The Weiner Circle - Chicago


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
1. Your default belief is that life is hard.

Happy people know life can be hard and tend to bounce through hard times with an attitude of curiosity versus victimhood. They take responsibility for how they got themselves into a mess, and focus on getting themselves out of it as soon as possible.

Perseverance towards problem-solving versus complaining over circumstances is a symptom of a happy person. Unhappy people see themselves as victims of life and stay stuck in the "look what happened to me" attitude versus finding a way through and out the other side.

2. You believe most people can't be trusted.

I won't argue that healthy discernment is important, but most happy people are trusting of their fellow man. They believe in the good in people, versus assuming everyone is out to get them. Generally open and friendly towards people they meet, happy people foster a sense of community around themselves and meet new people with an open heart.

Unhappy people are distrustful of most people they meet and assume that strangers can't be trusted. Unfortunately this behavior slowly starts to close the door on any connection outside of an inner-circle and thwarts all chances of meeting new friends.

3. You concentrate on what's wrong in this world versus what's right.

There's plenty wrong with this world, no arguments here, yet unhappy people turn a blind eye to what's actually right in this world and instead focus on what's wrong. You can spot them a mile away, they'll be the ones complaining and responding to any positive attributes of our world with "yeah but".

Happy people are aware of global issues, but balance their concern with also seeing what's right. I like to call this keeping both eyes open. Unhappy people tend to close one eye towards anything good in this world in fear they might be distracted from what's wrong. Happy people keep it in perspective. They know our world has problems and they also keep an eye on what's right.

4. You compare yourself to others and harbor jealousy.

Unhappy people believe someone else's good fortune steals from their own. They believe there's not enough goodness to go around and constantly compare yours against theirs. This leads to jealousy and resentment.

Happy people know that your good luck and circumstance are merely signs of what they too can aspire to achieve. Happy people believe they carry a unique blueprint that can't be duplicated or stolen from -- by anyone on the planet. They believe in unlimited possibilities and don't get bogged down by thinking one person's good fortune limits their possible outcome in life.

5. You strive to control your life.

There's a difference between control and striving to achieve our goals. Happy people take steps daily to achieve their goals, but realize in the end, there's very little control over what life throws their way.

Unhappy people tend to micromanage in effort to control all outcomes and fall apart in dramatic display when life throws a wrench in their plan. Happy people can be just as focused, yet still have the ability to go with the flow and not melt down when life delivers a curve-ball.

The key here is to be goal-oriented and focused, but allow room for letting sh*t happen without falling apart when the best laid plans go awry- because they will. Going with the flow is what happy people have as plan B.

6 You consider your future with worry and fear.

There's only so much rent space between your ears. Unhappy people fill their thoughts with what could go wrong versus what might go right.

Happy people take on a healthy dose of delusion and allow themselves to daydream about what they'd like to have life unfold for them. Unhappy people fill that head space with constant worry and fear.

Happy people experience fear and worry, but make an important distinction between feeling it and living it. When fear or worry crosses a happy person's mind, they'll ask themselves if there's an action they can be taken to prevent their fear or worry from happening (there's responsibility again) and they take it. If not, they realize they're spinning in fear and they lay it down.

7. You fill your conversations with gossip and complaints.

Unhappy people like to live in the past. What's happened to them and life's hardships are their conversation of choice. When they run out of things to say, they'll turn to other people's lives and gossip.

Happy people live in the now and dream about the future. You can feel their positive vibe from across the room. They're excited about something they're working on, grateful for what they have and dreaming about the possibilities of life.

Obviously none of us are perfect. We're all going to swim in negative waters once in a while, but what matters is how long we stay there and how quickly we work to get ourselves out. Practicing positive habits daily is what sets happy people apart from unhappy people, not doing everything perfectly.

Walk, fall down, get back up again, repeat. It's in the getting back up again where all the difference resides.

Read Yahoo today, huh?


