Trump's Tweets


Truth Teller
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Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This is false. For Obama issue of race was unavoidable. But he only made the Philly speech ? which was hardly divisive ? out of political necessity and tiptoed around the subject 6 years til Trayvon, and even then allies like Holder thought he was too mealy- mouthed... <a href=""></a></p>— Glenn Thrush (@GlennThrush) <a href="">September 8, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">.<a href="">@dbongino</a>: Barack Obama was one of the most divisive presidents in American history, constantly relying on identity politics to put people into boxes <a href=""></a></p>— FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) <a href="">September 8, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Last edited:


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: bd905b No.2926144

Sep 7 2018 17:22:13 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 42744b No.2926085

Sep 7 2018 17:19:10 (EST)

FISA Signatures

FISA 10/?/16

SSA? - Comey - Yates - DOJ?

FISA 1/?/17

SSA? - Comey - Yates - DOJ?

FISA 4/?/17

SSA? - Comey - Dana J. Boente(AAG) - DOJ?

FISA 6/?/18

SSA? - McCabe - RR - DOJ?

Boente - Resigned -10/27/17
(Hired as FBI GC 1/23/18)
Yates Fired - 1/30/17
Comey Fired - 5/9/17
McCabe - Fired - 3/16/18
(Stepped Down 1/29/18)

Only RR left?

And possibly whoever the AAG and DOJ signatores were?
If [RR] is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.
if Mueller is dirty, [RR] must also be dirty.



Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: bd905b No.2925937

Sep 7 2018 17:11:48 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 7918a2 No.2925844

Sep 7 2018 17:06:52 (EST)
why isn't Page being targeted/locked up though?
What FISA is about to be DECLAS?
Public spotlight?
How can you prosecute someone and provide testimony to the JUDGE when you KNOW the TRUE EVIDENCE is about to come to LIGHT?
Digging a deeper hole re: testimony to the court?


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Joseph Mifsud, Mueller Key Witness & Professor Who Used Papadopoulos To Set Up Donald Trump is Presumed Dead

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?DNC lawyers wrote in court filings Friday that Joseph Mifsud, who spoke to Papadopoulos during the 2016 presidential election, ?is missing and may be deceased,? Bloomberg News reported. The lawyers did not elaborate.?


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Never TRUMPER has a point

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Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Weekly Update: Strzok Drafted Comey?s Letter to Congress About Weiner?s Laptop
Judicial Watch ^ | September 7, 2018| Tom Fitton

Posted on ‎9‎/‎8‎/‎2018‎ ‎11‎:‎49‎:‎24‎ ‎AM by jazusamo

Strzok?s ?Fingerprints? Are on Comey?s Letter About the Weiner Laptop
Army Must Rethink Purple Heart for Joshua Berry in Fort Hood Terror Attack
State Dept. Uses Outdated, Unsecure System to Spot Visa/Passport Fraud

Strzok?s ?Fingerprints? Are on Comey?s Letter About the Weiner Laptop

We have added two new pieces to the giant jigsaw puzzle showing the effort to undermine President Trump. They show more of the workings of the disgraced former FBI Director James Comey and fired FBI official Peter Strzok.

We have released 424 pages of FBI records, including an email revealing that Strzok created the initial draft of the October 2016 letter Comey sent to Congress notifying lawmakers of the discovery of Hillary Clinton emails on the laptop of disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner.

Another email suggests that the FBI had not yet completed its review of Clinton?s emails by the time Comey sent a second letter to Congress on November 6, 2016, reconfirming his belief that Hillary Clinton shouldn?t be charged with a crime.

The records were produced as a result of a June 2018 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed after the DOJ failed to respond to a September 1, 2017, request ( Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-01448)). Judicial Watch is seeking:
1. All drafts of James Comey?s statement closing the Clinton email investigation, from his original draft in April or May 2016 to the final version.
2. All records of communications between or among FBI officials regarding Comey?s draft statement closing the Clinton email investigation, including all memoranda and/or analyses of the factual and/or legal justification for his July 5, 2016 announcement regarding his decision not to seek Mrs. Clinton?s prosecution.
3. All records previously provided to the Office of Special Counsel in the course of its now-closed Hatch Act investigation of Mr. Comey.

