Thursday Picks

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Dec 30, 2001
I like this play a lot. 8 of the last nine between these two have gone over the total.


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Dec 6, 2001
Las Vegas
bump...mine always get burried because i put them up so early....can someone start bumping them i dont get on till now....
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


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May 26, 2000
I was going to about 11 this morning and forgot. Sorry d
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MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Registered User
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Dec 6, 2001
Las Vegas
Well thats why the nba is great, even when a jackass like nellie starts and plays a guy a ton he hasnt played all year (bradley) which clearly makes them a 100 times better d team you can still make it back in the 2nd half thankfully.

4-2 night

cya tomm

Ps can francis, finley, nash and thomas miss any more fts they only missed about 100.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
actually Bradley played alot against the Rockets in the last game......and game shouldda been way under if not for last couple minutes that free throws wouldn't have mattered a single bit......under was the right play......also how often does Kelvin Cato put up points like that......Nowitzki shot poorly too but he is now uncomfortable with Finley back....offense used to go through him now his roll is vague.......

got lucky to hit second half over.....lots of scoring last part of game.......Rockets/Mavs games are usually pretty intense and this one was no different......


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Oct 9, 2001


The winnahs just keep pile'n up on your tally.

At this rate your going to need a larger abacus my friend!!!

Great work on a rather abnormal kind of Houston/Dallas game. Sometimes the 2H plays can save the day for ya. Way to fight back!

Man there were a passel of points scored in those last 32 seconds. ez
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


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Dec 6, 2001
Las Vegas
Lmao, first off, bradley played some in the 2nd half last game not a lot, 2nd, i got lucky? You got to be kidding me, if its not for some missed fts they score 120 in that 2nd half. The under would of been the right play had i known bradley a guy who has been exiled to the bench of late would of started...this game goes over if he does not start...rockets 58 pts in the 2nd half enough said.

oh and by the way 7 of the last 8 hou/dall games have gone over.

Basically dallas is hitting at a higher than 65% clip on overs so if they play a bad d team that can score or any team over .500 im playing the over till they prove different.(unless nellie gets a brain and starts bradley all the time)
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dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
i was at the last Rockets/Mavs game and yes Bradley played a lot in the 2nd half and yes young Nellie was trying to use him as much as possible against the Rockets because of his ability to neutralize one on one quickness with weak side shot blocking and it was effective so it should have been no surprise that he played a lot tonight......yes you got lucky to cover the second half over as game sped up in last couple minutes......

you can say if all you want but normally Cato does not put up points like that either......ifs on both sides........almost 20 points in last 2 minutes and OVER is still off by 22 points......


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Dec 6, 2001
Las Vegas
Freeze wtf is your problem are you just pissed that your team is loaded with ball hogs and does dumb ass things down the stretch of every game....i have no desire to hear your opinion it has no value to me at all.

Also, do you not realize most nba games get an extra 10-15 sometimes 20 pts the final minute or two if there close...which if you thought the game was gonna be within 8 would qualify. Luck would of been overtime, not the 2nd half bets.
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dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
no i am not a Rockets fan in the least......i am actually a Mavs fan but a pretty apathetic one.....i did not give you an opinion i gave you facts and you should want to stay accurate portrayel of what happened and why it happened should help you in future bets......sometimes 20 points are scored in the last 2 minuts but also sometimes 2 points are scored in the last 2 minutes, in particular Rockets game -- plenty of close Rockets games come down to who can score, not who can play defense, --and when you get the 20 and still does not come close by over 20 points do not tell me that you should have won your bet.....instead you were fortunate to win you halftime bet....

you oughtta start caring what other people say about stuff because that is how you win and if you want to win more often than not you oughtta hear what I say about Rockets games because i go to them often and watch about every one i do not go to......and also have a pulse for the team because i know guys who know the players and have played with a lot of some pretty good ballers in Houston......

i care about everyone's opinion on here and you oughtta start caring are a good handicapper but why not turn that 4-2 into a 6-0 which you can do......


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Jan 3, 2001
dnuggs don't worry about it, freeze is a jackass, he pisses everyone off. hey freeze, i know you're in med school, let me guess how your life is. your father is a well-known doctor in the scrub town you live in, your mom drinks about 8 glasses of wine a day, and you have lived in your brothers' shadow for the last 15 years because he always got better grades than you and he is also a med school grad. don't bother denying it because it is so obvious it sickens me. you have been around for 6 months and have over 1500 posts, that can tell you something. you must be a 400 pound virgin. everytime i read your posts i am amazed you haven't been banned. but that would be bad, because i love fading your college picks. you are so quick to critcize it is digusting, you need to grow up if you think you can take care of people for a living. i'd love to meet you in person so i could smack you in the mouth. the fact that you would have the balls to try to tell dnuggs that he got lucky in laughable, it would be a cold day in hell if you had the record and knowledge he has. do you wonder why you piss everyone off? if you do, it's because you are an arrogant asshole. and you say you care about everyone's opinion, are you fuking kidding me? that is absurd. don't even try to tell dnugget how to handicap, you are a joke and so is your mom. maybe he would take your opinion into consideration if you weren't an arrogant, cocky prick. by the way, who do like in the superbowl, i'd love to fade you, again.
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
Mansion parents make less per year than i am in debt......i drive a car that i could sell for parents do not drink.......i have no older siblings.......i am a likable guy and have never been in a fight in my life......fading my college picks would give you a record of about 50% cuz i am hitting about that pace so you would not make any money......i am a little overweight right now but about half of that 400 not an ass to anyone and always present my thoughts when i see fit but never ever make personal attacks on anyone.....maybe once or twice i have but i apologize for that.......and if anyone is an ass it is you because you made some quite personal remarks to me and i never have to you.....

so settle down and read what i said and i say things very bluntly but that is how most gamblers are and you should not get your feelings hurt nor will i if someone says my reasoning or observations are wrong......i may argue with you but will not take it personally........i have not been banned nor will i because i do not stir up trouble like you just did......i provide an honest assessment of what i saw.......and you should appreciate that because that is more valuable than a slap on the back.....


Registered User
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Dec 6, 2001
Las Vegas
When did i ever talk about winning my first bets, clearly bradley starting was not expected by anyone and you say you knew that your flat lying. Bradley has been so deep in nellies dog house and nellie is such a strange coach no one knows who the hell hes gonna play half the time or what bonehead move hes gonna make. Simple fact is, 4-2 is 67% and ill bet my life you have never hit that % ever over a long haul, and you keep harping on catos pts are you insane, thats because you have the worst def. pg in the league and guards get into the lane whenever they want and bradley or whoever was guarding cato had to come and help which resulted in a smart pass and a dunk. You act like he was hitting 20 foot jumpers, and what about all the missed fts in the 2nd half that was bad luck? Simple fact is, the over was clearly wrong but so what in the nba you can use all the logic in the world and 40% of the games at least go to pure luck one way or another....if logic and knowledge equaled 6-0 then there would be a lot more guys walking around hitting 70% a number that almost no one hits. I have done this for almost 2 full years now and have been well over 60% for both dont tell me when i win its luck show up when i get hosed by a backdoor 3 that is meaningless which has happened several times this year. In fact my record is 6-23-10 this year in games decided by 2 1/2 pts or less vs the spread...if thats not bad luck im not sure what is.

Giving me input before the game is useful not one wants to hear how you knew this and that afterwards, if you were positive on the under you would of played it.