Today's Saddam Tape - Lil' different than the Manson spams


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
I don't think you will get much argument about the failures of Jimmy Carter. This reeks of DTB-style deflection.

How exactly were we "appeasing" Saddam? Is it only 2 choices, either invade or appease? Have we been appeasing Cuba all these years? Were we appeasing the Soviets in the Cold War because we never actually invaded them? We had Iraq contained and they posed no threat to our security. We were not appeasing them in any way.


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Sep 5, 2002
L.A. Area
Nosigar said:
Anyone who has taught freshmen at a state university can sense the fuzzy thinking of our undergraduates: most come to us prepped in high schools not to make ?value judgments? about ?other? peoples who are often ?victims? of American ?oppression.? Thus, before female-hating psychopath Mohamed Atta piloted a jet into the World Trade Center, neither Western intellectuals nor their students would have taken him to task for what he said or condemned him as hypocritical for his parasitical existence on Western society.
No, but his girlfriend did. She dumped him after two months because he complained about her pink hair and her evening work as an "escort."

The author blames tolerance for our "open" immigration policy, but the facts are quite different. The FBI knew middle-eastern men were being recruited to come to the US and "train" at Rudi Dekkers' flight school in Venice, FL, ostensibly for the purpose of returning home to fight the Taliban. The truth is a little more complicated than the author would like us to believe.
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