Trump's Tweets


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
BREAKING: Dem Staffer Headed To Prison for doxxing Republicans during Kavanaugh hearing

[link to (secure)]

A former Democratic congressional aide who doxxed Republican senators during a confirmation hearing for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh will be sentenced to prison Wednesday.

Former computer administrator Jackson Cosko carried out what prosecutors said was the largest known data theft in Senate history and used it to blackmail a witness, to plot to extort a senator and to threaten others.

He left operational spy devices on the Senate network that went undetected by police even after he was arrested and his plot was discovered, prosecutors said.

Prosecutors are seeking to make an example of Cosko for criminally attacking people who disagreed with him politically, citing a rise in such incidents.

Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
BREAKING: Dem Staffer Headed To Prison for doxxing Republicans during Kavanaugh hearing

[link to (secure)]

A former Democratic congressional aide who doxxed Republican senators during a confirmation hearing for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh will be sentenced to prison Wednesday.

Former computer administrator Jackson Cosko carried out what prosecutors said was the largest known data theft in Senate history and used it to blackmail a witness, to plot to extort a senator and to threaten others.

He left operational spy devices on the Senate network that went undetected by police even after he was arrested and his plot was discovered, prosecutors said.

Prosecutors are seeking to make an example of Cosko for criminally attacking people who disagreed with him politically, citing a rise in such incidents.

Breaking News! from Skulnutz

October 2018 :mj07:

An unpaid intern sent out a few tweets. And isn't "headed to prison". He hasn't even been tried. :142smilie:142smilie

from skulnutz

Meanwhile the President of the United States posts a dozen lies a day. And skulnutz is still trying to figure out what a "dox" is. :mj07::mj07::mj07::mj07:

Whatta jerkoff.


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
WHY work ... when you can get everything FOR FREE (to you)?

I have seen this dynamic work with "Trust Fund Babies" all my life ... and those people are intelligent and have the best education money can buy. The same desire among the Poor and Middle Class is now being pandered to by the Democrats

The main plank in the Democrats political belief system is no longer "Equal Opportunity" ... but "Equality of Outcome", even for the LAZY.

The Democrat's Belief System, and Party Platform is NOW:

* FREE Medical Care that somehow nobody has to pay for
* FREE College, even for exclusive private colleges at $80,000/yr, that nobody has to pay for
* FREE Slavery Reparations that nobody descended from a Slave will have to pay for
* FREE Housing for everybody that nobody will have to pay for
* FREE Food for everybody that nobody will have to pay for
* FREE (Democrats, put next wish here) that nobody will have to pay for
* FREE (Democrats, put next wish here) that nobody will have to pay for
* FREE (Democrats, put next wish here) that nobody will have to pay for

Equality of Opportunity? That is so Old School!!

A NEW AGE has arrived!!
EQUALITY OF OUTCOME is the NEW goal! ... even for those who won't work!!


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Breaking News! from Skulnutz

October 2018 :mj07:

An unpaid intern sent out a few tweets. And isn't "headed to prison". He hasn't even been tried. :142smilie:142smilie

from skulnutz

Meanwhile the President of the United States posts a dozen lies a day. And skulnutz is still trying to figure out what a "dox" is. :mj07::mj07::mj07::mj07:

Whatta jerkoff.

Dox, isn't that the guy that shoves his cock in your mouth and ass?



Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
Typical "everything"s OK at the border" response. It's Ok to bring the kids here now...WHY?? To allow their handlers access to our country with cartel drugs or to send the children right in the sex business. To just look the other way without weighing the consequences is truly clueless. Why don't you give them a drivers license without documentation? Oh wait, that"s the bill New York State just passed.

View attachment 9722

Wait. You posted a video trying to show that Obama and Trump are the same when handling immigrants. I explain the difference and you think I was trying to say that "everything's okay at the border"? I have never said that. I think the border has issues but to make it out to be this crisis that requires a wall and an army to protect it is absolute nonsense. Treating these people like dogs is wrong too, but it's cool with you guys. The facts show that they contribute more to the economy than they harm it so I'm not going to worry about it.


