To Nolan Dalla--Are you for real?

Master Capper

Forum Member
Jan 12, 2002
Dunedin, Florida

I like your idea, has alot of merit. I personally know a few refs that work college games mainly Big 10 and MAC games, to be honest most of them love the prestige they get with the job. One of the officals doing the Purdue and OSU game last Saturday I have known for at least ten years and the guy is a die hard Buckeye fan. This is the kind of $hit that really amazes me, the guy does high school basketball in the winter and goes to almost all the buckeye weekday basketball games.


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Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal
Seriously, anybody that advocates rioting at a game is an idiot, I don't care how great of a "handicapper" you are, how many posts you've made or how many winners you gave on Monday.

Tounge in cheek? I've read this from him for a year now, since the Cleveland and NO games last year and also at various times this year.

Is the officiating bad? Football is the worst officiated of the major sports. But it is also the hardest and fastest sport to keep up with. (as for fixing games i'd believe the NBA over anything)

Should something be done? Yes, but advocating a full on riot at a game? That will really change things. To begin with, how about hiring these guys on a full-time basis (in the NFL at least). How about hiring younger guys and getting the over 60 crowd out. How about more clearly defining PI calls.

There's a start.

If you disagree and agree with Nolan, don't attend any more games because a beer bottle might hit you or your kid upside the head all in the name of getting a call right and/or winning a bet.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
michaeljbird said:
I hate to play devil's advocate here,but it could make them more corrupt.They may tweak a few more games to pay there fines:shrug:


oh you are one of them conspiracy fellows huh. the officials need to be investigated closer than players. Complete investigations. If they got loyalty to home teams they arent allowed to officiate that game. duh.

if they are corrupt they need to go bottom line.

I still remember the words last year of a die hard gambler.

He said.......If I found out the games were fixed I would just try to gamble on the side the games were fixed on. wow.... now that is dedication.


west coast guru

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May 18, 2001
Should we even bring up the 26 foul calls on the Kings in the 4th quarter of game 6 against the lakers:eek: I know only laker fans think the game was fair and they were all fouls. If not the kings would be the world champions right now. Instead the Lakers three peated and think they are the greatest. This may change basketball history:bigun: :shrug:

west coast guru

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May 18, 2001
What about the blown call on steve smith that gave the Lakers a win in game 7. They would not have won the first of their threepeats. :thefinger


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Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal
I agree THAT was a joke, as I said only in the NBA would I believe this.

If only the Kings fans had rioted and pelted the refs the next game with batteries or beer bottles, maybe even taking an eye out since the refs can't see anyway or hitting some kid sitting in Row 1. Maybe then Stern and the NBA would have gotten Nolan's message about the officiating.


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2002
Little Rock,Ar.
Hey Scott, I did not post anything about referee's being loyal to a school.If you will READ that was someone else.But while you are asking 'I believe everyone one is loyal to the almighty dollar".The NCAA, Las Vegas,Players and Coaches,and Ref's.Not necessarily in that order. My point is if you look at where the MAJORITY of the $ was Tues. night and factor in "the call" well that does concern me. As a gambler and fan.Pull off those sunglasses, you are beginning to look like "RAY CHARLES:cool:


Forum Member
Apr 7, 2002
as to Nolan Dalla

as to Nolan Dalla

I came to this board last year b/c a friend of mine mentioned ND's abilities in the NFL, he had hit app. 60% for 2 straight years ... anyhow, Nolan would be first one to say he's been baffled by NFL the last 2 years, however, he continues to write up games and research and go at it w/o buckling in ... thats something i respect ...

as far as being a stand up guy, Nolan has emailed me everytime I have ever sent him one, and that has been often ... he answers questions off this board and Im sure he gets hundreds of letters each week ...

another thing i esp. admire about him that many might not know: hes a damn good writer ... read his piece on observing LV for weekend he put on his site a few weeks ago ... It was damn visceral ...

as far as ND's comment on anarchy, who cares, he's making a point he's sick of seeing bad calls .. least thats how i interpret it ...

