tipping etiquette

Nick Douglas

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Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Can't comment too much on tipping movers because I've always moved myself, but 20% seems about right depending on what all is involved.

My comment is on tipping waitresses and people like that. I generally always go for 20% whether the service is good or bad. I know that sometimes things go wrong or you just aren't having a good day and they may not be as courteous or fast as they should be, but I still think it is low rent to short change waitresses considering all the crap they put up with. Just bad karma to do it.


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Nov 4, 2000
Agree 20%. Have gone as high as 25% when I felt the service was real special. Like on a specil night out and you want all to go well.


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Nov 9, 2000
Having worked as a waiter many years ago,I know that gamblers are always considered very generous tippers.
When I go into a restaurant the tip starts at 15%.It will not go less but depending on the sevice it could go up to 25%.

The tip that Jack gave to the movers was more than generous.I am sure they were happy.

BTW,Jack congrats on your new house.


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Jul 16, 1999
more on the tipping issue/discussion. I will never base my tip on how fast or slow you get your meal. In general I do not mind to wait. also most times consider myself a generous tipper. I know people in the service industry and personally could never do it myself.

I know someone who would serve drinks in a casino and would constantly get yelled at by (ussually people playing slots). also no someone who fixes the slot machines and some people who work security, they tell me sometimes people yell at them because they hit a jackpot and they get angry they cannot play the game instantly, these people (losers) cannot wait two minutes for the machine and their money they want to keep playing. so I could see how sometimes people in the service industry could get rude, or tell the customer where to go. (if it was me could not last a day).

still sometimes you receive terrible service on many levels, does that mean someone can treat you like garbage and you give them 20% and the person that treats you well gets 5% more....25%.....do not understand. for me it comes down to basic manners and to treat people how you want to be treated, if you are treated like garbage and you still tip 20% what message does that send....none.



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Nov 26, 2001
wichita, ks 67209
selkirk said:

still sometimes you receive terrible service on many levels, does that mean someone can treat you like garbage and you give them 20% and the person that treats you well gets 5% more....25%.....do not understand. for me it comes down to basic manners and to treat people how you want to be treated, if you are treated like garbage and you still tip 20% what message does that send....none.


It does send a message.....that there's no consequence for doing a poor job. I can imagine a situation where I wouldn't leave a tip, but have never ran into one. Usually, the problems I run into is more along the lines of incompetence rather than poor attitude. I start out at 15% being a given. If things go really bad, I'll leave 10% or even a little less. You have to use judgment when going below 15% because it's a message that you were not happy. In order for me to go 20%+, I have to like the food along with the service.

I've been with people who are very embarrassing. Seemingly pleasent folks who turn into tyrants when entering a restaurant.
"my fork has water spots, my coffee cup is only a third full, I said no pickles, they never bring me enough butter, our food is on the counter but no one is bringing it to us, I smell a cigarette......blah blah blah."

I know many people who don't tip enough either because they are cheap, they don't know any better, or can't possibly be satisfied.

I've worked as a cook, busser, dishwasher and server. They're the hardest jobs I've ever had. 15% should always be a starting point unless they give you good reason not to.....when they give you good reason not to, you should. They'll either straighten up or find another line of work.


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Jul 13, 1999
thanks for the replies. seems like i wasn't a cheap-skate :shrug:

christ! now, i have to do it all over again in october. ugh!
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