The only reason the Giants won........

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Aug 13, 2009
Football and basketball have more repeat winners than baseball. I don't care to look up the stats, but except for the Yankees' late 90's run, there are few repeat winners and for the most part participants every year. Football has been dominated by INDY, NE, and PITT for the past 8-10 years as far as dominant teams, as much as the Yankees have in baseball. I don't even have to go into basketball's mini dynasties.
I actually feel that each sports benefits by the big market teams winning but not necessarily winning chanpionships every year, just as college football is better served by a successful Notre Dame program at 10-2 or better.
Also Pro Football has a tremendous advantage over the other sports with a small schedule of games. Every game is an "event". Win your home games and split your away's with a hot QB or defense and suddenly you are in the playoff's. 8-15 game winning streaks in the other 3 sports don't even guarantee you a .500 season. Just my opinion, I could be wrong.
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