Tony, Owner of 5Dimes Missing?


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Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
1. The other post does not have confirmation from the US gov't.

2. Not a repost because this thread was started 900 years ago.

3. The terms "Tony" and "dead" used in this thread more then once, so again.....not a repost.

Kick recognizing the importance and aignificance of the US Government.....whoever has the Under 21 years cashes!!!


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I still don't believe it. :0003


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Apr 9, 2021
Not really that insane considering what a giant asshole he was/is. He had threatened many people over the years (do a search online and you'll find plenty of chat logs where he threatens people lives). And I dealt with him once as well, he has/had a god complex like nobody else. I have never heard one person on here say anything nice about the guy, did he deserve to die (I am guessing he died) no he did not, but when you constantly threaten people and treat the human race like shit, eventually somebody fights back and fucks you up.

Maybe it was one of his former employees that had enough of his shit, working for that guy would have been hell:scared

I guess it is possible William Sean Creighton ("Tony") went into hiding and orchestrated the whole thing, I wouldn't put that past him.

Hey @kickserv I'm an investigative journalist making an audio documentary about the case. I want to talk to as many people as I can who interacted with Tony before he went missing so that I can paint a picture of what he was like, especially users of 5Dimes who can tell me more about what it was like to do business with him. I'm after stories good and bad. Would you be up for talking to me? You can email me:

That goes for everyone else on this thread too! I'm going to try to quote and reply to the people who specifically mentioned that they have a story about Tony or at least a run-in on the live chat but if you have something else for me I'm all ears.


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Apr 9, 2021
I have known "Tony" since before the launch of 5Dimes. I have always loved and respected this great guy.
He has always treated me personally first class. A lot of us that were the very first to join when they officially
became 5Dimes, he was always very loyal to. I have never been limited, booted, or shown the door at his shop.
Many years ago I had a huge Money Line Dog play win in College Hoops that I risked $500 to win like over $24,000
(when Penn State ended Illinois 60 game home court winning streak). Next day we are talking on the phone and
he congratulated me and asked what I was liking on the card that night. Most other books would have shown me
the door and booted me after that. He always appreciated that I sent him a lot players over the years and I would
never accept any referral bonuses or anything like that. In year one of 5Dimes he took some nice things I had wrote
about him and the book, and used them in his advertising for years. I would always jokingly remind him of that from
time to time.

He is a real man among a lot of boys in this industry. "Nichole" over at 5Dimes is someone who is also a really big
part of what makes 5Dimes great too. I didn't want to forget to mention what a big part of their super success
is also owed to her. "Nichole" is awesome and to me she is just as great and also as important to the success as "Tony".

"Tony" has been the General Manager and the face of the book in the forums. I hopefully don't want to mis-speak or
anything. But to the best of my knowledge they are owned by someone else and there are a few other partners/investors.
"Tony" is not a one man show or the sole owner. The average person does not understand how big this book actually is and
how super successful they are.

This book is one of the Elite book's in this industry, with a huge cliental, huge financial backing, and with a great team
running it. I think everything is fine. They have been business as usual over the past month and I expect them to continue
to be so.

Hey @vinnie I saw you posted a few comments from people who say they knew Tony. Is that stuff you've collected from other boards, or are you in contact with these people? Would love to chat if so. See the message above, I'm an investigative journalist working on an audio documentary about 5Dimes and hoping to hear from as many people as I can. You can email me (encrypted if that's something that's important to you) at heidi.pett [at]


Forum Member
Apr 9, 2021
I probably knew him better than anyone here and I can say truthfully yes he was a flaming asshole to his clients but at the same time I can say he was an honest asshole......RIP TONY

That is what happens when you do business in these 3rd world countrirs.Life is cheap you can easily be killed for a hundered U.S. dollars or less.

I would say one thing.... a couple years ago I hit the book for 27 k in MLB, I went on some amazing run. I received 18 k of it no problem with various checks and then he must have got pist I was winning cause it was the first time I used the book and i was slow payed. I did get another check for 5 k then I lost the rest but they had accepted my withdrawal for the 5 k and kept it was going to process on Thursday, Thursday came and funds still in account then I inquired and then it was Monday per Tony then Monday went by then it was Thursday per Tony. I just said i just won?t bet any more til it is withdrawn from my account and I let it sit and then I was paid next payout day. I?m glad the first checks I got were in 2 days I could see if others had problems that they would be pissed but I did receive it alp eventually I bet he figured I just paid the fucker 18 k let?s make him sweat a bit