mostly im writing this in support of someone who's treated me right for as long as Ive known him and wanted to let a few other people know another side of him ... as you can see he's not easily drawn into a thread "war of words" ... I think hes above that ...

anyhow, thats my take,
peace to all,


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
michaeljbird said:
My point is if you look at where the MAJORITY of the $ was Tues. night and factor in "the call" well that does concern me. As a gambler and fan.Pull off those sunglasses, you are beginning to look like "RAY CHARLES:cool:

you are the one that cannot see my son.

if you are going to waste your time thinking the games are fixed then get into something else dude. Especially football will make you crazy.



Forum Member
Oct 24, 2001
actually scott......

I dont want to say it was "fixed" but I think someone *cough*Rick Chryst*cough* wanted Marshall to be on TV more and get more exposure to the MAC....

here`s a good example of what every single MAC fan thinks...this was posted by a Miami fan...this fan was attending the game...

Questionable calls by officials handed Marshall an unearned victory against a superior Miami team. Much like a replay of the last presidential election when the Supreme Court handed the losing candidate the presidency, Mid American Conference officials gave Marshall 6 downs to score in the final minutes of the game.

Everyone expects homerism when on the road and MAC officials are notoriously incompetent. However, lack of holding and halo-infraction calls on Marshall, bogus pass inference calls for clearly uncatchable passes certainly did not seem a result from incompetent officiating.

But truth be told, the MAC is no longer the squeaky clean bastion of ethics it was when it kicked Marshall out over 30 years ago. The MAC, like most conferences is about money and this has fans of other MAC teams furious.

?What do you expect from a conference who pays $200,000 to a bowl to take a team they don?t want?? said one Toledo fan. The MAC purchased the bowl for a 6-5 Marshall team in 2000 and left a 10-1 Toledo team sitting home. George Perles did not want Marshall or its fans another year in Detroit, and the contract called for him to pick whatever team he wanted. But the conference office could only think about the dollars it hoped to gain through ticket sales to Marshall fans. They had been duped by the false publicity cranked out by the Marshall marketing machine which is known to double and sometimes triple actual away game attendance figures through their non-biased media mouthpieces.

The winner of the East Division in 2002 will be the hosts to the MAC Championship game, which, give the addition of the GMAC bowl hold little meaning. While talk previously considered a neutral site, MAC officials balked at neutrality after a moderate showing at least year?s MAC Championship in Toledo. Tickets sales were not as brisk as expected, following a heartbreaking Toledo loss to Bowling Green as a result of an injured running back Chester Taylor and sidelined quarterback Tavares Bolden. And two weeks devoted for sales was simply not comparable to the 12 months preparation award to Marshall through the cronyism that was Jerry Ippolitti, the former conference commissioner.

A Miami win would have put the game in Oxford. If the truth were to be allowed to be printed, the MAC administration was fearful of losing money at an Oxford hosted MAC Championship game and GMAC bowl. Marshall fans tend to travel in greater numbers than other schools? fans?that?s the myth at least. To others it?s just logical, ?Who wouldn?t want to get out of Huntington, West Virginia? one Marshall fan was quoted as saying in the Herald-Dispatch.

Conspiracy theories would indicate that the following discussion occurred between MAC administration and MAC officials. ?We must have the championship in Huntington, it?s the only place where we are guaranteed to be treated like royalty and can possibly break even on this bogus championship game. Do whatever you can to make sure that happens.?

And it did. Mystery pass interference calls allowed Marshall 3 extra attempts to win the game after the loss was evident to all watching the game. And like they say, ?three times is a charm?.

The truth won?t be told, however. Marshall law enforcement officials assured us of that. Minutes after the game, after fans had taunted a Miami assistant coach, that coach was led off in handcuffs for supposed battery. No doubt some ill-mannered fan got in the coach?s face and he pushed him out of the way. In true Hollywood fashion the fan threw himself to the turf and the coach was taken into custody.

