dr. freeze said:
i "admitted" we werent going after?
when did i say this?
get a clue dude
finste....glad to see you got my point....this guy cant even recognize a dose of his own medicine...he continues to insert innuendo to my words.....unreal
Hahaha. You're just embarrassing yourself now, Freezer...But I'm sure you'll pick it up sooner rather than later.
(HINT: bjfinste was being serious, mate

In your second post in this thread you say how
you'd go about it....and then in your 3rd post you say, "Oh, no it's not!".??
Pray, tell, what IS going on then?...Al Quaeda isn't just in one place. It's as much a belief, a way of life as anything. $$
If everything is SO going to plan then could I be so bold as to ask why the Australian Embasy in Jakata was bombed yesterday?.....
...Which leads me to DTB's point.
Hit and Run tactics???...Gorilla Warfare? Not even going to be a smart arse here. It's what Bin Laden has 'preached' all along.
Is it working? You ****ing better believe it is....Training camps or not!!!
What the 'western alliance' is 'doing' now IS NOT WORKING!! It never has in the past, and it won't now....But, hey, don't worry, Freeze...you'll work that out next big attack on US soil. **
** (Not being callous..and certainly not wishing for such a thing...Just saying it's still very likely to happen....And as I've asked before, THEN WHAT??)
$$ Yes, so we all know it's an 'organisation'. But it's not is it.
btw...Great post, smurfy.....but you should know better than to drop the 'H' word here....It will get ignored in the most part