Would be great if Jones could take the hard shots I myself think he could out speed and point Toney, The power would be my only concern because Toney does have some heavy hands not like what Roy was in against last time. But it would be a great fight imo. Toney has a mouth on him i think he is like me at times speaks faster then he thinks and that can make you look bad at times but deep inside he is a good person. But the mouth moves before mind can keep it from making a mistake and there are a few people out in the world that have this i am one of them and it is a problem at times and hard to work on i have gone to classes and work hard to slow down before i speak and make sure what i am going to say is what i want to say and what i mean to say, because never is worth hurting someone with words and it happens so some of us least me need to work and do work at it in my case for about 5 years and i think people see and hear toney is the same way.