This is why we should have finished the Job in Afghanistan

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
how would you have"finished" the job?

have an all-out assault on 100,000 square miles of mountainous terrain?


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
The same warlords and opium growers that controlled that country before we came, still do. Hard to invade, hold , control and democracize a country with 10-15 thousand troops. Hard to do it with 135 thousand troops. But 10-15k is all we can spare with that ultra-important occupation of Iraq using up our whole military. The USSR couldn't control Afghanistan with 10x the number of troops that we have there (granted, the Taliban and Bin Laden got some help from us), so what makes us think that we can. It's sad that our presence there has been relegated to a token contingent.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
dr. freeze said:
how would you have"finished" the job?

have an all-out assault on 100,000 square miles of mountainous terrain?

If you don't think it's possible, then wtf are we doing there, in your opinion? We probably will never be able to turn Afghanistan into a democracy no matter how many troops we send, but we sure as hell could use more support to dig out Al-Queda cells and terrorists. (you *do* remember them, don't you?)

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
1. I woudl try to get a government to allow me to hunt for Al Quaeda using covert operations

2. If the governmetn does not allow me to do this, I attack the government.

3. I restore a new government which allows me to do this.

4. I hunt for Al Quaeda using covert operations

5. If old government returns, I again am forced to deal with them.

6. If someone says "their back" and gets their panties in a wad and wonders why we didn't "finish the job" I try to reason with them that this is not eating pie and ice cream.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Chit we need more B2's there they can look in caves. No we need more bradleys. Those junker cant hardly climb a hill let alone a mountain. No we need lots of heavy armed troops up there hunting for these bastard. But where are they in Iraq. Chit were looking the other way while the drug Lords are growing and shipping tons of chit to the streets of the USA. Great job Rummy and Bush.


The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
dr. freeze said:
1. I woudl try to get a government to allow me to hunt for Al Quaeda using covert operations

2. If the governmetn does not allow me to do this, I attack the government.

3. I restore a new government which allows me to do this.

4. I hunt for Al Quaeda using covert operations

5. If old government returns, I again am forced to deal with them.

6. If someone says "their back" and gets their panties in a wad and wonders why we didn't "finish the job" I try to reason with them that this is not eating pie and ice cream.

You are SURELY joking!!
You just don't get it do you??

FFS, 3. I restore a new government which allows me to do this. about speeding up the downward spiral.
How did this all start, Freeze?
Nearly EVERY Government in the region has been (at one point) controlled/backed by the US!!

how would you have"finished" the job? This then raises the obvious question.....How/why do you START a job if you have no idea how to finish it??

Realy think you should be in control of a shovel andnot a scalpal, because you really seem to like digging holes...and BIG ones!!

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
no that is how we deal with this....

Taliban wouldnt let us go in and take care of Al Quaeda so we went in and removed them

now we are searching for Al Quaead....DJV moving in thousands of troops is not a feasible option...i wish we could but terrain doesnt allow for to use covert operations and penetrate the network one by one....

thats how you finish the job....sooner or later we will flush him out...until then he is neutralized and terroist training camps are no longer in operation

obviosly you are not dealing with an attack on your country christo so until then, dont tell us how to defend ours....

taking a quick peak at history true peace does not can only hope to defeat your threats before they kill you....

sad but that is the truth...we dont live in a utopia as we all would wish...time to face Americans did on 9-11


The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
dr. freeze said:
obviosly you are not dealing with an attack on your country christo so until then, dont tell us how to defend ours....

taking a quick peak at history true peace does not can only hope to defeat your threats before they kill you....

sad but that is the truth...we dont live in a utopia as we all would wish...time to face Americans did on 9-11

Sorry Freeze, but that just shows your total lack of knowledge about ANYTHING outside the US (probably your backyard!).

2002: Over 200 Australians die in a night-club bombing in Bali.


Australia's Jakarta embassy hit by blast
September 9, 2004 - 2:34PM

A powerful explosion has occurred near the Australian embassy in Jakarta, wounding at least four people and damaging a high fence surrounding the diplomatic compound.

The source of the blast was not immediately known.

Four cars and the embassy's high metal fence were damaged. The windows on several surrounding buildings were smashed.

An Associated Press reporter on the scene said at least four people were wounded. A severed human leg was lying on Rasuna Said street.

Fact is, Freeze, we are just as much targets as your great, all-conquering, all-knowing, all-righteous country.

Kill others before they get to you? You do sound like the kind of person who'd shoot a defenseless black guy in an alley because you assumed he would mug you.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
MrChristo said:
Fact is, Freeze, we are just as much targets as your great, all-conquering, all-knowing, all-righteous country.

