This is Frightning


The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
The bulk of these were the enemy--does that make any diff.
So far deaths in Afgan and Iraq combined going on 2 years of fighting is 1/3 those killed here in one day.

I've heard of spin but when we decimate the enemy and you include them in #'s I can let it slide once but not twice--your honor.

What ENEMY???
The ONLY reason the Iraqi's are 'enemies' is becasause we went in and made them enemies!!!

Sorry, I guess every guy with a bushy beard who believes something different than you is an enemy, right??

Yep. There was a hell of a lot of people killed on one horrible day....But how can you possibly link 25,000 Iraqi civilains to that??...Damn, how can you even link the Iraqi military to that????

Oh, that's right, they are evil because we had a SNEAKING suspicion that they MAY have been THINKING about launching a WMD SOMETIME in the future.

So to stop them MAYBE attacking us one day, we decided to burst in there and kill a heap of people...Just in case!!

Imagine the irony of now North Korea sending off a couple a missiles America's way because they think they might be next?!!
Same logic.....Although logic seems to be a very rarely used word in any of this.
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i hate to be put in the position of defending the iraqi invasion...but,there is rationale for doing SOMETHING.....knowing now that the u.n. is corrupt and useless....

try the guy that has murdered innumerable amonts of iraqi`s....and was a ruthless tyrant...that has...

invaded neighboring countries....

paid suicide bombers...

the guy that gassed his own people...

destroyed kuwaiti oil fields and created an environmental disaster of epic proportions...that`s still being cleaned up...

the guy that,with french and german help was building his own nuclear reactor until,thankfully,the israeli`s bombed it out of existence....before it went hot....doing the world and the iraqi people a huge favor...

and don`t put the "wmd" issue to bed yet...thanks to the u.n. running interference for saddam for several years prior to the war,he had plenty of time to hide or move any weapons....

the guy DID have chemical and biological weapons that saddam could not account for to the u.n...and,as i said, tried to build a nuclear reactor....another country that doesn`t need nuclear power for anything other than the making of weapons.....

the guy that may have lobbed nukes into israel instead of poorly guided scuds during his extraction from kuwait...if he`d had the capability...possibly causing ww3....

and if saddam ever produced weapons,you realize that the whole equation changes....ala n.korea....

n. korea has the rest of the world by the balls.....that is as long as we are interested in having s.korea and japan around...

and now,the u.n. sits by while iran muscles up.....another country with unlimited oil and no real use for nuclear power....a country with unquestioned terrorist ties......we`ll get no assistance from europe or the u.n. on this issue,either....

it`s as though europe and the u.n. could care less if maniacs get their hands on nuclear weapons...

mr christo,we`ve been down this road before....the aussie people(at least many of them and their government) are our allies and friends...

but,you are not squarely in the cross hairs of the radical fundamentalists....

certianly not like the u.s. and israel...

just yesterday,as i said, a known muslim radical affiliated with hammas was caught on the chesapeake bay bridge filming bridge stanchions and cables .....with his wife and daughters...

but,what`s wrong with filming bridges? that against the law?..that`s what the lawyer`s are saying.....i`m sure that`s your take,also....

an hour from my residence...not a pleasant i use that bridge on do friends and family...

after being detained and released,the daughters made a lot of bogus claims about how they were mistreated.....

very shrewd they are..

luckily,the entire situation was taped and the tapes were released to the media....showing the little bitches to be lying through their burka`s

stay nice and safe down under,bucko...

you never know when the muzzle may be pointed in your direction....

luckily for you,it would have to be a very long rifle...
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The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
Bucko?? :D

You're right gw, I can't put myelf in your shoes...Exactly the same way you can't put yourself in an innocent Iraqi's shoes...Yet you (and others) constantly feel the urge to speak and act for them. Tell them how they should be feeling.

Again, I say, you feel it is justified destroying a country and 25,000+ lives on the SMALLEST CHANCE someone may blow up a bridge you may be on.

I understand you being on edge, but at least you aren't dodging bullets EVERY DAY!!