The media now only has one ?script? to focus on: a Miami coach, angered by a fifth straight loss to the Thundering Herd at the hands, this time at the hand of the second place quarterback, punched out a fan in frustration?because it makes a much better story that the truth.


Not saying your wrong me, I agree with 99% of the stuff you say....but I have to disagree with ya when you said games arent fixed...because some are...and some got proven to be fixed....

Now was last night a fix......well its something that makes you scratch your head and make you turn your head in disgust.


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2002
Little Rock,Ar.
Thanks hella, You did a much better job of explaining the situation.I don' t waste my time thinking about games being "fixed",but tues. game was obvious.I see people saying"Marshall was ahead most of the game.I totally agree,that is the point.Officials have no need to get involved when things are going the way they "need to be". Bottom line is "the call" as I call it came on 4th down.Without the flag- game over. It is refreshing to see the overwhelming majority of the posters agree. I'm sure the ones that don't try to fade the WWF.
Last edited:


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
in a world where

in a world where

ceo`s screw their loyal employees,ruin their pensions and make millions in their own retirement packages......where pharmacists "cut" medications to desperately ill cancer patients to save a think a ref or a kid might not want to make a few bucks(be it a total,a halftime or quarter play or a prop-doesn`t even have to be a game)is ludicrous...does it happen all the time?who knows...probably not.....i`d guess that when you get boosters and alumni reffing their own team`s games,that`s much more of a problem...personal bias is an issue that would seem impossible to address,,,it`s human nature..but you could at least make the effort to keep those situations from happening...and yes,even believing that this stuff goes on does not stop me from gambling...a sad commentary...but,i`m hooked,i enjoy it and don`t wager enough to cause myself a hardship...g.l. this weekend,everyone..


Registered User
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Oct 17, 2001
Northern Wisconsin
The beauty of it all is that it's not like games are being fixed so that we lose! We still have a chance to be on the right side of the fix!!

Just kidding! If games were fixed, it would be exposed sooner or later. There is no honor among thieves.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
scandals have been exposed

scandals have been exposed

but in whose best interests is it to bring it to light?not the ncaa....certainly not the culprits...not saying it`s rampant...but to think it NEVER happens is naive at best...does anyone think an art schlichter in a jam wouldn`t have been willing to manipulate things?....does anybody think he`s the only one?....


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Jan 7, 2001
Houston, Texas
Point Shaving!!

Point Shaving!!

Here's one example that comes to mind from the not so distant past. A baseball Hall of Famer, with a mental capacity that left him just short of stirring the Rocket Fuel at NASA, was asked not to bet on baseball games, most importantly in which his team was playing, especially when he was coaching, and certainly not during the game, and PLEASE don't get caught on camera doing so, and your bookie in the stands should NEVER get caught on TV making fun of your poor choices.

Sound familiar?? He still is not in the Hall of Fame.

Keep it Positive, Topdog!


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Nov 4, 2000
Nolans answer. Yes I am Real. Love it, great answer. LOL :D :D :D


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Oct 9, 2000
Brandon FL
Are you for Real??

Are you for Real??

Hey guys the real question is are you real... To come on Madjacks and bash one of the most respected members is just comical....
If you guys thought that the two Interference calls in the Marshall game were justified then you need to LAY OFF THE PIPE :weed:

I am not a strong believer in Violence but I Coach football and if a fan comes on the field and starts running his mouth and gets in my face after a heartbreaking loss, I don't know how I would react?

Lets just keep things real.... There is alot of money riding on these games and there are alot of ways of getting rich!!

:eek: :eek: GLTA AM2KIDZ


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Jan 30, 2001
baltimore,md usa
The whole debate whether games are fixed or not is kinda mute. It has happened and will happen again. Bad refereeing is another thing and I think refs should be held more accoutnable. Before the Michigan /Penn Sate game, Joe Paterno specificallyl asked for a different officiating crew because they had a history of favoring Michigan and guess what, they did it again in Michigan. That wasn't a blown call, it was a crime.
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