so just his intolerance bothers you then, not others?
Aren't you being intolerant about it? Does he not have the same civil liberties and rights as you? Is he not allowed to express his opinion if it doesn't agree with yours? That is all I am saying. You don't have to like it but not liking the way someone talks doesn't give you "more rights" and it certainly doesn't make you correct in publicly chastising him. Your moral make up doesn't have to match his. You know I dig the hell out of you bro, but you are dead wrong here. You aren't judge, jury, or executioner of the social compass.
The point is that you don't have to agree with him and you can tell him so if you want but calling him a piece of shit or whatever all the time is fucked up. Leave the fucking guy be. I have seen the post "so we should just let bigotry or racism go unchecked?" or something of that nature. Yes, you should. He is posting on a fucking web bulletin board for fucks sake, he didn't hang a guy from a tree. He is allowed to not like black people, fuck most white people don't like black people. They just lie about it and say they have lots of black friends but they still look from side to side before they spit out the word nigger. If you have lots of black friends, real friends, then you wouldn't have to look around the room to say something that my friends say every day. Black and white alike. Chappelle says it all the time and white people all laugh yet are scared to death to say it because they don't know how their "black friends" will react. I know how my friends are going to react to anything I say and it never occurs to me to watch what I say because their is no malice in anything I say. So I guess the question is simple, who died and made you guys boss. Yes, you should leave people to enjoy their own lives and opinions. Like Trampled Underfoot so eloquently stated,
To each their own, and he is absolutely correct. Too bad he doesn't believe it for a second.
To my point, I have not thought for one second that this conversation would in any way detract from our friendship as I am sure you will know that people can disagree on things and still be friends and nice to each other.
Hope this helps,
I am pretty sure racism is widely unacceptable in society. That fat retard can believe whatever he wants but why should it be forced on everyone else on a god damn handicapping website of all places?
You say stuff about it just being a message board but did you not hound the shit out of The Boys for weeks if not months? There are probably dozens of threads with you bickering with The Boys, azbob, slove, or whatever other shmucks you arent agreeing with. But you are telling other people to lay off hedgetard. :shrug:
You ask who died and made them boss but in the very next sentence YOU are telling THEM what they should do. You are telling people not to do the exact thing you are doing in that entire post.:shrug:
If your view is for letting hedge have his own views and post what he wants, why can't people have their own views on him being a fucking retard and let him know?
You may say, if you don't like it ignore him. Well if you don't like people hounding him, ignore them?
I don't know how anyone can go to bat for that pile of shit after reading half of the stuff he says. Unless of course the few of you have some of the same views but aren't as vocal about it.