And again, I state that Australians HAVE been targetted....250+ killed in Bali in 2002.

Bucko?...Could have at least been Rocko!! (The rock wallaby??...Classic cartoon!) ;)


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
What ENEMY???
The ONLY reason the Iraqi's are 'enemies' is becasause we went in and made them enemies!!!
yep we made them shoot at our planes in no fly zone--we made them not let inspectors in--we forced Saddam to kill 100'000 plus-we forced them to tell U.N to kiss their ass on resolutions

and who has killed more civilians --the U.S. or their own people--who destroys the infrastructer as we build it.


The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
yep we made them shoot at our planes in no fly zone--we made them not let inspectors in--we forced Saddam to kill 100'000 plus-we forced them to tell U.N to kiss their ass on resolutions

and who has killed more civilians --the U.S. or their own people--who destroys the infrastructer as we build it.

Saddam was a monster. No question. Yet for the 100th time I say to you you 'conservatives' why the war again? all have different reasons for when/whatever suits!!
Disobeying the UN?
Links to terrorists?
Hiding WMD?
To liberate the Iraqi people?
I don't know anymore.....It sems the reason for the war changes every day??

The easy answer to that is why not mid-Africa??..Pretty sure they are just as repressed?

No fly zone??...Oh, Iraq ignored the UN??? Really???....But it's absolutely FINE for the US (and Australia!!) to ignore the UN on any charters that they feel don't suit us!! Kioto ring a bell??

In its first U.N. veto since 1997, the United States heeded a call from Israel and killed a resolution backing a U.N. observer force to help protect Palestinians. (in 2001)
Huh??...Seems Bush has no problems with ignoring the UN??

Did you know that:

Between 1948 and the 1967 war, there were six UN resolutions condemning Israel for its raids on its neighbours Gaza, Jordan and Syria which recommended that Israel suspend its "no man's zone in Jerusalem"; and urging compliance with UN resolutions?

Did you also know that:

In the period between the 1967 war and the year 2000, the UN Security Council has passed 138 resolutions relating to the Israel/Palestine conflict, all of which have been ignored including the following:

* On June 14, 1967, the Security Council called upon Israel to "ensure the safety, welfare and security of the inhabitants, facilitate the return of those inhabitants who have fled the areas since the outbreak of the hostilities and recommends the scrupulous respect of the humanitarian principles contained in the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949" (Resolution No. 237).

* On November 22, 1967, Resolution 242 referred to the "inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war" and called for the "withdrawal of Israeli forces from territories occupied in the conflict...."

* On May 21, 1968, Resolution 252 called on Israel to rescind measures changing the legal status of Jerusalem and to end its expropriation of land and properties.

* On March 22, 1979, the Security Council adopted Resolution No. 446, which stated that the policy of establishing Zionist settlements in the Occupied Territories had "no legal validity" and called on Israel "to desist from taking any action which would result in changing the legal status and geographical nature and materially affecting the demographic composition of the Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem, and in particular, not to transfer parts of its own civilian population into the occupied Arab territories."

Did you also know that:

Fourteen resolutions have criticised Israel for defying UN resolutions?

Four resolutions have accused Israel of violating the UN Charter?

Seven have reprimanded, warned or criticised Israel for its deportations of Palestinian civilians?

A further 19 resolutions have accused Israel of violating the terms of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which deals with the protection of civilians in war and under occupation?

Did you also know that:

Even this underestimates the true scale of Israel's defiance of the UN, since the chief backers of the Zionist state, the US and Britain, have regularly used their power to veto Security Council draft resolutions. In total, the US had blocked more than 35 draft Security Council resolutions on Israel?

Come to me about Iraq ignoring the UN???

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Mr. C.

There are a lot of monsters in the world (some right here in my home country). The party of evil will pick and chose its enemies for political and economic reasons to benefit whom they really represent..............corporate america.

The rationale for the war doesn't matter. Believe me if they found one 12 ounce can of mustard gas, they would be jumping up and down telling us how they were right. I think the republicans figured out that they don't need to rationalize why they do things and/or they continue to supply a reason du jure for this bully tactic which costs the lives of 25,000 + people.

