Man am I going to miss this view from my kitchen bay window! However I believe with all my mind, heart & soul that God's plan is perfect and He wants to be glorified in everything that happens in our lives whatever the situation may be. It was no circumstance that Tom and I planted a small seedling tree for Natasha when we bought this property over 20 years ago to grow big and strong to overshadow where we laid Leo to rest today. You see Leo was a surprise Christmas present for Natty from Santa when she was in the 4th grade. I always had a Christmas tradition that Natty and Teresa could pick three gifts from Santa just like the Three Wise Men brought three gifts for baby Jesus- the reason for Christmas. Never had limits on how big those gifts could be so here came Leo straight off the Santa sleigh into the pasture! It was magical as the story unfolded that Christmas morning kicking Tom out of the bed before the crack of dawn to trek down to the pasture and bring Leo up for Natty to see after they found the horse stuff in the living room. I knew they would come running in there Christmas morning before the sun came up looking to see what Santa had brought even if it was only three things. I will never forget this one- We had Shadow (our golden retriever puppy) sitting there with a santa hat on a horse bucket with brushes, halter, etc. next to him. Of course I suggested they go look outside to see if Santa left a horse in the pasture and when Natty opened the front door all you could hear because it was still a little dark out was clip clop clip clop as Tom came walking up the driveway with this beautiful bay gelding- we call Leo. The sun peeked through the trees about the same time and all we could see was this beauty! As the years have flown by Leo has brought more joy to more people (mostly kids) than I can mention. If you are reading this post you probably are one of those people! Leo lived a long 33 or more years in great spirits until a brain aneurysm took his life. There is beauty in the end because he knew he would need to be in his place under the tree and that's where we found him and that's where he lays in peace. God looked out for us in this situation just like He always does and I want to glorify Him for what He has done for us!!
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