That was bright. Replace the word "muslim" with the word "jewish" and voila`. we are having this discussion in a beer garden in Duesseldorf in 1936. If you people cannot see the evolution of the thought processes of the people of this country, subtly established and reinforced by the current administration (regime) and the ever so apparent corellation with the thought processes of the German people in the 1930's, then you better open your eyes.
Unfortuneately, I think its too late.
There are terrorists in Iraq. There are also terrorists in the USA (ie. Tim McVeigh, Mohammed Atta, deceased and other players to be named in the future). Do you think there may be some, yes, some, terrorists in Saudi Arabia? Syria, Phillipines, North Korea, Iran, Chechnya, the south of France? How bout England, France, I can see your underpants. Shall we invade???? Whose first?
Terrorists are everywhere (except of course, Bowling Green, Kentucky). Bush's stated (emphasis on the word stated) reason for invasion of Iraq is to root out terrorists? If so, and this is his approach to the resolution of the terrorists problem, then it truly will be the American Empire.
Silly thought process.
What if UBL is dead, you query. What if the moon was made of green cheese. "What if's..." don't make it Wayneo. Bush wanted a concrete target for political and economic reasons (a country) not some amorpheous, slippery target (Al Quida) which which would not pay sufficent political and economic dividents and which would be hard to find and destroy.
Yeah, we got a real honest, Christian man in the white house.
You see invading Iraq as more valuable in the fight against terrorism than you do in finding the terrorists who orchestrated and headed the organization that caused the deaths of over 3000 Americans on 9-11?
Let me repeat that so it is clear to everyone on your point:
You see invading Iraq as more valuable in the fight against terrorism than you do in finding the terrorists who orchestrated and headed the organization that caused the deaths of over 3000 Americans on 9-11?
Wayneo, the fight against terrorism is much, much more than the capture of Bin Laden. It is the rooting out and destruction of Al Quida. However, that in and of itself will not eradicate terrorism. Educating oneself as to the reasons terrorists hate us, resolving such issues in an attempt to live in harmony on this ever shrinking planet is the only real solution.
Obviously something Mr. Bush is incapable of doing.
I have a little trouble with your math.
Tora, tora, tora occurred before the invasion of Iraq. Just ask Chanman.