This country is run be corporate america in conjuction with the christian right. It is amazing how self rightous these mentally challenged people are. Just several days ago the head of the Hamilton County delegation to the Republican convention and my home county illustrious prosecutor from the ultra conservative west side of Cincinnati flew back from New York to hold a press conference wherein he admitted a 3 1/2 year affair with an assistant prosecutor calling it "the greatest mistake of my life."

Funny that this ultra conservative right winger kept on making the greatest mistake of his life for 3 1/2 years. This political minion who had hopes for state offices went to Elder High School (Catholic) has 2 teenage girls and a wife of many years. This wouldn't be much of a story except for the fact that he has been on a public crusade prosecuting priests for sexual molestation of boys, has publicly supported the republican partys position against gay marriages as a "...threat to the sanctity of marriage", and expressed outrage at Clintons bj.

Yet, this total scumbag won't resign, is running uncontested in November for reelection to the county prosecutors position and happens to come clean in his press conference the day before a civil sexual harrasment lawsuit was filed by the assistant prosecutor whom he was shtupping.

The unbelievable part of this story is the letters to the editor from the supporters of this clown. You get comments like let he who is without sin cast the first stone. This same writer was asking for Clintons head several years ago. I guess it depends on whose ox is being gored. This city is scary. The rebirth of the third reich is happening before my very eyes.

The real scary part of this is that Bush is going to win the election. What message does that send to the rest of the world. The right wingers here will say ..."don't mess with the good old USA." I believe this country is further along the path to its ultimate demise.

It's just that some (very few) will get rich while the USA implodes. Anyone who votes for Bush lacks intelligence and/or moral character. Your greed will be the undoing of this country.

Bush and Cheney, especially Cheney, should be indicted.



The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
hahaha!! Yep! Go figure, huh Ed??

Funny that this ultra conservative right winger kept on making the greatest mistake of his life for 3 1/2 years. This political minion who had hopes for state offices went to Elder High School (Catholic) has 2 teenage girls and a wife of many years. This wouldn't be much of a story except for the fact that he has been on a public crusade prosecuting priests for sexual molestation of boys, has publicly supported the republican partys position against gay marriages as a "...threat to the sanctity of marriage", and expressed outrage at Clintons bj.

Look, it cracks me up!! It really does! That these ultra-conservatives cannot see ANY irony in any of this!! It's painful to watch!! Seriously...It would be ****ing hilarious if they didn't take themselves SO ****ING SERIOUSLY!!!

Hey, the whole Christian (religious in general) ethic of 'WE' can do what we want, so long as we ask for forgiveness and all will be forgiven.....Yet, if someoneELSE does something 'wrong'...they are going straight on the express train to HELL!!! :lol: :lol:

All so funny it hurts!!

Sorry Chanman...didn't mean to ignore you....Yeah...One guy been trialled in Indonesia and sentenced to death. ....But tell me how is that different from our mate Bin Laden??
This guy was the 'mastermind'...and he sure wasn't acting alone.
Makes me wonder why our mate Bin is still out there planning/recruting after 3 years..while we make every excuse in the book to fight everyone else bar the problem.

It's like the (however many) guys you have locked up over there for planning 9/11. Everyone knows there were WELL down the line of command...and yet we don't seem to be going after anyone higher up!!!...Just making excuses the whole time!!


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
The biggest mistake was when we had the right excuse was 91 war with Iraq. We dropped the ball. Bush 41 screwed up.
He backed out because they said it was turning into a massacre. There were to many civilands dieing. But it's ok this time. Yes Israel and Iran need to be kept in check or the real-hell Will break lose. Iraq was not the problem.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i thought" bucko" was an aussie bad...

how about putting the most destabilizing influence in the middle east permanently to rest?...a guy with a track record of brutality,mass murder,torture,the pusuit of nuclear weapons for the destruction of israel and for the invasion of his neighbors.... a man who possesed and used biological and chemical weapons on his own people....

