I had an awful battle with Tony but do not wish death upon him. This is an insane story.
Not really that insane considering what a giant asshole he was/is. He had threatened many people over the years (do a search online and you'll find plenty of chat logs where he threatens people lives). And I dealt with him once as well, he has/had a god complex like nobody else. I have never heard one person on here say anything nice about the guy, did he deserve to die (I am guessing he died) no he did not, but when you constantly threaten people and treat the human race like shit, eventually somebody fights back and fucks you up.
Maybe it was one of his former employees that had enough of his shit, working for that guy would have been hell:scared
I guess it is possible William Sean Creighton ("Tony") went into hiding and orchestrated the whole thing, I wouldn't put that past him.