Kill others before they get to you? You do sound like the kind of person who'd shoot a defenseless black guy in an alley because you assumed he would mug you.

well we are fighting our can stay out of it if you want....if you want to start to fight your war, you can count on good ol' USA to cover your ass cuz we will be there......cuz you see we like people who have freedom no matter what their political view of us is

nice personal shot genius...obviously i was referring to Al Quaeda and telling you that we are going to kill them before they kill us....just like a liberal elitist to spin and twist every word out of my mouth

take your racial cards and play that game in Australia....speaking of racial cards....why did you assume your imagined homeless guy is black? are you a racist?

take that to your politically correct secular humanist marxist psychobabble professor AKA fortune teller and see if your insinuation here may represent some kind of "countertransference"


The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
dr. freeze said:
cuz you see we like people who have freedom no matter what their political view of us is

erm, except I guess the Iraqi people, and a hell of a lot of Muslims around the world??

dr. freeze said:
take your racial cards and play that game in Australia....speaking of racial cards....why did you assume your imagined homeless guy is black? are you a racist?
Where did I mention the word "homeless"?? Are you illiterate?

obviously i was referring to Al Quaeda and telling you that we are going to kill them before they kill us

Oh, yeah. This IS the SAME Al Quaeda that about 4 posts ago you admitted we haven't even gone after, right??


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 14, 2001
Looks like Freeze was the only one that imagined that the black guy was homeless.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
....cuz you see we like people who have freedom no matter what their political view of us is

Saudi Arabia: far from free, yet we love them with our dollars. Can't get enough of that oil and we overlook countless human rights violations and the fact that they gave birth to nearly all 9-11 terrorists.

France: Free, but our friends at FOX talk about boycotting them because they used their freedom to vocally oppose our Iraq invasion.

this is the sort of hypocracy we must get over in this country


Forum Member
smurphy said:
Saudi Arabia: far from free, yet we love them with our dollars. Can't get enough of that oil and we overlook countless human rights violations and the fact that they gave birth to nearly all 9-11 terrorists.

France: Free, but our friends at FOX talk about boycotting them because they used their freedom to vocally oppose our Iraq invasion.

this is the sort of hypocracy we must get over in this country

Agreed Smurph, but I never see that happening.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
"Taliban is regrouping and these Fcukers are still screwing with us."

You can't be serious, I certainly don't consider hit and run tactics regrouping--and especially in light of Afgan border now being taken away and them getting drubbed there daily by new ally Pakistan I would say their shit is pretty weak right now.

Surely your not suggesting that you agree we are the ones hiding in trenches.If so you evidently believed Bagdad Bob when he was reporting no U.S. penetration in Bagdad and you could see tanks in backround.

I think Afgan picture is fine unless you have probs with womens and children new found freedoms and free elections.

The probs I see is more money and work could be done on reconsruction of Afgan and the drug lords are a no win situation.
We can't say we condone drugs but you can't take the only lively hood the rural population has without reprecussions--its one time only vialble option appears to straddle the fence eg condem it but do little about it--for now

When I 1st heard the tape I thought it was big mistake on his part making such wild exaggerations when the arab world can see on their news media of "them" being chased and in hiding. I thought it had to hurt his credabilty--however after viewing this thread and seeing non arabs taking it at face value --I am not so sure anymore.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
MrChristo said:
erm, except I guess the Iraqi people, and a hell of a lot of Muslims around the world??

Where did I mention the word "homeless"?? Are you illiterate?

obviously i was referring to Al Quaeda and telling you that we are going to kill them before they kill us

Oh, yeah. This IS the SAME Al Quaeda that about 4 posts ago you admitted we haven't even gone after, right??

i "admitted" we werent going after?

when did i say this?

get a clue dude

finste....glad to see you got my point....this guy cant even recognize a dose of his own medicine...he continues to insert innuendo to my words.....unreal


The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
dr. freeze said:
i "admitted" we werent going after?

when did i say this?

get a clue dude

finste....glad to see you got my point....this guy cant even recognize a dose of his own medicine...he continues to insert innuendo to my words.....unreal

Hahaha. You're just embarrassing yourself now, Freezer...But I'm sure you'll pick it up sooner rather than later.
(HINT: bjfinste was being serious, mate ;))

In your second post in this thread you say how you'd go about it....and then in your 3rd post you say, "Oh, no it's not!".??
Pray, tell, what IS going on then?...Al Quaeda isn't just in one place. It's as much a belief, a way of life as anything. $$
If everything is SO going to plan then could I be so bold as to ask why the Australian Embasy in Jakata was bombed yesterday?.....
...Which leads me to DTB's point.
Hit and Run tactics???...Gorilla Warfare? Not even going to be a smart arse here. It's what Bin Laden has 'preached' all along.
Is it working? You ****ing better believe it is....Training camps or not!!!

What the 'western alliance' is 'doing' now IS NOT WORKING!! It never has in the past, and it won't now....But, hey, don't worry,'ll work that out next big attack on US soil. **

** (Not being callous..and certainly not wishing for such a thing...Just saying it's still very likely to happen....And as I've asked before, THEN WHAT??)

$$ Yes, so we all know it's an 'organisation'. But it's not is it.

btw...Great post, smurfy.....but you should know better than to drop the 'H' word here....It will get ignored in the most part ;)
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