The documents reveal that on October 27, 2016, Peter Strzok emailed other senior FBI officials a draft notice letter from Comey to Congress about the Weiner laptop discovery and the reopening of the Clinton investigation. The emails indicated that Strzok and another official Jon (Last Name Unknown) authored the notification to Congress. The notification, according the DOJ IG , came a full month after the emails were discovered by the FBI on the Weiner laptop.

According to the documents, at 11:04 p.m. on Saturday, November 5, 2016, FBI Chief of Staff James Rybicki sent Comey an email containing a redacted draft document which he referred to as a ?New Proposal? saying: ?Folks, Per our 1000pm conversation, below is a revised straw man for discussion. Again, we could use this if the review when completed supports our conclusions. My comments again in ALL CAPS and bold italics.?

Rybicki?s ?New Proposal ? straw man? apparently refers to a draft of Comey?s letter to Congress concerning the FBI?s review of the 650,000 Clinton emails found on Weiner?s laptop. At the time of the Rybicki email, Comey was preparing his letter informing Congress of the FBI?s findings, and according to page 390 of the June 2018 report from the DOJ Office of the Inspector General, the deliberations regarding the letter began on the afternoon of November 3 and concluded ?very early on November 6.?

Despite Rybicki?s email suggesting late on November 5 that the review of the new emails had not been completed, Comey?s November 6 letter to Congress stated, ?[W]e reviewed all of the communications that were to or from Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State. Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton.?

Comey?s ?conclusions? in July were that no charges should be filed against Clinton, despite her repeatedly having sent classified information over her unsecured, non-State-Department server. Comey later admitted that he had drafted his July exoneration more than a month earlier.

RealClear Investigations? reporter Paul Sperry recently reported that ?only 3,077 of the 694,000 emails [found on the Weiner laptop] were directly reviewed for classified or incriminating information. Three FBI officials completed that work in a single 12-hour spurt the day before Comey again cleared Clinton of criminal charges.?

These new documents provide more details of the corrupt and dishonest FBI investigation of the incredible revelations that Clinton?s classified and other emails were present on Anthony Weiner?s laptop. When will the Sessions DOJ and Wray FBI finally begin an honest investigation of Hillary Clinton?s national security crimes?

In a related Judicial Watch lawsuit, the State Department told the court in October 2017: ?The State Department identified approximately 2,800 work-related documents among the documents provided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.?

In January 2018 , in accordance with a court order , the State Department began turning Weiner emails over to us. Initially, 18 classified emails were found in the 798 documents produced by the State Department.


Truth Teller
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Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="">#SaturdayMorning</a> Obama thought the internet would forget this video. He should of known better. <a href=""></a></p>— J.A Alvira Sr. ن🇺🇸🇵🇷🦏 (@AgustinAlvira) <a href="">September 8, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">😏 "When you strip away his blindly confident entertaining delivery and just read his words, it is staggering, how INCOHERENT he is...." - John Oliver <a href=""></a></p>— (@SamScrogg) <a href="">September 8, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Registered User
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Nov 21, 2000
Pittsburgh, Pa.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">😏 "When you strip away his blindly confident entertaining delivery and just read his words, it is staggering, how INCOHERENT he is...." - John Oliver <a href=""></a></p>— (@SamScrogg) <a href="">September 8, 2018</a></blockquote>
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His supporters knew this when they voted for him.
They knew he was a bloviating buffoon.
The fact that he is a disjointed, borderline moron
pales in comparison to the wickedness of the
woman he beat.
Some say Trump voters can be
placed in three camps:
1) "I'm a trumper all the way!"
2) "I voted for him, but I'm sad.
Given the same situation, I'd do it again and I'd still be sad."
3) "I voted for him, but I fear he is taking America down a dangerous path."

