Trying to quit smoking, need help!!!


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Jun 8, 2002
I've decided I need to kick the habit and am having a bear of a time so far. Would appreciate any input on the matter. Have tried the gum so far and it seems to help a bit but don't think it's the long-term solution. Any help, insights, secrets...greatly appreciated.

Smoke-free since Oct 25th...


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Aug 27, 2001
Dallas TX
visit my uncle... he should scare you straight

after 4 strokes he is now paralyzed on the right side of his body.. including his face.. so he talks all phuked up and tends to drool on himself..

4 weeks ago he had a heart attack.. when he woke up he wanted a smoke....

hes 51
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Go to McDonalds and get their big fat straws. Cut them in half and draw air thru them like you are smoking. works good and cheap too.

Go to a nutrition health type store. They sell herbal cigarettes for 3 bucks a pack. No nicotine but has tar. Makes you feel like your smoking so you can wean yourself off.

Good luck.

Quit July 4, 2002 ......I still have the urge .


Felonious Monk

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Oct 26, 2001
Austin, TX
Go to a nutrition health type store. They sell herbal cigarettes for 3 bucks a pack. No nicotine but has tar. Makes you feel like your smoking so you can wean yourself off.

That's not a bad idea. In fact I'm gonna try that. Thanks Scott.
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Felonious Monk said:
That's not a bad idea. In fact I'm gonna try that. Thanks Scott.

your welcome monk. It helped me quit. Of course the lady in the store looked at me funny when I would be getting 10 packs of clove menthol herbal cigarettes. If I couldnt have my salem 100s then at least I could have something. about 30-45 days and I didnt want them no more.

I got a uncle on oxygen from smoking 3 packs a day all his life. He sits in a chair with his tank about five ft away. I dont like to see that.

Good Luck



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Sep 16, 1999
Hi soulhat,

great idea to quit. After 16 yrs of smoking, I have been smoke free since Oct 19 last year. I used the gum when I had strong urges.
The advice I can give you is to remain determined. You have to be convinced that you are ready.

If you slip and have one, don't worry about it, just start over again.

If you don't already, try to exercise at least a little every day. It helps to rid the toxins.

Remember that a craving lasts only about 10 minutes. If you can hold off lighting up in the first 10 minutes of a craving you should be ok.

There are many situations which trigger cravings, such as stress. When you're stressed and you reach for one, just think to yourself, "how will this cigarette help me in this situation?"

Remember that YOU WILL FEEL A LOT BETTER after you quit.

For me the first 6-8 months (maybe longer) were extremely hard. I'd like to tell you otherwise, but I'd be lying. Be ready for a very, very tough battle. I remember getting strong cravings for the first few months. Going to bars and drinking was extremely hard (but not impossible). The hardest part was watching my friends light up and thinking, "man, a smoke would taste SOOO GOOD right now". But you have to remember why you are doing this and you have to remember that IT DOES GET BETTER and THE CRAVINGS WILL EVENTUALLY DISSAPEAR.
Now when I am with friends that smoke and I have a drink, the thought of having a cigarette does not even cross my mind. I never thought that time would come, but believe me it will, and you will feel great.

It's a great thing you've decided to do and I sincerely hope you succeed.

BTW you may notice yourself eating more, that's why it's important to exercise regularly.

GL and here are some links you might find useful: * this is a great one *

(edited to fix links)
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Jul 22, 2001
Port Richey, Florida
I still HIGHLY recommend The Nicoderm. The wholesale club I used to work at, a customer (who quit) actually got ADDICTED to the gum. Spent about $200 per month of Nicorete!!!!

cigs: $160 per month

gum: $200 per month :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Good luck to you!!!!!!
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Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
if bear sees this he can send you my program and it think it worked quite well for him in a rush no time to tell you it all but he has it and works fine ,and if he does not get with you get my email from jack but the patch is just another form of nic to keep you going i will give you things to clean the toxicans out and you will fell great in a few weeks,all you have to do is ask bear if it worked through the hard times first3-5 days then it is in your head and you can beat that after you detox your self the nic shit and patches doesnot detox the body you need to cleanse your whole in side of many organs. it works.


