It was bound to happen. I threw in a clunker. A 1-2 week and now with the end of the month looming this is a make or break week for my new profession.
Nfl season record. 21-9 (70%)
Looks like a some live doggies out there this week. The Question is how many are there? Sometimes you have to ask yourself what the oddsmakers are up to. Are they overreacting? Or are they "begging" you to take the wrong side with an over inflated line.
A few examples.
Washington plus 2. Redskins after laying a 52 spot on the 49ers travel in division and the Giants are not getting even the standard 3 point hfa? Both arguments could be made here that they are trying to draw people to the giants side as you don't even have to lay the field goal. Or that the Redskins are a powerhouse putting up 52 last week and you are getting 2!!!
With the invent and popularization of internet sportsbooks and everyone and their mother having accounts I think the line will lure Public money on the Skins in the "what did you do last week mentality" that NFl Wagering has become.
I'm on the Giants
Another example is the Pats minus 8.5 over the Bills. The Pats are one of the most wagered on teams in Football. More Square money goes on them than anyone except the Colts. The 8.5 does not scare off any Pats bettors who would lay to 10 imo but to me the 8.5 is very high and likely due to the fact the Bills got beat up by the raiders across country last week. Pure overeaction.
The pats should be 6.5 to 7 points favorite and I'd definitely take those points. You want to give me 8.5? Even better
Nfl season record. 21-9 (70%)
Looks like a some live doggies out there this week. The Question is how many are there? Sometimes you have to ask yourself what the oddsmakers are up to. Are they overreacting? Or are they "begging" you to take the wrong side with an over inflated line.
A few examples.
Washington plus 2. Redskins after laying a 52 spot on the 49ers travel in division and the Giants are not getting even the standard 3 point hfa? Both arguments could be made here that they are trying to draw people to the giants side as you don't even have to lay the field goal. Or that the Redskins are a powerhouse putting up 52 last week and you are getting 2!!!
With the invent and popularization of internet sportsbooks and everyone and their mother having accounts I think the line will lure Public money on the Skins in the "what did you do last week mentality" that NFl Wagering has become.
I'm on the Giants
Another example is the Pats minus 8.5 over the Bills. The Pats are one of the most wagered on teams in Football. More Square money goes on them than anyone except the Colts. The 8.5 does not scare off any Pats bettors who would lay to 10 imo but to me the 8.5 is very high and likely due to the fact the Bills got beat up by the raiders across country last week. Pure overeaction.
The pats should be 6.5 to 7 points favorite and I'd definitely take those points. You want to give me 8.5? Even better
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