Thursday Picks

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dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
cato doesn't always make those didn't say that is expected bradley to start only to play......and that is because i went to the last game and saw he was effective.....was surprised last week to see the death stick utilized so much

i didn't play it because of Dallas' scoring as of late and Houston's poor transistion and perimeter defense which could have warranted an over play as you played it but i also saw some signs for an under......

this stuff is kind of significant though and reasons as to why something happened and clarity is beneficial to future games and i always try to figure out what happened in a loss which i had.....

my handicapping percentage is not that good in the NBA or NCAA and i only make 25$ bets but that is up from 10$ because my bankroll grew in college football.......but i am hitting at just over a 50% clip cuz i am pretty muhc at level the last few months but have been extremely streaky......

hit 15outta 16 Rockets plays then hit 1 fer 9 after that but now have hit 4 in a row so have been okay on have a much better percentage than me but i just want to give you some info as i see it and do not want you to take anything personal just my view of the game......

sorry about your bad luck but you are a good capper and hey you can probably go 6-0 some nights with a little help and i can probably go 4-2 some nights with a little help but that little help can be valuable over the long haul......

i got robbed in two games last night to in big 12 games with 4 games and i thought i was on the right side in all of them but only went 2-2 and that is how it goes sometimes......just don't take things personal and take every view in as you can which sounds like it makes half way sense and use it to your advantage because that is what this site is for.......


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 6, 2001
Las Vegas
Sounds fair, just dont call my wins luck i dont want to hear that i watched the game and didnt feel i got any special breaks at all thats what upset me. I mean luck is overtime, with overtime i get a good shot to sweep the board and if francis wasnt such a ball hog i might of gotten it. Going 6-0 would of been CLEARLY luck, but not 4-2 not imo not in the LEAST. So lets just leave it at that if you want to come in and say something you think ahead of time fine but i have no interest after the game at all thats me and thats the way i feel if you want to warn me the way i did with ez yesterday to say off a game (a game he would of lost) fine but dont tell me you knew something afterwards thats pointless imo.

good luck


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 9, 2001
And I'm darn PROUD that I had the good sense to.............

And I'm darn PROUD that I had the good sense to............. ya dnugs.

When dnugs talks........I listen!

I'm just thankful I had the "good" sense to hear and analyze what dnugs said on Wednesday about jw for that Mem/Ind game.

This forum is about's up to each individual perusing to use or ignore its contents.

Information concerning a game is ONLY useful when it's made known prior to creating a ticket for that particular game......after the's nothing more than useless noise!

Thanks again for last Wednesday's information dnugs.......the old saying comes to mind.......A PENNY SAVED IS A PENNY EARNED!

Guess I owe ya a PENNY. ;) ez
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
i disagree.....i think it is very helpful to comment after a game is over and make sure why a bet was good or bad........

DNuggets even seems to agree with this and you can read his post after last week's Rockets/Mavs game here.......

And I appreciated his comments after that game to give his reasons why he thought the Rockets under last week was a bad play and i took them to heart and did not get all defensive about them........


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 9, 2001
Let me define my statement.................

Let me define my statement.................

as to what is "useless noise".

Some real X's and O's recapp'n post-game can be quite constructive and is often very informative...YES...dr you are 100% correct.

But there is a difference between that and......

1) saying I knew such-and-so before the game (yet never posting the info or a play based on that info prior to the game).

2) coming in post-game saying this or that was LUCK!

Those are two things that add nothing constructive and end up being "useless noise".

Post-game comments must be made with as much sensitivity as possible.

People's emotions are always running full-tilt post-game....thus....the danger of leaving the realm of "helpful comment" and entering that of "useless noise".

Somehow, your helpful comments sure seemed to have set wrong with dnugs last night.

When post'n post-game comments one must exercise extra caution to be as sensitive, positive and constructive as possible with comments.

GL to ya dr...I have no axe-to-grind with ya! :) ez