I think yyz said it best (paraphrasing),
"Following politics is like following the WWF."

Jesus Christ is the answer.

Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
His supporters knew this when they voted for him.
They knew he was a bloviating buffoon.
The fact that he is a disjointed, borderline moron
pales in comparison to the wickedness of the
woman he beat.
Some say Trump voters can be
placed in three camps:
1) "I'm a trumper all the way!"
2) "I voted for him, but I'm sad.
Given the same situation, I'd do it again and I'd still be sad."
3) "I voted for him, but I fear he is taking America down a dangerous path."

I think yyz said it best (paraphrasing),
"Following politics is like following the WWF."

Jesus Christ is the answer.

Hey, buddy, Psssssstt. Let me whisper in your ear. Hillary is Jesus in drag.

Yep, He's back. Wearing lipstick and a pantsuit. It's a Miracle.


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
EPIC! President Trump Trolls Obama ?I Guess I Have a Magic Wand?

[link to (secure)]

President Trump trolled Obama Monday morning over the former president?s past statements claiming Trump would need a magic wand to expand the economy and bring jobs back.
In June of 2016, Obama mocked Donald Trump while speaking at a town hall in Indiana.

Obama slammed Donald Trump for claiming he would use his business acumen to jump start the economy and create jobs.

?He just says, ?I?m gonna negotiate a better deal.? Well how? How exactly are you going to negotiate that?? Obama arrogantly said to the audience of useful idiots. ?What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn?t have an answer.?


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
BREAKING Strzok and Page Discussed ?Media Leak Strategy? Ahead of Carter Page FISA Warrant Revelation

Newly released text messages and records obtained by the House Oversight Committee reveal Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were discussing a strategy to leak unverified information to the media in an effort to damage the Trump administration.

The FBI lovebirds were discussing this media leak strategy in April of 2017?just one month after AG Sessions recused himself?a very critical time leading up to the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

On Monday, Freedom Caucus Chairman and member of the House Oversight Committee Mark Meadows (R-NC) sent a letter to the DOJ, addressed to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein saying a ?review of the new documents raises grave concerns regarding an apparent systemic culture of media leaking by high-ranking officials at the FBI and DOJ related to ongoing investigations,? reported Sara Carter.

Rep. Mark Meadows believes April 2017 text messages from Peter Strzok to Lisa Page may be connected to a story the Washington Post broke at almost the exact same time (April 11th) about Carter Page FISA warrants.

One day after the Washington Post ran their story on Carter Page, Peter Strzok congratulated his paramour, Lisa Page on a job well done.

Sara Carter reported:


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
STUNNING: Tucker Carlson Reveals Explosive Email from Google Exec on How Company Actively Assisted Hillary in 2016 (VIDEO)

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FOX News host Tucker Carlson revealed evidence on Monday on Google was actively working to get Hillary Clinton elected and now there is evidence.

Tucker Carlson has an email from Google executive who admitted in her correspondence to top Google officials on how disappointed she was that Hillary Clinton lost after all of the work the company did for Hillary as a silent donation.

The email came from Senior employee Eliana Murillo, the former head of Google?s multicultural marketing department. Eliana deployed the company?s resources to increase voter turnout in ways she believed would help the Clinton campaign win in the last election.


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
STUNNING: Tucker Carlson Reveals Explosive Email from Google Exec on How Company Actively Assisted Hillary in 2016 (VIDEO)

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FOX News host Tucker Carlson revealed evidence on Monday on Google was actively working to get Hillary Clinton elected and now there is evidence.

Tucker Carlson has an email from Google executive who admitted in her correspondence to top Google officials on how disappointed she was that Hillary Clinton lost after all of the work the company did for Hillary as a silent donation.

The email came from Senior employee Eliana Murillo, the former head of Google?s multicultural marketing department. Eliana deployed the company?s resources to increase voter turnout in ways she believed would help the Clinton campaign win in the last election.