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


seriously you should get one of these

it would be the only thing in the world that could tolerate your dumb ass


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane

just ride the broom Pooner

even at that age on the front of the broom you had on the half white socks.

the female kind


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
when this fucking thread hits 75,000 the one who makes that post gets a prize

not sure what it is but believe me its something to behold

bbc, yyz, whinerguy, poon, bleeder are not allowed to participate as it may
put their amateur careers in grave danger.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
BBC .......... ..........2........ 0-3 (15-18)

Bleedingpurple ......-2.........0-3 (15- 18)

at least your in good company

your hell in contests :142smilie

I couldn't buy to the ML?

I think 2 years ago BBC won the 1Vice NCAA contest and who was that who took runner up? Lost it to him on a tie breaker. We support the site. We all know why you won't join.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
when this fucking thread hits 75,000 the one who makes that post gets a prize

not sure what it is but believe me its something to behold

bbc, yyz, whinerguy, poon, bleeder are not allowed to participate as it may
put their amateur careers in grave danger.

Hey, Magoo........That's how many times this piece of shit has been opened by you, NOT how many posts it has.

Dumb fuck.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
when this fucking thread hits 75,000 the one who makes that post gets a prize not sure what it is but believe me its something to behold bbc, yyz, whinerguy, poon, bleeder are not allowed to participate as it may put their amateur careers in grave danger.

I don't know why you are mad at me? I'm just stating the obvious. I think most would agree that you are being owned by BBC and Poon in this thread. For one you shouldn't rip people's contest results when you won't play in them yourself. If we were in a ml contest or a 4-8 point buy contest we could boast incredible numbers


Forum Member
Oct 23, 1999
Wow, this is still a thing? What a waste of time and energy. Why not a walk with a loved one or using this time to read. There is absolutely nothing positive in this thread. I'm only pointing this out because after a 123 pages of stupidity, no one seems to get life is passing them by. I really hope in a few months when I check back in on a whim this "thing" has died. Don't be delusional. There is not an ounce of respect or shuts given to anyone keeping this shit ship afloat.

Carry on lost souls....


Go Pokes!
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2003
Wow, this is still a thing? What a waste of time and energy. Why not a walk with a loved one or using this time to read. There is absolutely nothing positive in this thread. I'm only pointing this out because after a 123 pages of stupidity, no one seems to get life is passing them by. I really hope in a few months when I check back in on a whim this "thing" has died. Don't be delusional. There is not an ounce of respect or shuts given to anyone keeping this shit ship afloat.

Carry on lost souls....

I would not count on it Woodson.



Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
Wow, this is still a thing? What a waste of time and energy. Why not a walk with a loved one or using this time to read. There is absolutely nothing positive in this thread. I'm only pointing this out because after a 123 pages of stupidity, no one seems to get life is passing them by. I really hope in a few months when I check back in on a whim this "thing" has died. Don't be delusional. There is not an ounce of respect or shuts given to anyone keeping this shit ship afloat. Carry on lost souls....

I have a lot of downtime at work


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
Wow, this is still a thing? What a waste of time and energy. Why not a walk with a loved one or using this time to read. There is absolutely nothing positive in this thread. I'm only pointing this out because after a 123 pages of stupidity, no one seems to get life is passing them by. I really hope in a few months when I check back in on a whim this "thing" has died. Don't be delusional. There is not an ounce of respect or shuts given to anyone keeping this shit ship afloat.

Carry on lost souls....

Have your never had a vision come to an actuality? Knowing that something is dead on true and seeing it come to fruition? This thread is the eventuality of a potential that I knew to be certain and its played out perfectly. I have no intention of letting this thread die.


Forum Member
Oct 23, 1999
Have your never had a vision come to an actuality? Knowing that something is dead on true and seeing it come to fruition? This thread is the eventuality of a potential that I knew to be certain and its played out perfectly. I have no intention of letting this thread die.
Only because my phone said it was you am I responding with a belly laugh walking the aisles of Target.

Well played.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
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