Sean was born and raised a few miles up the road from me and spent his college days in the town I?m from and live today. He became famous consistently beating all the local bookies, eventually no one would take his action. He rented off of one of my best friends. I had a sports forum from the early 2000?s until a few years ago and 5 dimes was an affiliate. Spoke to him dozens of times while living in South America only to find out later that ?Tony? was really Sean that lived in the same town as me and we knew many of the same people. He was always fair with me and one of if not the sharpest line maker?s in the industry. After spending a quarter of my life in Latin America it?s a real shame that smart money has it that those closest to him we?re involved and wouldn?t surprise me if authorities are directly or indirectly complicit. Odds are whoever is responsible will never be brought to justice unless the highest levels of the US govt would get involved. Which more than likely won?t happen since they wanted him in jail. Real shame. Seemed to be a nice guy. If you?re a gringo with money in Latin America youve got a bullseye on your back and need to know when it?s time to cash in your chips and get out.

I hear what you?re saying Justin, but especially in an industry such as this, it?s best to take ?hearsay? and gossip with a grain of salt. You?re going to find bettors that have hard-ons for every out in the industry, some complaints legitimate and others not. I always based my opinions on how I was treated, and ?Tony? was always fair with me and others I know. Just like pinnacle was just like the Greek was.

His mom and dad are gone, dad passed last year. No brothers or sisters. Just has his kids with his Costa Rican wife. Sure hoping that she wasn?t involved for the kids? sake. Has/had a wife/girlfriend that had a house a few miles away from me, she?s in Pittsburgh now and has had her hands full with US law enforcement after receiving 700K in Amazon gift cards from him a couple years ago.

He is either dead or faked his death knowing something was going down. I had one bad run in with him. One time my deposit never got credited I called the cs dept and they kept saying we never collected your funds call the certain company I used to verify it. They said the money was picked up already by the receiver at 4:48 pm that day. Without the money still. I was told to go to live Chat and ask for Tony. He got on and was a jerk to say the least. Called me a thief, liar, etc. I kept saying you people picked up my money already. I said I will keep trying with the cs. Dept. He said I make all the rules for scumbags like you to follow here and in life. Finally after getting a person in the cs dept with a brain. They found out the credited the wrong account. Well I tried to get to speak with Tony via live Chat again or over the phone. He was either busy or out of the office. He just avoided me so he would not have to admit he and they were wrong. Well for being an awful person, Karma must gave caught up with him.

Didn't wish Tony dead but he was one of the biggest pricks i've ever seen. He booted my ass a long time ago and was a huge ass about it. All he had to do was say he didn't want my business but he had to have one of his huge meltdowns that he is famous for. A complete piece of shit in my eyes. For the future of 5dimes, i'm sure they will be fine. I already tried to reopen an account and got denied. :mj07::mj07::mj07::mj07:

surprised to find out that 5dimes has local bookies here in the states? just found out yesterday firsthand

Ok last one then I'll stop blowing up this thread cause I figured out the multi-quote button (I'm new here you can probably tell) but if any of you would be willing to tell me more about your dealings with Tony, or even just tell me what you've said here but on the phone so I can use it in the podcast series, I'd be grateful if you would get in contact. My email is heidi.pett [at]

Thanks again all


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I am guessing Jack would have to give the go-ahead before heidi can contact any of us?

And I'll say it again, shocked there has not been a movie made about this whole thing.
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I am guessing Jack would have to give the go-ahead before heidi can contact any of us? heidi you can get my e-mail from Jack if he says it is ok.

And I'll say it again, shocked there has not been a movie made about this whole thing.

She posted her email, go for it.

I'm not going to be sending out her email addy to everyone who asks.

heidi.pett [at]


Forum Member
Sep 1, 2012
Ok last one then I'll stop blowing up this thread cause I figured out the multi-quote button (I'm new here you can probably tell) but if any of you would be willing to tell me more about your dealings with Tony, or even just tell me what you've said here but on the phone so I can use it in the podcast series, I'd be grateful if you would get in contact. My email is heidi.pett [at]

Thanks again all

Hi Heidi - I?m in! I had some in depth dealing with Tony.


Wrong Forum Mod
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Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
Hey @kickserv I'm an investigative journalist making an audio documentary about the case. I want to talk to as many people as I can who interacted with Tony before he went missing so that I can paint a picture of what he was like, especially users of 5Dimes who can tell me more about what it was like to do business with him. I'm after stories good and bad. Would you be up for talking to me? You can email me:

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