Trump's team is actually getting convicted of real crimes and the Trumpsters are still chasing Hillary emails..........TWO YEARS LATER! What a bunch of fucking losers. :mj07:


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Your tweet exposes your profound ignorance.<br><br>Almost the entire top floor of Obama FBI has been fired, or resigned in disgrace. McCabe is in front of a GJ. <br><br>Don't blame anyone else but yourself, when the indictments are made public. You're DELIBERATELY avoiding the truth &#55357;&#56391; <a href=""></a></p>— REX (@_ImperatorRex_) <a href="">September 11, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

NEVER FORGET: Two Years Ago Today: Hillary Dropped Like Bag of Rocks, Was Chucked into Scooby Van and Media Lied to Protect Her

Two years ago today ? Hillary Clinton attended the 9-11 memorial presentation at Ground Zero.

Mrs. Clinton, who often looked physically weak on the campaign and needed assistance to climb stairs, felt ill that day and left the memorial early.

The liberal media ignored her health issues throughout the campaign.

Fortunately a citizen journalist captured what happened next.
Hillary passed out and was chucked into her van.


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Mueller?s FBI Lied to Shut Down Congressional Investigation of Stolen Stealth Defense Technology, Then Comey?s Defense Firm Made Billions

It wasn?t bad enough that the FBI under Robert Mueller?s leadership shut down its investigation of stolen U.S. STEALTH defense technology to protect Lockheed Martin while James Comey was Lockheed?s top lawyer.

The FBI next did the unthinkable: Lied to Congressional investigators. And lied big.

For nearly four years the FBI investigated the international theft of STEALTH defense technology from a small Florida marine company that invented an ingenious way to help protect Navy ships and nuclear ballistic submarines from being detected on enemy radar and sonar.

And on the eve before the case was go to a Grand Jury, the case was closed by then-FBI Director Mueller and then-Attorney General Eric Holder.

After the FBI walked away from the case, Congressional investigators took over and began probing the technology and trade-secret theft from the small Florida company by multi-billion dollar defense conglomerates.

Then, Congressional investigators were stopped in their tracks. The FBI reported its criminal investigation was still active which meant Congressional investigators would have to stand down until the FBI finished its probe.

Congress put the case on hold, awaiting a green light from the FBI. But that light never came.

But, records and testimony show the FBI never lifted a finger to reopen the case and it?s representations to Congress that the case was active turned out to be nothing more than a charade to close the Congressional inquiry.

One big lie. A classic Mueller move. And a hallmark of Holder?s political career as well. Two investigations snuffed out for the price of one.

And who benefited? Lockheed Martin and its lead counsel Comey who left the Justice Department to work for the defense contractor.

?This was the original pay-to-play scheme and it involves Mueller, Holder, (James) Comey and (Hillary) Clinton,? said Steve Morton, inventor and owner of a rare robotic ship and submarine stealth painting technology that can help make the U.S. Navy?s fleet invisible on radar and sonar. ?They allowed my technology to be stolen by European companies partnered with Lockheed Martin and Comey was the top lawyer for Lockheed.

Less than 50%

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Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
Skulnik: Have you seen this????

