just give it up weasel...at least for one night and be happy for our country :SIB
i`ll tell you what hippo...i`m gonna make a prediction....write it down...and we`ll revisit it in a few years...
i said when mccain was nominated that we`ll have a democrat in the white house for at least 4 years...thats how lame i thought mccain was.....it`s why i laid 2-1 on obama when the odds came out...
i predict that iran will have a nuclear weapon before bock`s 4 years are up...it`s probably closer to 2 years if nothing is done to circumvent the situation.......
that means we?ll have a democrat facing a nuclear-armed iran......(because we know bock`s doing nothing serious to stop it.)....
should be very interesting....very interesting...
the possiblities are endless..