The truth about these cop killings!


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Forum Member
Dec 27, 2003
lubbock, Texas
I was shocked to see the truth written about how many white and black men have been killed since the first of the year. My brother who helps as a minister in Houston and gave a talk to his parish last week actually researched it for his talk and wrote me the other day and gave me the facts! He stated that the United states does not have a race problem, what it has is a media problem! The number of black men shot by cops since the first of the year was 128. The number of white men shot by cops since the first of the year, 225. I was shocked to see this as all we hear about is how bad it is for the African American men. But actually the media makes us all believe it is only the black men being shot out there. ONE person shot by a cop who does not deserve it is one too many! Black or white.



Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Ummmm, you realize that blacks only make up 13% of our population right? Whites make up a far greater percentile, so of course more whites are shot or incarcerated. The problem is you're 5 times more likely to be shot if you're black than if you're white.
The Ferguson police department was shut down and every single officer fired after Wilson murdered Michael Brown and covered it up due to the fact that more than 90% of all citations and arrests were of the black population or residents which once again was the minority of it'd citizenship.
Yes we have a media problem, tel your brother to quit believing it

Hope this helps,

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Forum Member
Apr 11, 2000
berlin md
I was shocked to see the truth written about how many white and black men have been killed since the first of the year. My brother who helps as a minister in Houston and gave a talk to his parish last week actually researched it for his talk and wrote me the other day and gave me the facts! He stated that the United states does not have a race problem, what it has is a media problem! The number of black men shot by cops since the first of the year was 128. The number of white men shot by cops since the first of the year, 225. I was shocked to see this as all we hear about is how bad it is for the African American men. But actually the media makes us all believe it is only the black men being shot out there. ONE person shot by a cop who does not deserve it is one too many! Black or white.


Media problem. It's always the medias fault now. How about your bother passing out info that isn't correct.

According to last census there are 160 million more where people then black people in this country.

White people make up 62% of the population but only 49% of cop killings.

Black people make up 13% of population but 24% of cop killings are black.

So basically you are 2.5 times more likely to be killed by cops then white people.

I hope your brother uses this information the next time he talks to his parish.


Jack's Mentor
Forum Member
Jan 18, 2000
Crustacean Nation
There are more than 2.5 million arrests each year in the US, looks like we're on pace for 700 deaths from shootings by cops......Looks like a damn small % of "law breakers" are getting killed by cops to me.......I bet that % going down even more if you're respectful and don't break the law....... I know I've never been shot at by a cop, go figure.......:0008


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
look make it K I S S

the Negroe population is always the ones filling up jails being aressted in higher % of thier race than all others

Yall do not live in a large city like i do pop 1.8 Million 15% is black I ahve been in other twons like upperdarby i'm so outnumbered by blacks there it's unreal

i saw 10 black people when crossing the street vs ME only white guy or person this was on thursday afternoon and every month i go there same exact numbers in stores on streets etc...

5 to 10 to one white folk and half the whites are white thugs and trashy looking welfare recipients

Glad i do not live in that town

JUST DEAL with it ok young blacks cause most problems teens thru to 30's

either doing drug runs on bikes PEDAL bikes selling to kids in schools because they are school age

and IF they get arressted they are out quick because they are minors lil bitty fines to the drug top thug

Then cops drive by same day and get the finger at them .....ask your local police any one about that fact

this is the word that causes most killings and crimes in the world D R U G S !!!!


I'm trite!
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2002
Liberal elite has ruined that society in exchange for staying in power. That's the only way they keep their power and money.
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Aug 16, 2002
are there stats about shooters ethnicity

i mean black/white cop shooting black/white person ?


Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
Ummmm, you realize that blacks only make up 13% of our population right? Whites make up a far greater percentile, so of course more whites are shot or incarcerated. The problem is you're 5 times more likely to be shot if you're black than if you're white.
The Ferguson police department was shut down and every single officer fired after Wilson murdered Michael Brown and covered it up due to the fact that more than 90% of all citations and arrests were of the black population or residents which once again was the minority of it'd citizenship.
Yes we have a media problem, tel your brother to quit believing it

Hope this helps,

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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa


Jack's Mentor
Forum Member
Jan 18, 2000
Crustacean Nation
Here are some articles containing the numbers and facts concerning the disparity of incarceration numbers. Some very telling and unfortunate truths about our social culture. I would urge you to read it.

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Curious FDC, do you think zero percent of these shootings were justified???


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
That is the most ridiculously presumptive editorial I've seen to date.

Several falsehoods presented as factors. Michael Brown was not a suspect in any robbery as the "robbery" this dolt uses the video for was never ever ever reported. Nor was a description of him ever released.
He refers to the Alton Sterling murder as an altercation between officers and states that he, Alton Sterling went for a weapon during the altercation, however there is absolutely zero physical evidence of that in the videos and several eyewitness reports contradicting that very same action which is being alleged by the police that shot him. Police are human too, they lie as well.
Philando Castile, he says police were on "high alert" due to a robbery. Not true, another embellishment of the facts by the ridiculously biased Crowder. The robbery and subsequent BOLO happened three days prior. Police receive several of these daily so being on high alert us again an embellishment used to sway the listener.
He uses a ridiculous clip from maniac cop or some shit to further distort the facts.
He equates a man being shot without reason to an officer being fired from his job.

Here's the deal, some of society is more than willing to accept things as fact if those "facts" are in keeping with their line of thought. However, facts are concrete and cannot be presumed or assumed true based only on police accounts and that is what always happens. The "facts" lie in the numbers. While some may see the death of a black man as deserved once the police that are responsible for his death purposely release his arrest record in order to sway public opinion against the deceased, most fail to recognize that those records and the identities of the victims are generally unknown to the potential murderers prior to their murder. (See how easy it is to change a word in order to seek a desired reaction).
Maybe you can tell me why the Ferguson police department was completely disbanded by the justice department due to rampant racist practices? Or why officer Wilson was allowed to leave the scene of a shooting in which he was the sole suspect, go to a police fraternity and shower, change clothes and then return to the scene and be the only officer to check in any and all evidence from the scene? Why was there no DNA from Michael Brown found anywhere near, or on killer Wilson's weapon, hand or holster if they fought over the weapon when Wilson stated that he "felt his fingers crawling around and over his trying to pull the trigger". Why does Wilson say he was in fear for his life yet when Brown flees after being shot, leaving Wilson in the safety of his squad car, he doesn't call for back up, radio that shots were fired, instead pursues Brown continuing to shoot. Why was Browns body 153' from the open door of the squad car yet Wilson's account that Brown was charging him accepted as factual?

Yeah, I'd say your boy crowder is incredibly misinformed and biased.

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Forum Member
Oct 22, 2012
I'm curious. Should we only arrest people according to the percentages of population, or should we arrest people because they are committing crimes? And if that means the numbers are skewed then what? Should we say we have the proper amount incarcerated and whenever we release one color we can arrest another one of the same color?
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