  • George Papadopoulos: Former Trump Campaign Foreign Policy Advisor, continued in that role after Trump became President. Convicted October 5, 2017 for lying to the FBI regarding communications, on behalf of and with the encouragement Trump Campaign, with Russians aimed at getting dirt on Hillary Clinton from Russian hacked emails. Was arrested July 27, 2017 but the conviction and plea agreement was not released until October 30th. In the interim he continued to work in the Trump Administration and may have been wearing a wire on behalf of the Mueller team.
  • Michael Flynn: Former Army General, Trump Campaign Advisor, led ?lock her up chants? as a keynote speaker at the Republican National Convention, appointed by Trump as National Security Advisor and Director of National Intelligence, perhaps the most sensitive position related to national security in the Administration. Convicted (by guilty plea) on December 1, 2017 for lying to the FBI and regarding contacts and communications with Russians on behalf of the Trump transition team. The plea bargain agreement requires that Flynn fully cooperate with the investigation.
  • Richard Pinedo: California man convicted February 2, 2018 for helping the indicted Russian individuals and companies in their meddling in the Presidential election. Pinedo helped the Russians use dummy bank accounts to work around the security of companies like PayPal. Pinedo helped the Russians appear online as if they were Americans. Pinedo is now cooperating with Mueller?s team.
  • Alex Van der Zwaan: The son-in-law of a Russian oligarch pleads guilty on February 20, 2018 for lying to the FBI regarding his communications with Rick Gates and Paul Manafort on behalf of pro-Soviet elements in the Ukraine. The communications involved were in September 2016, shortly after Manafort left the Trump Campaign and while Gates was still part of the campaign. On March 27, 2018 Mueller files a Sentencing Memorandum with the court for Van der Zwaan. This document details communications, some of which were recorded, between Gates, Manafort and a Russian intelligence agent. This conviction, along with an expected plea agreement with Rick Gates (see below), is seen as evidence that the Mueller? noose is tightening around Former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort?s indictment. On April 3, 2018 Alex van Der Zwaan is sentenced to 30 days in jail and fined $20,000, becoming the first person sentenced in the Russia investigation.
  • Rick Gates: As widely anticipated, on February 23, 2018 Rick Gates strikes a plea agreement and pleads guilty to multiple counts for conspiracy to defraud the United States and making false statements. Gates is Manafort?s long term right hand man who stayed with the Trump Campaign and the administration after Manafort left. Gates agrees that a government drafted Statement of Criminal Information spells out facts and allegations that are true. The Criminal Information Gates stipulates to completely sells out Manafort as it details wide ranging schemes to defraud the United States, money launder, bank fraud and tax fraud. Gates admits to making false statements even after originally indicted in late October 2017 and the Criminal Information seems to indicate Manafort did too. The criminal enterprises detailed in the Criminal Information, and in theSuperseding Indictment filed the day before, include many instances of these crimes being committed while Gates and Manafort were working for the Trump Campaign and while Gates was working in the Trump Administration. As is typical, the plea agreement requires that Gates ?shall cooperate fully, truthfully, completely and forthrightly with this Office and other Federal, state and local law enforcement authorities identified by this Office in any and all matters to which this Office deems cooperation relevant.?
  • Paul Manafort: Found guilty by a jury on August 21, 2018 on eight counts of 18 against him. A mistrial was declared due to hung jury on the remaining ten charges. An interview with one juror revealed there was a single Trump supporting hold out against finding Manafort guilty on all charges. Manafort was found guilty of five counts of tax fraud, two counts of bank fraud and one count of hiding foreign bank accounts. Manafort was originally hired by Trump in the crucial role of securing delegates for the Republican National Convention then made Trump?s Campaign Chairman. A second trial on additional charges remains pending. Fired abruptly after a NY Times report describing massive possible illegal financial transactions from pro-Russian groups in the Ukraine. Indicted with Rick Gates on October 30, 2017 on charges of conspiracy against the United States, conspiracy to launder money, unregistered agent of a foreign principal, false and misleading FARA statements, false statements, and multiple counts of failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts.
  • Michael Cohen: On August 21, 2018 pleads guilty as part of a plea bargain on 8 counts. Two of the counts include campaign financing violations related to hush money payments to Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels. Cohen states the violations were made ?in coordination with and at the direction of? President Trump. The Statement of Offense, that Cohen basically confesses to, details a stunning process of deliberate collusion between the Trump Campaign and AMI (the parent company of the National Enquirer) to suppress negative stories about Trump. I?m including Cohen in this list even though the plea deal was not with Mueller, but the Federal Prosecutors for the Southern District of New York, because it started with Mueller and was referred by Mueller to that office.
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