Trump's Tweets


Under .500
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Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Why does Joe Kennedy III look like he just got done giving a blow job?<br><br>You?d think someone would have told him to wipe his mouth off before going on LIVE TV. <a href="">#SOTU</a> <a href="">#StateOfTheUnion</a> <a href=""></a></p>— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) <a href="">January 31, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

I'll take her at her word that she knows what a face full of cum looks like, but that's acne.


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
What a speech last night, first one I?ve watched since Bush, Trump is a great President, glad he has our back


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">LEAKED!! The Democrats version of the memo! <a href="">#AdamSchiff</a> <a href="">#FullOfSchiff</a> <a href=""></a></p>— Tommy Pryor (@TommyPryor) <a href="">January 30, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Democrats MEMO has leaked out.



Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">IT IS TIME!!!<a href="">#TickTock</a><a href="">#GroundhogDay</a> <a href="">#MemoDay</a> <a href="">#MemoReleased</a><a href="">#PunxsutawneyPhil</a> <a href=""></a></p>— RP4America1st (@rp4america1st) <a href="">February 2, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="und" dir="ltr">BBBBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM<a href="">@potus</a> <a href=""></a></p>— Bill Chapman #ReleaseTheMemo (@bchapman151) <a href="">February 3, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">When you're attacking FBI agents because you're under criminal investigation, you're losing <a href=""></a></p>— Sarah Sanders (@SarahHuckabee) <a href="">November 3, 2016</a></blockquote>
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Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">When you're attacking FBI agents because you're under criminal investigation, you're losing <a href=""></a></p>— Sarah Sanders (@SarahHuckabee) <a href="">November 3, 2016</a></blockquote>
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Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Whatever you do this morning don?t retweet this video I found of Trump saying he has ?the best Russian partners? before he signs a $20 million deal with them. Same Russians who set up Don Jr Russian lawyer meeting: Aras & Emin Agalarov. <a href="">#YoMemoJokes</a> <a href="">#AMJoy</a> <a href=""></a></p>— Scott Dworkin (@funder) <a href="">February 3, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">?You had Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party try to hide the fact that they gave money to GPS Fusion to create a Dossier which was used by their allies in the Obama Administration to convince a Court misleadingly, by all accounts, to spy on the Trump Team.? Tom Fitton, JW</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">February 2, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This memo totally vindicates ?Trump? in probe. But the Russian Witch Hunt goes on and on. Their was no Collusion and there was no Obstruction (the word now used because, after one year of looking endlessly and finding NOTHING, collusion is dead). This is an American disgrace!</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">February 3, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Anonymous 6 hours ago ID: 6a444f No.258877>>258957

Detailed Dilley Intel Drop, 2/2/18, Pre-Memo Early AM Periscope

"#HappyMemoDay w/Congresional Candidate Brenden Dilley"


(Part 1)

Summary: Late to this party. Some Anons have dropped later FB streams. No new INTEL in this older post, just a lot of review and insight. IMHO, End is some valuable insight for Q followers.

There's more than 1 memo, this is just the beginning

Reviewed McCabe's source (see previous Intel post)

The more the left pushed to block it and de-legitimize it, the memo was pulled from "far-right" to "center" & now it's moving to the left as the "Center-Left's" consituency are starting to want to see it. It's created national interest.

The left has played directly into Trump's hands AGAIN!

Trump "lets this build" & "CREATES EVENTS" (Must-See TV)

No one cares about the SuperBowl this weekend.

Next EO isn't going to "rock anything". It's basically going to be in sympathy with the Dec 21 EO & the January 30th EO.

Americans - "It's not about politics anymore" "We want the truth" "enough is enough"

The (Deep State) Objective was to "change the narrative" the other with the train station, but that only lasted only for a few hours because they weren't successful.

About Trey Gowdy and Christopher Wray: This isn't "Days of Our Lives" don't get caught up or emotionally invested in characters in this movie. The only person you should be watching is POTUS.

(Dilley personally believes) Trey Gowdy has very important role in all of this LATER, and that's why he stepped down.

But once you started getting emotionally attached to people in this story, you start having a hard time accepting new information or even accepting THE TRUTH

This is one of the risks of getting emotionally vested (mockingly - "But I liked him :(")

Let the information come to you and then let the truth "rise to the top" and who gives a damn about personality.


Think about how emotionally invested they became in Obama.

I don't think the LEFT doesn't want the truth. They just don't know what to do with that information.

If you find out that the character you've elevated in your household is a treasonous scumbag, what does that mean about you? (self-identity loss)

You do this with actors/athletes as well - stop.

Monica Crowley confirms what Dilley has been saying all along "This is the first of several memos coming."

Dilley's theory:

With regard to the FBI, "There's a lot of misdirection going on right now"

It's important that everybody be really patient.

"Everybody's lawyered up"

Reviewed the previous drop that FBI/CIA being completely broken up and "Done"

FBI will be rebranded as something totally different because of how pervasive he corruption is

CIA has quietly been absorbed as part or underneath the NSA

Part of what's going on even if you go back to the "Snowden stuff", the CIA didn't like the threat that the NSA Posed - technologically, financially, & influentially. This is part of what went with the Snowden situation.

Reiterates Bill Binney is a hero,

Snowden is CIA, went to NSA, tried to bring them down for what they were doing, back and forth.

Dilley has to continue reiterating "I am not Q. Just a guy who likes to problem-solve & people like to talk to me"

Periscope keeps asking who is 'good' vs 'bad', Brenden Dilley responds "it's not that simple"

John Brennan is "awful". He droned American Citizens illegaly.

He has a major problem & a lot of dirt on him.

Periscope asks 'Why are all these corrupt people still working?'

Dilley responds: "You don't really know anything."