the middle east that is so crucial to "the world`s" economy and prosperity..and the most likely starting point to ww3...

your anti-israeli stance is,although politically correct and very chi-chi,very strange.....

check out a map of israel and the rest of the middle east.....looks funny doesn`t it?...what`s wrong with this picture?

where is all the help for the palestinians...that should be coming from all these oil rich muslim brother-nations?

they`d rather bitch about israel than do something constructive....

and there will never be peace...your radical muslim brothers will never allow a peaceful resolution...any moderate arab voice will be silenced...witness anwar sadat...

would it have been better for israel to not take out saddam`s reactor after he threatened many times to destroy them himself?.....would it have been better if they and the u.s. had followed europe`s lead and let saddam complete his he could wield the ultimate weapon when invading kuwait? he could bomb israel and start the ultimate holy war bringing all the muslim world in vs the west? he could bomb this "postage stamp sized nation" out of existence?...

do you think that would solve the terrorism problem?...if you do,you are dreaming...

how many times do you slap saddam on the wrist?....only to see him become a danger once again?....

should we roll over as the u.n. and europe want to do regarding iranian nuclear proliferation?....a nation with proven ties to terrorism?...

please respond to these questions...i respond to dodge mine...

i outlined only a handful of the atrocities....everyone in the world believed saddam had weapons..the dems believed it...and signed off on the war...why else was the u.n. wringing their hands for years over the issue?....maybe because saddam had chem. and bio. weapons that he refused to verify were destroyed....

and we now know that nothing would have ever been done....regardless of what he did or didn`t have...any substantive actions against saddam were going to be blocked by the europeans....

and we know the european`s track record..they prefer capitulation to drawing breath(the brit`s excluded)....

how many times in this world does the u.s. have to stand up to naziism,communism, religious fanaticism?.....while the rest of the world sits on their hands and bitches about us?

this scenario continues to repeat itself...over and over....yet the euro`s and the u.n. continue to stick their heads in the sand....

maybe because the france`s,germany`s and the netherlands seem to be on a path to being future muslim up on`s frightening...

where the hell is winston churchill when you need him?....

oh,that`s right...the europeans ignored him,too...
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
GW another thing thats is scary. Other then Muslim nations over taking other countries. Is. our first language here will be Spanish in another 25/30 years if we don't do something soon.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
"Disobeying the UN?
Links to terrorists?
Hiding WMD?
To liberate the Iraqi people?
I don't know anymore.....It sems the reason for the war changes every day??

Wouldn't say their changing --just adding to list of which you omitted 5 or 6 important ones.

As for as your bold print resolutions--appears we differ in that I would support Isreal over Palastine and Syria and evidently you don't--but then again you think Iraq can do no wrong either so I quess we are just on different sides of the fence--and no prob with that.


The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
No, no....Just a clarification, guys.

I'm not on an anti-Israel rant here at all....

...I was merely trying highlight that the US is also very guilty of disobeying/ignoring UN resolutions as well.

That's ok????...Yet people are saying we went into Iraq because they did the same thing.
Just seems all very hypocritical to me.

Oh, and gw....can you please stop telling me that I'm thinking these things for my 'image'??
There you go thinking for other people again ;)


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
mr have a wonderful image(although i don`t recall using that term regarding you).....and more importantly, a winning record in nfl pre-season..... :hail

what more can a fellow poster ask of you?..... :shrug:

i never had it so good........i`m happy as a clam... :yup

as far as telling other people how to think,i wouldn`t presume to do that....

just presenting my point of view...
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The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
My bad, gw.....I thought you were saying that I was presenting the anti-Israeli angle to LOOK "chi-chi' and politically correct.

That's what I get for skim reading posts late at night.

At my parent's house all the week, and apparently in some far flung reaches of the universe there is still only 56k dial-up internet!!
My god, this is so painful!!

Haha, from bucko to happy as a clam!...We're definately going to have to compile a Us/Aus phrase book here sometime! :D

Anyway...Just letting you know that I hadn't actually spat it and taken my bat and ball home (although, I have gone home! :thinking: )
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