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Aug 23, 2002

to be real with you.....if you really want to quit smoking, you will have to quit gambling for a couple of weeks. The stress of watching games will get to you.

My suggestion is to cut back on you numbers of cigs per day. don't go cold turkey. gradually let the level of nicotine leave your bloodstream. Drink plenty of water and juice and stay away from people and things that makes you want to smoke.

nicotine is harder to quit than crack or heroin.......


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Forum Member
Aug 23, 2002
GOLDEN SEAL ROOT capsules is a good herb to clean toxins out of your body. Make sure you get the ROOT capsules and not the LEAF caps.

Fletcher, what do you use to clean toxins out of your body?
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Jun 8, 2002
Thanks for all of the ideas and support guys. Very much appreciated.

I went to Central Market today and purchased a detox tea to help get some of the crap out of my body. I am using the gum currently as strictly a stop gap when the craving gets too much. I only had 4 or 5 pieces today which I feel was pretty good cinsidering I usually smoke about a pack a day. Even met some friends at a bar for a bit and did not smoke a SINGLE cigarette.

Fletch I would love to hear more about your system. That is exactly what I am looking for. I read that one of the hardest things about quitting is that your body stores up the nicotine and that is what you need to get rid of.

Ninja...I have considered not gambling while I am doing this. I decided to only make small bets so that there is nothing for me to get stressed about. Gonna drop the units to $25 - $50 max bet for the time being.

Juice...I have started exercising to help speed up the process, drinking tons of water, and when the urge hits take a couple of deep breaths and think about why I am doing this. I have also decided to put a reward system in place...
1 week - nice dinner
1 month - full wax and detail for car
6 months - trip to Colorado
etc... I have even gone so far to consider changing jobs. I currently am in outside sales and spend a large amount of time driving which leads to smoking.

jdh...been popping the seeds, now I'm addicted to the seeds!!! lol

tj, gibber, scott, jdh, monk, juice, fletcher, ninja thank you for all of your help!

Does anyone know if there is a group similar to AA for quitting cigarettes?


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
stuff called LiveRx it works wonders it is about 45 bucks for i think 50 caps which you will use 4 twice a day for first 3 days then 2 twice a day for 3 days.

that next really sucks but works each morning drink one qt of warm water with 2 table spoons of sea salt it must be sea salt. and look out because in 30 mins to an hour it will hit then the next 45 mins in and out of the can and each time you go you drink 8 oz of water ,best to do this alone because the smell will be toxic must be done as soon as you awake and no food before or anything ,you can chase the warm qt of seasalt water with as much water as you want to get tatse out and seasalt does not hurt the bp.

then you will fell like shit for 2-3 days like the flu and stuff everytime you fell shaky or ill drink a coffee cup filled with warm water mixed with

20 drops of kava kave herbal extract
5 drops of lobelia extract
30 drops of skullcapp extract

you can drink this every 3-4 hours should do it 5 times a day for 5 days and would only buy it from a company called Herb PHARM most health stores good ones or nature stores will have all of this.

stay away from simple carbs any thing with lots of sugar you can drink gatoraid to help with keeping your electralytes up i prefer pedia care its better and not as harsh on insides, less chance of heart burn due to acid.

eat steamed grean veggies asparagus and spinach are the best

and a good b12- b-6 vitiman.

