The party of Hate


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"Please explain to me why John Kerry sounds more dickish telling the truth than Bush sounds when he's lying. How is that possible?"
—Jon Stewart

"Lot of people wondering if John Kerry supports gay marriages. Here's a hint ... he gets $1,000 haircuts."
—Craig Kilborn

"Please, John Kerry, stop rolling up your sleeves like you're about to man a register at Costco. You're a Boston Brahmin who married not one, but two eccentric heiresses. You're not Joe Sixpack; you're Claus Von Bulow."
–Bill Maher

Master Capper

Forum Member
Jan 12, 2002
Dunedin, Florida
Puzzled President

Cheney gets a call from his "boss", W.

"I've got a problem," says W.

"What's the matter?" asks Cheney.

"Well, you told me to keep busy in the Oval Office, so, I got a jigsaw puzzle, but it's too hard. None of the pieces fit together and I can't find any edges."

"What's it a picture of?" asks Cheney.

"A big rooster," replies W.

"All right," sighs Cheney, "I'll come over and have a look."

So he leaves his office and heads over to the Oval Office. W points at the jigsaw on his desk.

Cheney looks at the desk and then turns to W and says, "For crying out loud, Georgie - put the corn flakes back in the box."


Yeah God is on the Republican's side but not the God that I believe in, he would not support the criminal corruption and lies that have been uttered by the whold cast of clowns! If you have not seen what they are doing then you are myopic, by invoking the name of god they are able to pillage and steal until their hearts are content and when they are called on what they are doing they usually either invoke god or call someone unpatriotic. Personally, I believe that religion and politics should be divided and not used to try to divide people as this administration has done, most ancient great societies were eventually brought down to ashes by division's in religion and in wealth!

Dogs That Bark:
What are they running on then? What did they do in the last three years other than 9/11? Surely, they cannot run on education as it's a mess, nor Iraq as we can see was a misguided and very piss poor invasion! Well that leaves the economy and in my state we have seen close to 200k jobs leave in the manufacturing industry and yes new jobs are being created but the trade off in the income per hour between the new and old jobs has been figured at a $7.00 per hour loss. So all I can see what they can run on is terror, fear and mudsligning!


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Mar 14, 2001
gardenweasel said: was meant as a a harmless,non-hateful little jab.....i couldn`t resist.....

no malice intended,bud....

Oh I know... I knew I'd set myself up... I would've been disappointed is someone hadn't called me on that. :)


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Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
asked several days ago in a different thread, what exactly gw has accomplished, not many answers. Great address he gave Monday, awesome. Why not call Congress back since this is so important & implement the 9-11 Commission conclusions. Gw, ah ah ah ah, we'll get it done. Ya no doubt just prior to election day.

Dtb, there were several idiots in Boston burning flags etc. etc., I ran a few over LoL:) the police force was overwhelming and gigantic, anybody who was going to act out truly had a death wish. Police were well prepared & did a fantastic job.

Bibby- Democrat Party, party of hate? Can't imagine why you were warned already with only 8 posts, with such logic spilling from your mouth. Welcome none the less:)


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Jul 22, 2004
Parts unknown
President Bush has restored faith in the presidency, destroyed evil in the world and has brought God into the White House. He will protect innocent babies while permitting the states to terminate the lives of the evildoers of this country. He will bring us back to a more peaceful and pleasant time. He will make sure that men and women are the only ones permitted to marry the way God and nature intended it. We are the leaders of the world and by our example we will convert the heathens and infidels to Christianity. The citizens of the USA are God's chosen people and we must lead the rest of the world to salvation. Kerry kills babies, is immoral, will be soft on criminals, lied about his war record, marries women for their money, is Catholic, turned on his fellow soldiers after the war, will restore the welfare system, will tax us to death, will allow lawyers to file lawsuits and cause doctors to quit practicing medicine, will allow minorities to take over this country, wll allow more 9-11s, and will be a horrible president. He will take us back to the days of Clinton and his blow jobs. Its disgusting. Bush must win. Bush must win. Bush must win. Bush must win. God bless America.



Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
gardenweasel said:
after awhile,the name calling just slides off your back...and there`s much less of it since eddie haskell left for the olympics(he`s a gymnast).....


Eddie=Athletic supporter ;142loser:

:142smilie :142smilie :142smilie


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
1st a couple things they did I don't like is expanded medicre which is a continuing escalating cost---I didn't and don't like theirs or anyones to date solutions are lack there of on immigartion probs--ie boths sides sucking up trying to garner hispanic vote.

Things I do like
Their war against terror including invading Iraq.

I like the no child left behind though I understand some of the funding has been lacking but it puts responsibilty on the educators.

I like the tax cut and I am not in upper class bracket.

Economy They had chart in "believe it or not NY Times yesterday" that showed economy in almost a dead heat with the time period when he took office. Considering he inheirited a recession-9-11 and to wars it is unbelievable to me the economy is where it is--but as I said before I do not credit recovery so much to this administration as I do to inflation and interest rates and resolve of big business--also the wars did benefit some sectors in recovery.

I also like this administration will to do what may be unpopular by many. I like someone finally going against litigation issues--I like stance on moral issues but do not think a constitutional amendment was in order. The states will take care of it themselves as Missouri just did.
If you believe in We The People I don't see how anyone can go along with these liberal judges making laws on social issues totally contadictory of the will of people in states they govern.

One of my biggest issues is people trying to change heritage of this country against the majority wishes--and for that reason alone
I could not vote for Kerry/Edwards being liberal bar members.


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Nov 4, 2000
EAE that god that was brought into the white house. Witch god was that? Please don't talk like you have nothing upstairs.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i.o.......i posted this before...and it was supposed to be a secret,but it turns out that eddie was kicked off the olympic team....

seems he attempted to mount a pommel horse against it`s will.... :cry: :grins:

now i hear that he`s in brazil hunting the dreaded and dangerous "3 toed sloth" animal that can actually move up to 7 feet in an hour...

it`s the "game' animal of choice for amputees and senior citizens....

i can just hear eddie`s guide..."c`mon grandpa,i think you`ve got him tree`d"..... edward doggedly stalking his prey with rifle strapped on his back....and his walker slashing through the brush and overgrowth like a hot knife through butter...

as much as i try to draw counselor out of his hole,it seems he`s gone underground...
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Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
Quoting Eddie's post...



How bout a warm Madjacks round of applause and show of appreciation for all that Tara and Kosar have done in putting together this anxiously anticipated mid-summer weekend on the eastern shore. I truly am looking forward to meeting all the wonderful young and eager minds who frequent this forum and who post, on a daily basis, mind you, such astute, insightful and otherwise awe-inspiring messages.

While I'm in a thankful mood, I also want to show my heart felt appreciation for Ctown, Blitz, Freezer, Dogs, EC, Fat & Sassy, Wilson, and the others too numerous to mention with this limited broadband space, who put their daily thoughts, wishes, desires, opinions and other nonsensical disjointed drivle on these pages, I thank thee. For without such nonsense, I would realize how insignificant and petty my life would be. Based upon you gentlemen, I realize that there is a basement far below the ground and life paths that I take. Thank you. Thank you.


Me thinks you defintely won't have a chance of him posting till after Saturday. If one goes thru the thread, one might be tempted to think he was jerking everyone's chain the whole time. Especially when he got a bit nastier towards the "end" of this thread. He may have been another one of those confident with himself behind the screen. Meeting the likes of Fletch may have been to much for this tough guy. :eek:wned:


The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
I've been reading about EAE, but I think this is the first actual post of his I have seen....and I have to say it was well worth the wait!!

