. End of conversation. And you wonder why non-partisan studies like the Pew Foundation's have concluded that the mainstream media has an obvious bias toward George W. Bush during this campaign? Shenkman was right about one thing, though, "It sure doesn't look good." As a point of comparison, "Kerrey, a Nebraska Democrat who won the Medal of Honor for his service in Vietnam, expressed disgust yesterday at evidence that George W. Bush sidestepped National Guard duty for months in 1972 and 1973, a lapse that Kerrey said amounts to Bush being AWOL - absent without leave. [Kerry,] who won the nation's highest award for heroism as a Navy SEAL in a 1969 action that cost him part of his right leg, said he is amazed that Bush's military service has escaped any real scrutiny....Referring to Bush's attacks on Gore's character, Kerrey said the Texas governor has a moral obligation of his own to search his conscience and answer questions about where he was when he was supposed to be attending National Guard training. ''For someone who wants to be commander in chief, this stinks,'' Kerrey declared. 'I can understand if he forgot a weekend. But 18 months?'...'It upsets me,' Kerrey said in an interview reported by the Boston Globe , 'when someone says, `Vote for me, I was in the military,' when in fact he got into the military in order to avoid serving in the military, to avoid service that might have taken him into the war. And then he didn't even show up for duty.''' --Politex,