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
WHY work ... when you can get everything FOR FREE (to you)?

I have seen this dynamic work with "Trust Fund Babies" all my life ... and those people are intelligent and have the best education money can buy. The same desire among the Poor and Middle Class is now being pandered to by the Democrats

The main plank in the Democrats political belief system is no longer "Equal Opportunity" ... but "Equality of Outcome", even for the LAZY.

The Democrat's Belief System, and Party Platform is NOW:

* FREE Medical Care that somehow nobody has to pay for
* FREE College, even for exclusive private colleges at $80,000/yr, that nobody has to pay for
* FREE Slavery Reparations that nobody descended from a Slave will have to pay for
* FREE Housing for everybody that nobody will have to pay for
* FREE Food for everybody that nobody will have to pay for
* FREE (Democrats, put next wish here) that nobody will have to pay for
* FREE (Democrats, put next wish here) that nobody will have to pay for
* FREE (Democrats, put next wish here) that nobody will have to pay for

Equality of Opportunity? That is so Old School!!

A NEW AGE has arrived!!
EQUALITY OF OUTCOME is the NEW goal! ... even for those who won't work!!

What a crock of shit. Is Medicare FREE? Are the roads FREE? Is the Military FREE? Is Social Security FREE?


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Breaking News! from Skulnutz

October 2018 :mj07:

An unpaid intern sent out a few tweets. And isn't "headed to prison". He hasn't even been tried. :142smilie:142smilie

from skulnutz

Meanwhile the President of the United States posts a dozen lies a day. And skulnutz is still trying to figure out what a "dox" is. :mj07::mj07::mj07::mj07:

Whatta jerkoff.


Ex-Senate staffer sentenced to 4 years for ?doxing? GOP senators in Kavanaugh confirmation fight

Spencer Hsu 3 hrs ago

? Chip Somodevilla/Chip Somodevilla/Pool/Epa-Efe/Rex/Shutterstock Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), left, on July 10, 2018, with then-Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh on Capitol Hill.
A U.S. judge on Wednesday sentenced a former Democratic Senate staff member to four years in prison for a burglary and hacking campaign that culminated in the single largest known theft of electronic data from the Senate and the posting of private information about Republican senators on the Internet.

Jackson A. Cosko, 27, of the District, pleaded guilty in April to ?doxing? the senators after being fired by one senator and growing angry at others while watching the Sept. 27 Senate hearing that addressed sexual assault allegations against then-Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh.
Cosko subsequently doxed five senators by anonymously editing their Wikipedia pages to add phone numbers and home addresses, he admitted to the court. The information was quickly removed after the alterations were discovered, and aides contacted authorities.

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In addition to two counts of disclosing restricted personal information and one count each of computer fraud, Cosko confessed to one count each of witness tampering and obstruction of justice by threatening a staffer who caught him on a computer in the office of Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.), where he was a computer administrator before he was fired in May 2018.
U.S. District Judge Thomas F. Hogan of Washington said Cosko intended to hurt people with whom he disagreed, committing a ?vicious offense? in an increasingly ?intemperate and uncivil? world in which, the judge noted, a gunman in 2017 opened fire on Republican lawmakers at a baseball practice and Democrats faced similar threats, including from a mail bomber in Florida.
?People should realize, especially young people, you simply cannot do this without facing serious consequences,? Hogan said.
Also Wednesday, prosecutors charged another Hassan staffer they allege had been persuaded by Cosko to try to ?wipe down? Senate computers he hacked.
Samantha Deforest Davis was charged with two misdemeanors ? one federal count of aiding and abetting computer fraud and one District count of attempted evidence tampering ? in a criminal information, a type of charging document that is used when a defendant waives indictment and that can signal an intent to plead guilty.
Davis?s assistant federal defender, Shelli Peterson, declined to comment.
In plea papers, Cosko acknowledged that the senators he doxed were GOP Senate Judiciary Committee members Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.); and Mike Lee and Orrin G. Hatch, both of Utah; as well as and Rand Paul and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, both Republicans from Kentucky.
?The defendant deliberately and maliciously committed serious crimes directed at United States senators and the Senate,? imposing significant harm on individuals senators, their families, staff and the Senate, Assistant U.S. Attorney Demian S. Ahn said in requesting a 57-month prison sentence.
Ahn urged the judge to impose a penalty to deter others, saying that Cosko?s ?crimes call out for a significant sentence,? having been committed in an environment of a rise in politically motivated ?criminal harassment and threats.?
Cosko?s attorneys argued for a two-year term, saying he cooperated fully with investigators, alerting police to a co-defendant, and also to keystroke-logging equipment he had placed on Senate machines and to key evidence missed in a police search. Supporters wrote to the judge saying they were shocked by Cosko?s actions, which they attributed to a spiral of untreated mental-health problems and massive consumption of psychedelic drugs, cocaine and alcohol last year.
?I accept full and complete responsibility for my actions,? Cosko said in court, backed by his parents, siblings and cousins. He apologized for the harm he caused to the Senate, staffers, constituents and the U.S. Capitol Police, and the disappointment and humiliation he inflicted on his family.
Cosko has served about four months in jail and five months in treatment since his arrest. ?I believe it saved my life, and moving forward I intend to take full advantage of that to live a purposeful life,? he said.
Hogan agreed to recommend that Cosko serve his sentence at the federal low-security prison at Lompoc, Calif., near his parents, and participate in a U.S. Bureau of Prisons residential drug rehabilitation program. Hogan noted that a federal presentencing investigation found that Cosko had been consuming various drugs in what should have been fatal quantities. ?I find it almost incredible or unbelievable that you could even operate anything,? Hogan said.
Cosko?s attorney Brian W. Stolarz said, ?No one should be judged by their worst act but how they emerge from it.?
Cosko was arrested Oct. 3 by U.S. Capitol Police, who said he had been caught sneaking into Hassan?s offices after 10 p.m. the night before and using an aide?s computer and log-in, according to court filings.
Another aide recognized Cosko, ordered him to leave and called police, Cosko acknowledged in plea papers. Minutes later, that aide received a threatening email with the subject line ?I own Everything? and a text stating, ?If you tell anyone I will leak it all. Emails signal conversations gmails. Senators children?s health information and socials,? according to plea papers.
Cosko had burglarized the office several times, copying network drives and identifying sensitive information he might use later, he admitted in court filings.
The five federal felony counts to which Cosko pleaded guilty carried maximum penalties of up to 20 years in prison.


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I never called the strike against Iran ?BACK,? as people are incorrectly reporting, I just stopped it from going forward at this time!</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">June 22, 2019</a></blockquote>
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Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Left Furious After Swedish Public TV Admits Migrants Commit Majority of Rapes Ahead of Election <a href=""></a></p>— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) <a href="">August 23, 2018</a></blockquote>
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?Nobody Told Me it Was Illegal!? ? Claim of Migrant Accused of Child Rape
Breitbart ^ | 23 June 2019 | Chris Tomlinson

A migrant suspected of raping and sexually abusing a much younger girl claims that he did not know it was illegal in Sweden because no-one had told him.
The suspected sexual abuse took place in April of this year at a family home with the young girl, whose exact age has not been revealed. It is alleged she was forced to have sex with the supposedly 17-year-old migrant, newspaper Lokaltidningen reports.
When questioned, the migrant reportedly admitted that he had sex with the young girl but said that it had not been a crime and was just something that ?happened between two children.?
In an Administrative court, it was argued that while the migrant did admit to the crime he was not aware of the laws regarding sexual relations and that no-one in Sweden had taught him what the laws and expected norms were.
The representative argued that the court should not proceed with a prosecution, claiming that the young man had been doing well in school and that his school progress would be harmed if he were to be prosecuted.

Hey Penguin, you got a spare room for any Illegal Immigrants?

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
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Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">It?s Only 2 Minutes And<br>17<br>Seconds.<br>Listen Again... <a href=""></a></p>— For God And Country🇺🇸⭐️Q⭐️➕⭐️ (@WWG1WGA) <a href="">June 24, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
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Aug 29, 2006
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Is Ted Cruz really using Project Veritas as a source? An outfit known for doctoring videos? Holy shit!
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