What the fuck is your problem Scott? Are you lije firehouse gay for me or something? I'm heterosexual, and not into dead fucking horses either, so why do you constantly have to talk shit about me? Find me one thread of yours or any thread for that matter, where I arbitrarily talk shit about you without provocation. Find me fucking one. You can't, so knock your fucking shit off.
You really have become a sniveling little cunt, or you always were, doesn't matter, but you just keep fucking up jaeks threads with your little pussy ass comments. Fucking sissy ass bullshit and I'm tired of it.
TREAT PEOPLE AS THEY TREAT YOU fuckhead, you ever heard that before? I don't fuck with you, ever. I don't care about you or your shitty fucking stories, so go fuck yourself. I'm glad your fucking horse is dead, prick. I hope you get mule kicked in the head so hard that you go into a coma and while you're being fed through a tube, the old nag gets knocked up by some jackass. Then when she births the slack jawed, mouth breathing retard, I hope that cock-eyed mother fucker knocks over a lantern and burns your fucking house down with you in it. Fucking idiot. All you had to do is treat me with the same respect i, up until now, treated you with. You're just not mature enough or mam enough to act like one. Fucking manc twat. Fuck i hope you get trampled to death soon.
Nice call on Green Bay too. You suck at handicapping almost as much as you do at being a man.
Hope this helps,