eat some plain pasta or soup broth with out the soudium. live on this for 3-5 days and i promise you will fell like a new person

i warn you that you will fell poor as shit for 3 days because of all the toxicans coming out of body, thats why you only eat what i listed above you can do it and i promise you will fell better this works, if you get the crave mix the herb drink and drink it. go for a walk just break the thought cycle,then after that 5 days you must work out in the am and at night even if its walking at a brisk pace 4 mph at least for 30 mins if you can do weight just 30-50 pounds on very simple range of motions things for a few weeks then you can build up to a weight that suits you but the 30-50 is just to get blood flow going and help joints nothing else about 3 sets of 15-20 reps nice and slow not for any show or to build anything its just to move blood through out body. if you want to smoke break the thought process if you side track the mind for 5 mins it will go away,its a train of thought and habit at this point ,soon as it happens and it will don't think about it go for a walk leave the spot where you are at and forget the candy sugar defeats all of this stick a tooth pick or something in mouth if you must with a taste cin or spiremint drink water at least 1 gallon a day. you can do it trust me this will work if you follow it is not easy but it works. once you get past days 3 its in the head then and thats when you need to break thought process.

good luck if you have a question get my email and number from jack and call if you think you want to light up call me or a friend i don't care if its 3 am call me it is breaking the thought process and don't feel bad it happens more then you think in this house with late night help calls.

good luck remember one day at a time don't think about long term and the first 3 days it will be 1 hour at a time if you want a smoke say i will wait and hour then do it,then if you want to smoke wait another hour trust me it works. buy what i said and follow as instructed and you will win the fight because even though you might not look at it like that you are fight for your life.

take care and you will do it don't say can say i will do it


Felonious Monk

Site Owner
Forum Member
Oct 26, 2001
Austin, TX
wow, i think you guys just inspired me to quit.

i've already been wanting to start working out again in my garage and now i can't wait. used to be in top shape but lately i've been feeling like a bum and the cigarettes can be attributed to that.

i'll keep everyone updated also. thanks to all that helped out in this thread. great stuff!


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
fletcher said:
good luck if you have a question get my email and number from jack and call if you think you want to light up call me or a friend i don't care if its 3 am call me it is breaking the thought process and don't feel bad it happens more then you think in this house with late night help calls.


fletcher - I am going to try to be funny and I hope you arnt offended by this.

This is just good info and I would do it myself from your suggestions. you got a good heart we all know that.

But it just made me stop and think........hmmmmmm

0:300 A.M ring ring ring ring......fletcher rolls over.

fletcher... hello , hello yeh

mumbled .....when are yu going too ....

fletcher - what , who is this ?

Petey - its Petey fletcher ....its me Petey.

fletcher - what the hell do you want at 0300 AM you stupid ass.....

Petey - Well, I just had a terrible urge to light a cigarette and since I had your number already from all them busy signals I kept getting I thought I would ring you up. Its a really bad one this time fletcher not like the weak last ones I had.
Is there anything you can do for me ?

fletcher - ahhhh, ahhhh, ahhhhh aaahhh!!!

Petey - Oh could I ask you to come and pick me up ?

I am at the bus station in Vegas. Wake the wife up and maybe bring that big old irish wolfhound with you. Hope you got a extra room.

Would you and your wife consider sleeping on the couch ?

fletcher - ahhhhhhhaa, ahhhhhha, ahhhh

End of story .

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Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
none taken scott. but if he ever did call and was out here in a jam even though i was ready to strangle him yes i would pick him up if he ask for help and help him or anyone else as much as i could with out be comming an enabler. I have been through the war and do not turn back on anyone that ask and really needs help.

When it comes to helping others in a time of need you have to put pride aside and act humane to all. And not excpect anything in return and just hope the person that you helped finds it in their life how to help themself first then others down the line.

But there are also those that are not willing to help themself and they are the ones who never seem to make it and those i feel bad for.

Life is a choice all the time even though edludes and i have had words if the man ever needed help and there was something that i could do i would not even have second thoughts, we all have are bad times and when a person is in real need, then to me i would be there even if its someone on the streets that i never seen before. I have been helped in many ways in life and my paybcak to those that helped me is to help others get to the point where they can help themselves if they are willing and able.
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Forum Member
Jun 8, 2002
Fletch, going to get the LiverRx and the rest of the ingredients this morning.

Are you saying take the LiverRx for 6 days and then start chugging the sea salt or do both consecutively?

Thanks for offering your phone number and support. Not many people would be willing to help out a complete stranger like that.
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