Ah, you're talking about Dr. Melgen, opthamologist in Florida.
He claims to have 150 employees. If so, then that's $140K per employee.
He also treats lots of Glaucoma patient with Lucentis, which costs $2000/dose, one dose per month, per eye. That's $48K per patient year. If he has just 100 patients, that's $4.8 million for the meds. You could whine to Genentec about the price.
Does he mark up the wholesale cost? Sure he does, by the 3% Medicare allows, not as much as the mechanic who repairs your car, or the electrician who rewires your house marks up supplies and parts.
$21 million sounds like a lot, but Melgen has been investigated before, and was found to be in compliance with Medicare rules.
In the meantime you, Limbaugh and the Fox News assholes whine that doctors will quit rather than accept Medicare are payment rates. Assholes, yep. You, Limbaugh and Fox Newz.
Simple capitalism at work. Melgen works it better than you do. Jealous?
Or maybe you're whining about his $700K political contribution? Tsk, tsk. You can thank the Supreme court, well, five of them, for deciding that political contributions can be unlimited.:mj16:
Poor ssd: