Trump's Tweets


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">11) An anon created a gif showing an overlay of two maps. There's a high correlation between states that issue driver's licenses to illegal immigrants and the states that Hillary won in the 2016 election. <a href=""></a></p>— Praying Medic (@prayingmedic) <a href="">July 10, 2019</a></blockquote>
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sporadic wins
Forum Member
Nov 25, 2005
Where there's smoke there's fire, is an interesting perspective. How many of Trump's team have been indicted/convicted via the Mueller investigation? How many women have accused Trump of sexual assault?

I think lunacy is scouring the internet for conspiracy theory nonsense and posting it on a public forum as if it represents the truth.[/QUOTE

Well it's good that you ,Dufuss,Twitter,Facebook and Google will be censoring all these outlets for us.


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">....The Fake News is not as important, or as powerful, as Social Media. They have lost tremendous credibility since that day in November, 2016, that I came down the escalator with the person who was to become your future First Lady. When I ultimately leave office in six......</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">July 11, 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">....years, or maybe 10 or 14 (just kidding), they will quickly go out of business for lack of credibility, or approval, from the public. That?s why they will all be Endorsing me at some point, one way or the other. Could you imagine having Sleepy Joe Biden, or <a href="">@AlfredENeuman99</a>,..</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">July 11, 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">...or a very nervous and skinny version of Pocahontas (1000/24th), as your President, rather than what you have now, so great looking and smart, a true Stable Genius! Sorry to say that even Social Media would be driven out of business along with, and finally, the Fake News Media!</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">July 11, 2019</a></blockquote>
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Remember when the "Conservatives" were worried Obama would stay past 8 years? This fool is actually talking about doing it.

Any negative news = Fake News. Got it. You can only trust what he says directly via Social Media. Got it. :142smilie


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The Fake News Media loves the narrative that I didn?t use many banks because the banks didn?t like me. No, I didn?t use many banks because I didn?t (don?t) need their money (old fashioned, isn?t it?). If I did, it would have been very easy for me to get.</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">July 11, 2019</a></blockquote>
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It wasn't that they didn't "like" you, they didn't "like" someone who defaulted on loans and filed for bankruptcy multiple times.


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Billionaire Home Depot co-founder shreds Trump haters in new Facebook post
Yahoo ^ | 7/10/19 | Brian Sozzi
Posted on 7/11/2019, 7:21:00 AM by Moonman62

?I woke up this morning thinking it was going to be another great day. I've been celebrating with friends, family and the community since I turned 90. I've told you about the gracious gift of $117 million that was collected and given in my honor to four charities that mean a lot to me. All that happiness blew up because I said in a newspaper interview that I have supported and will continue to support Donald Trump.


Negative stories... vicious threats, without cause, to boycott the company that has enabled my foundation to give billions to support autism, medical research, education, heart and neurological issues like stroke, and to help our veterans. The company that I retired from in 2002 and have not had a business relationship with in almost 20 years. A company that has employed more than a half-million people. The people who work there are affiliated with both political parties or no party at all. They are of all religions and all colors and backgrounds. Why would people want to hurt them?

All because I give my voice and some of my money to our President. Am I in China? Argentina? Russia? That's what it feels like to me.

It saddens me that our country has come to this, where I, as a private citizen, cannot express my feelings. It angers me and it saddens me, but it sure as hell is not going to stop me. If you thought it would, you've got the wrong guy.

In the next ten years, God willing, I will accomplish more to save this world than my critics will do even if they had forty lifetimes.?

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Homeowner Shoots Intruder While Waiting for Police

Authorities released chilling 911 calls from a home invasion in White Center, in which the homeowner shot and killed the intruder. The homeowner was not hurt and will not face any charges. In the 911 call, we can hear the homeowner telling the operator that someone had broken into his house through a window and that he was hiding in his bedroom closet.

Dispatcher: 9-1-1. What are you reporting?

Homeowner: (Labored breathing.) My house is getting robbed?(Inaudible.)

Dispatcher: What address are you at?

Homeowner: (Gives address, later redacted.)

Dispatcher: Do you see someone inside?

Homeowner: Yeah, he?s inside right now.

(Crashing sounds.)

Dispatcher: Okay, where are you?

Homeowner: In the bedroom.

Dispatcher: Are you armed?

Homeowner: Yeah, I have a gun.

Dispatcher: You?re at the house. Correct?

Homeowner: Yeah.

(Continued crashing sounds.)

Dispatcher: Okay, is that crashing I hear behind you?is that them?

Homeowner: What?s that?

Dispatcher: Is that crashing I hear behind you? Is that them?

Homeowner: Yeah. (Inaudible.)

(More crashing.)

Dispatcher: Okay. And you?re upstairs?

Homeowner: Please hurry!

Dispatcher: Do you have any further description on?(inaudible), correct?

Homeowner: I don?t.

Dispatcher: What color is your house?

Homeowner: It?s green.

Dispatcher: How many stories?

Homeowner: Two.

(The homeowner seems to be getting more nervous as the crashing sounds move closer. His breathing seems shallower, and his voice is close to a whisper.)

Dispatcher: Okay. How many vehicles should be in front?

Homeowner: I don?t know. I?

Dispatcher: Okay. What?s the color of your vehicle?

Homeowner: It?s a red truck.

Dispatcher: Okay. You have any other vehicles there, right?

Homeowner: Hyundai. Silver Hyundai.

Dispatcher: Okay. You?re sure there?s no other vehicles there, right?

Homeowner: (Inaudible.) Silver Hyundai.

Dispatcher: Bear with me. Got officers on the way. Okay? Do you live with anyone else?

Homeowner: No. I?m by myself.

(Crashing sounds are getting much closer.)

Dispatcher: Are you able?Do they know you?re there?

Homeowner: (Whispering. Unintelligible.)

Dispatcher: Okay. Stay quiet, okay? Keep yourself safe.

(All is silent for more than 30 seconds, except for the dispatcher typing and the crashing sounds. Officers still have not arrived after nearly three minutes. The homeowner seems reluctant to speak as he senses the intruder getting closer.)

Dispatcher: (Inaudible?) Stay with me.

Homeowner: (Whispering. Inaudible.)

Dispatcher: He just broke out a window? (Pause.) Okay. We?ve got officers on the way, okay? Can you tell how many people are there?

Homeowner: Two.

Dispatcher: Okay. Can you still hear them?

(Long pause.)

Dispatcher: Is your door locked?


(Four minutes into the call, cops have not arrived.)

(Suddenly, five loud, echoing gunshots ring out. These are followed by a moment of silence, then three more shots.)

Dispatcher: Oh my God!

(A man is moaning.)

Dispatcher: Can you hear me?

(For nearly two minutes the homeowner is silent. There are moans. The dispatcher continues to try to contact the resident.)

Dispatcher: Can you hear me?

Homeowner: Where are you?

Dispatcher: Okay. We?ve got officers coming? What?s going on? What happened? Hello? If you can hear me, I need you to talk to me. I need to know what?s going on.

Homeowner: He came after me. I had to shoot him. I?m hiding in my closet in the bedroom. Please hurry, I?m all alone?

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Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
Homeowner Shoots Intruder While Waiting for Police

So, skulnutz, what was the point of posting all that shit?

How far away were the police?

How long did it take them to arrive?

Was the homeowner threatened or injured?

Tell us again - what point are you trying to make?

Here, maybe you'd like to read the transcript of one Joe Horn who killed two men who were unarmed, not on his property and posed no threat to him:

Horn: "I've got a shotgun; do you want me to stop them?"

Pasadena emergency operator: "Nope. Don't do that. Ain't no property worth shooting somebody over, O.K.?"

Horn: "But hurry up, man. Catch these guys will you? Cause, I ain't going to let them go." (Horn then said he would get his shotgun.)

Operator: "No, no."

Horn: "I can't take a chance of getting killed over this, O.K.? I'm going to shoot."

(The operator tells him not to go out with a gun because officers would be arriving.)

Horn: "I understand that O.K. But I have a right to protect myself too, sir, and you understand that ... and the laws have been changed in this country since September the first [2007], and you know it and I know it. I have a right to protect myself. A shotgun is a legal weapon, it's not an illegal weapon."

Operator: "You're going to get yourself shot if you go outside that house with a gun."

Horn: "You wanna make a bet?"

Horn: "I'm gonna kill 'em"

Horn: "Well here it goes, buddy. You hear the shotgun clicking and I'm going."[12]

Horn, to burglars: "Move, you're dead."

(There were two quick gunshots, then a third.)

Horn, to dispatcher: "I had no choice. They came in the front yard with me, man. I had no choice."

The 911 call ended about 80 seconds after the shots were fired, when officers arrived on the scene

Does that make your tiny dick hard?
Last edited:


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
?No stone unturned?: Trump orders govt to turn over ALL records for US citizen & non-citizen count

If you know anything about database setup, cross-referencing then reports generation, then you instantly know what Trump has IMMEDIATELY ORDERED is a dagger to heart of the effort to conceal how many illegal aliens there are in the country.

Try to get to understand database reports output, even with simple database programs like Access from Microsoft.

CURRENTLY EXISTING DATA, from IRS, social security admin., education dept. (student loans), health departments (CDC too), banking and interstate commerce, medicare (Medicaid is state run), VA, FBI numbers, on and on all dumped into ONE DATABASE and processed.

Through differential analysis output, the very accurate number of actual citizens can be extracted.

IMMEDIATELY and in time for the 2020 election.


Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
?No stone unturned?: Trump orders govt to turn over ALL records for US citizen & non-citizen count

If you know anything about database setup, cross-referencing then reports generation, then you instantly know what Trump has IMMEDIATELY ORDERED is a dagger to heart of the effort to conceal how many illegal aliens there are in the country.

Try to get to understand database reports output, even with simple database programs like Access from Microsoft.

CURRENTLY EXISTING DATA, from IRS, social security admin., education dept. (student loans), health departments (CDC too), banking and interstate commerce, medicare (Medicaid is state run), VA, FBI numbers, on and on all dumped into ONE DATABASE and processed.

Through differential analysis output, the very accurate number of actual citizens can be extracted.

IMMEDIATELY and in time for the 2020 election.


So, skulnutz, how about you answer a really simple question, actually two questions. Ready? Here it is:

Why do you hate people who come to this country seeking an opportunity to build better lives for themselves and their families? And why do you hate the Statue of Liberty?

If your response is a stupid cartoon or doctored photo, I'll have the JeffMo chapter of The Latin Eagles feed your intestines to their dogs. Those are some badass dogs, and they'll think they've been given a treat.


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>666666


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>666


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">1) Who is Cecile De Jongh?<br><br>The Epstein connection no one is talking about. <a href="">#Qanon</a> <a href=""></a></p>— Julian's Rum 🥃 (@JuliansRum) <a href="">July 13, 2019</a></blockquote>
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 17, 2002
The Dogpound

Here's Ghislane Maxwell?who procured young girls for Jeffrey Epstein's sex slave ring?in the front row at Chelsea Clinton's wedding.

Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>666666

Yup. A doctored photo from skulnutz. Suuuuprise, suuuuprise. Whatta' dipshit.

Lock your doors, skulnutz. Those Hispanic boys will be using your guts for garters.


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Court: Immigrants who vote illegally can be deported

That's how they catch em.

Non-citizens who register to vote are breaking federal laws and can be deported, an appeals court affirmed in a new ruling Monday, issuing its decision just as President Trump raised the profile of the issue, asking for a study of illegal voting."

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Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 11, 2002
Hoosier country
And despite the blatant racism, many are still unwilling to call it what it is. The unwillingness to denounce it or call it what it is makes someone just as complicit. Period.

Peace! :)

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Hi, history professor here. "Nativist" refers to anti-immigrant sentiment. Since 3 of the 4 targets of the tweets were born in the US, "racist" is the more accurate descriptor. Unless you're trying to insinuate that, say, African Americans aren't "Americans." Revise & resubmit.</p>— Kevin Gannon (@TheTattooedProf) <a href="">July 15, 2019</a></blockquote>
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Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">....They are anti-Israel, pro Al-Qaeda, and comment on the 9/11 attack, ?some people did something.? Radical Left Democrats want Open Borders, which means drugs, crime, human trafficking, and much more....</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">July 15, 2019</a></blockquote>
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Grampa is losing his mind


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Here we go with the Fake Polls. Just like what happened with the Election against Crooked Hillary Clinton. ABC, NBC, CNN, <a href="">@nytimes</a>, <a href="">@washingtonpost</a>, they all got it wrong, on purpose. Suppression Polls so early? They will never learn!</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">July 15, 2019</a></blockquote>
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Fake polls! LOL

Why did he leave Fox News off the list? They had his sorry ass losing by ten points to Hillary too.
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