Totals--NCCA Games


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 29, 2000
denver, co-usa
Passing don't like any of the numbers.
I try to cap instead of guess so I am not going to force anything. Just try to win money.
Been a good year with college fb and bb up over 60 units.
Since I don't do NBA, NHL or baseball will take my usual 5 months off and see you in Aug for football.
Everyone have a great summer and win mucho money-its been fun--peace:0008
Time for a lot of golf, grandkids and traveling.
Thanks Jack


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2002
Plain City OH
Passing don't like any of the numbers.
I try to cap instead of guess so I am not going to force anything. Just try to win money.
Been a good year with college fb and bb up over 60 units.
Since I don't do NBA, NHL or baseball will take my usual 5 months off and see you in Aug for football.
Everyone have a great summer and win mucho money-its been fun--peace:0008
Time for a lot of golf, grandkids and traveling.
Thanks Jack

Enjoy your rest, I wish you good health and thanks for all your work :0008
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