most...
"The point is that revenue-sharing dollars need to go toward improving those "wards of the state" franchises and not toward swelling the personal fortunes of David Glass or Jeff Loria. Total reinvestment must be a condition of receiving even one dollar from the Yankees, Red Sox, Angels and other high-revenue teams. Those steps in tandem with the "soft" cap already in place (that would be the luxury-tax system) is all baseball needs.

So unless you're partial to transferring wealth from millionaires (the players) to billionaires (the owners), hard caps should have no appeal to you. That's about all that caps accomplish. Those mewling for baseball to make such wholesale changes -- and thereby risk the labor peace that's been in place since 1995 ? need to be reminded of this fact at every turn."

....And for all you yankee haters check this out on you' hillarious my stomach was hurtin I laughed so hard!