Bush has destroyed terror. All for corporal punishment, yet any thought of abortion will send you on the direct escalator to hell.
God is now in the White House!!! :142lmao: :clap:

We are the leaders of the world and by our example we will convert the heathens and infidels to Christianity. The citizens of the USA are God's chosen people and we must lead the rest of the world to salvation.

And I'm positive that this would be the funniest thing I have EVER read....but I have a strange, scary feeling that he is serious!!!

Buckle up lads, I feel another Crusade is in order.

[Oh, that's right...The Church is trying to officially wipe the Crusades from the history books!]


The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
EAE said:
The citizens of the USA are God's chosen people and we must lead the rest of the world to salvation.

Just aslo mildly curious as to why this is?

I mean, god has been around for, well, EVER, and yet his 'chosen people' are a country that is 200 years old***, and routinely break at least 5 of the 10 commandments en mass .

Where's gw when I need him?....Would you rate this guy as an 'extremist'? ;)

*** With due respect to the people that lived there for 1000's of years before that.


Forum Member
Jul 22, 2004
Parts unknown
Listen Mr. Christo: Although you have Christ in your name you certainly do not have him in your heart. The reason we are the chosen people is because Christ chose us to lead the world and to convert everyone to Christianity. The chosen people originally started with the Jews but they turned on God when they participated in the death of Christ. So you see the chosen people does go into antiquitey. Bush is working on destroying terror. Much more than Kerry would. In fact he would help terrorists destroy more buildings. He would make it easier for terrorists to come into this country. Recently on was on a plane and a Muslim was on the plane. You could tell most of the people on the plane were nervous that this jerk was there. I was thinking he was going to fly the plane into the terminal tower when we were landing. I'm not going to be politically correct anymore as that plays into the hands of the terrorists. We must profile these people. There motives are suspect.



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Mar 14, 2001
Unlike the true centrists/moderates here like Kosar and the now-gone Eddie Haskell, I am a full-scale lefty. (It's amazing how simply disagreeing with a war decision and not liking the current Republican president can get someone branded a hard-core liberal, regardless of how they feel about any other issues like those two guys.)

Anyway, despite being a "liberal", I actually completely support racial profiling at airports. As I've said here before, my best friend is of Indian descent, and while he's not even Muslim but rather a non-practicing Hindu, he obviously gets singled out for a lot of the "random" searches at airports. But he knows the deal, just like I know the deal, and it's understood. Neither of us have a problem with it. A necessary evil.

But regardless... EAE... you are one f*cked up dude... I suppose you think my brown-skinned friend shouldn't even be allowed to fly? You know, since you might be worried that he wanted "to fly the plane into the terminal tower when we were landing."


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Stevie As far as murdoch and fox leading charge----you obviously did notsee O'reilly on issue last night. He did a scathing report against the ad.

My view is if he ran his campaign since the start on this issue so he has opened it to scrutiny.

If he can prove any allegations completely false I suppose the is the libel and slander avenue.

I have my own assumptions but was not there---
However discounting all allegations by both sides one must consider the obvious.
Which event would reflect a persons true courage.
Volunteering as a Naval officer for Viet Nam against a country that has no airforce or navy or demanding to get out of dodge after 4 months via 3 scratches that he himself even referred to as "walking wounded"??


The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
EAE said:
. Recently on was on a plane and a Muslim was on the plane. You could tell most of the people on the plane were nervous that this jerk was there. I was thinking he was going to fly the plane into the terminal tower when we were landing. I'm not going to be politically correct anymore as that plays into the hands of the terrorists. We must profile these people. There motives are suspect.


You are absoutely ****ed up. And by far the most offensive person I've ever had the displeasure to be in contact with.

People like you and the "Muslin extremists" are one and the same.
Both full of hate and advocating violence to rid the world of an 'opposing' religion.

I reckon if the pilot knew someone like you was on-board he would have ditched the plane himself.

EDIT: ahem...back down off high horse. Nice job Ed. (In that pointless, but fairly amusing kinda way.) :cursin:
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