"When you see Strzok or Paige working at the FBI, what if you care that he's cleaning the latrine?"

One of the most effective ways, until you're ready to execute your plan, to keep from being attacked, is allowing your enemy to believe that they're safe. So you keep them under your thumb wherever they're working.

All the misdirection is done to keep people safe. There's people whose lives are on the line with this entire deal. Operators who you will never know have their lives on the line doing this.

The value of disinformation is in keeping people safe.

The White Hats lie to keep people safe. The black hats like to try to cause chaos. Unfortunately you have to use deception, that's the name of intelligence. Keeps people safe and off of the trail of where your interests actually are.


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Anonymous 2 hours ago ID: 45b552 No.260760>>261118


To me, it's even simpler than that. I can't believe the people in this country are so stupid and so brain-dead to elect a communist Muslim as president!!! A Muslim!!!

I just don't know what you can do to wake people up from this massive stupidity.


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Train assassination attempt on congress
Feb 3, 2018 - An assassination attempt on Congress is very serious!
Congress was supposed to be in session. It was a school day for the kids. They had likely had death threats.

January 31, 2018 some in Congress were on AMTRAK train heading to a resort in West Virginia. The resort doubles as a doomsday (CoG) facility. Their families and doctors and nurses were aboard the train, including children that should have been in school.

All roads had been closed ahead of the train (for security reasons) and the train had a drone and helicopter escort. The train hit a garbage truck while going 70 mph. The front wheels of the front engine derailed, but the rear wheels stayed on the tracks.

TWO trucks were involved. The initial hit was an 18 wheeler, and the second hit was a dump truck at a different crossing. That is why the dump truck is close to where the train stopped.
ALSO aboard the train was a military tribunal jury.
Another reason the Deepstate would want to kill.

Military tribunal jury of 12 were escorted to another bunker by USMC.

US Military Code of Justice and how it can be used against enemy combatants in times of war. Death penalty included, military tribunal, not a jury


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
Train assassination attempt on congress
Feb 3, 2018 - An assassination attempt on Congress is very serious!
Congress was supposed to be in session. It was a school day for the kids. They had likely had death threats.

January 31, 2018 some in Congress were on AMTRAK train heading to a resort in West Virginia. The resort doubles as a doomsday (CoG) facility. Their families and doctors and nurses were aboard the train, including children that should have been in school.

All roads had been closed ahead of the train (for security reasons) and the train had a drone and helicopter escort. The train hit a garbage truck while going 70 mph. The front wheels of the front engine derailed, but the rear wheels stayed on the tracks.

TWO trucks were involved. The initial hit was an 18 wheeler, and the second hit was a dump truck at a different crossing. That is why the dump truck is close to where the train stopped.
ALSO aboard the train was a military tribunal jury.
Another reason the Deepstate would want to kill.

Military tribunal jury of 12 were escorted to another bunker by USMC.

US Military Code of Justice and how it can be used against enemy combatants in times of war. Death penalty included, military tribunal, not a jury

Hey MadJack Republicans, feel free to chime in when you see Skulnik make these ridiculous fucking posts.


Thread banned
Forum Member
Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex
Hey MadJack Republicans, feel free to chime in when you see Skulnik make these ridiculous fucking posts.

Why? He doesn't represent the way I think or feel and I don't think he's ever claimed to speak for the masses.

Personally I would just ignore him if I were you. He's trolling you.

(in my best non-confrontational voice): I don't see you stepping up to say anything when TU roots for people to suffer just so he can blame Trump.

I don't lump all Dems in with the way TU thinks and you shouldn't lump us all in with Skul.


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
Why? He doesn't represent the way I think or feel and I don't think he's ever claimed to speak for the masses.

Personally I would just ignore him if I were you. He's trolling you.

(in my best non-confrontational voice): I don't see you stepping up to say anything when TU roots for people to suffer just so he can blame Trump.

I don't lump all Dems in with the way TU thinks and you shouldn't lump us all in with Skul.

There is a difference between opinions/takes and complete, made up bullshit.


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
There is a difference between opinions/takes and complete, made up bullshit.

Clinton, Obama, and the FBI pay a former spy to create a fake dossier, a dossier which baselessly claims that Trump has questionable ties to Russia and must be investigated. That dossier is used to get the DoJ to sign off on a FISA warrant, a warrant which allows the NSA, FBI and DoJ to wiretap and investigate Trump.

So, they wiretap Trump. He tweets about it and the mainstream media cackles like hyenas at ole "crazy Trump." Turns out he was exactly right.

It's most likely that nothing incriminating has or will be found that ties Trump to Russia. Why?
----1. the dossier was baseless to begin with so any collusion found would be out of pure luck.
----2. people on Mueller's team have leaked to the media before. It's been over a year and the yet the media has nothing. They probably would leak something, even if it were small.
----3. they literally had Trump tower wiretapped so if there was anything they would have found it.

The wiretapping was meant to be used to keep Trump out of office, but it didn't work, and now Obama, Clinton, and the FBI are in full damage control.

They are using the investigation, which they falsely started with fake claims, to search for anything they can possibly find to tie Trump to Russia and then kick him out of office. That is why Trump wants the investigation to be over, because it's probably
worrying the shit out of him because who can remember everyone they ever did business with?

Mueller is investigating for Russian influence, and he will track any rabbit down any hole he can find. He went in thinking he would find shit on Trump, but now he's knee deep in Clinton's own collusion. Gowdy wants the Mueller investigation to continue because it's an investigation of Clinton now. Call me crazy but I think I may be exactly right about this


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Traitor! Treason! = Prison!!! <a href=""></a></p>— #AmericanDreamerJeffBales6 (@JeffBales6) <a href="">February 4, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
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