Trying to quit smoking, need help!!!


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
you drink the sea salt from the start but only for 3 days do it a good 2 hours before you take the liveRx also you will need the other things to get you through the with draw and just felling bad. they are very key.

you will make it i know.


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Nov 4, 2000
It got easy and fast for me 18 years ago. The doc said smoke and die. Stop and live. I stopped coffe at the same time. everytime I had coffe that smoke was in my mouth at once. I used some halls cough drops to help they worked very well. But most of all haveing my life threat-en made it easier. Good Luck.


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Jun 8, 2002
Meant concurrently not consecutively but it appears you understood my question.

Here's to feeling like shit! lol

I'll keep you guys up to date on the progress. Monk, join in and we can do this together. The more the merrier...
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Jan 17, 2000
Fairfield, CT., USA

Good Luck man!.....Its a tough battle! Ya know what helped me! I got mad as hell and really called a spade a spade. I was a drug addict......sucking in tar, arsenic, fermeldahyde and all that other shit in my smoke .........just to get my drugs (nicotine)
I enjoy it! I like the taste! I can still hear myself spouting those old cliches trying to justify my junkie habit .....and those fat lying bastards at the cigarette companies could care less about the widows and cancer victims! Well F--K them! I'm getting mad all over again.......ha........ but it takes attitude my friend! Ya really MUST be a strong SOB................Now I gotta tell ya!!!!!!I probably would NOT have succeeded without the help of Jack, Dogs that Bark, and the many others who were so supportive during those first few weeks..........AND FLETCHER.............forget that you are a primo capper..........You are one in a million ( always there to lend support , provide motivation, and a helping hand) It does NOT go unnoticed! Many Thanks!

For me ....its been 1 year and 3 months next week........Cold Turkey.......mad as hell.....grouchy bastard fulla sea salt :D but always with the support of good people here!!

This is a doable thing!!!! Good Luck!!



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Jun 8, 2002
Thanks Bear,

Sitting here with my jug of warm water with sea salt trying to psych myself out. For some reason I have the scene in Dumb and Dumber in mind where the Jeff Daniels gets slipped the monster dose of ex-lax and bombs the bathroom... Here goes nothing...

Smoke free Oct 25
Nicotine free Oct 29
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Jul 13, 1999
i made it for 4 months last year and blew it over the christmas holidays. i'm going to try again starting saturday because the wife won't let me smoke in the new house. we're moving saturday.

when i quit, it was really tough the first day. if not for the wife, i wouldn't have made it thru day 1. then, the next 3-4 days were really tough too but not as bad as day 1. after that, it really wasn't hard at all except when drinking beers.

bear and dtb really helped and the overall support from the forum members helped too.

you can NOT ever have even ONE cigarette or you'll blow the whole thing and have to start over. not even ONE HIT! and, it's hard to quit after you start back because you will always tell yourself that you did it once so you'll be able to do it any time you want. that "anytime you want" never comes unless you make up your mind again, like i will on saturday. well, i can't quit on a weekend (i'll smoke outside) but i do plan on quitting next monday. ;)

the bad thing is that i gained about 25-30 pounds (lost almost all back since i started again) and that really sucks. good thing i'm 6' 4" or i would have really been a porker.

the good thing is you do feel better and the coughing stops after about 2-3 days. i smoke about 2.5 packs a day and cough my ass off in the morning and my lungs whistle at night laying in bed. cigarettes are a horrible thing. horrible! and very hard to quit.

i'll let you guys know how i'm doing next week. ugh!

good luck to the guys trying to quit now. i hope you make it.


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Oct 25, 2001
Fletchers cure undoubtedly seems superior to what I'm going to recommend,but the following worked for me:Get the four mlgram gum.Don't follow the directions about tucking it between your lip and gum as soon as the nicotine burning begins.Instead,chew the darn thing like a chicklet until all the nicotine drenches your mouth.You won't feel like smoking anything for 2 to 3 hours.I used 6 or 7 my first day,and was down to one in ten days and then none after that.The most important thing is to try to make it to bedtime without having had one.Don't start thinking that this is so tough today that I'll never quit forever.Just keep telling yourself that you're going to make to bed without having had one.Do that for a week and the hooks start releasing their hold.Good Luck


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Jan 17, 2000
Fairfield, CT., USA
It's been almost a year since you went back....and I Know exactly where you are coming from....If I have 1 I'm done...I know that and I've done that.......I'm just waiting for a cure for lung cancer and heart disease.....then I'll go right back......Just kidding...its over for me!

Glad to hear you're gonna give it another shot!!
In your corner brother!! Go get em!

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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 8, 2002
Still going strong!!! Toughest part so far hasn't been quitting smoking, but trying to work up the courage to drink that damn sea salt three days in a row. Glad to say I made it and I am feeling GREAT!

Right now it's one day at a time and keep the eye on the prize...

Promised my girlfriend that we would go to Bob's Steak and Chophouse if I made it 1 month. Anyone from Dallas will know that is more than enough reward for kicking the habit.

Started a new workout program this wek and for the first time in years wasn't dragging ass in the weight room or on the treadmill. Felt real nice to be able to take a DEEP breath.

Don't want to sound like a broken record, but thanks for all the support. Truly could not have done it without the advice and support I received from the MadJacks crew.

Smoke free Oct 25
Nicotine free Oct 29


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Nov 28, 2001
Hopkins, MN USA
Soulhat..Good luck to you.

To all at Madjacks...thanks . You have inspired me to try again.

I needed to reply here as I want to keep the thread up!



Let's Go Boilers!!!
Forum Member
Oct 22, 2000
The Windy City
Quit for the N-th time on March 27 when I broke down and had a cig with my dad. Been smoke-free since then, even through the whole ordeal of my mother passing away in July.:(

Here and there would get an urge to smoke, but now the streak is 7 months and counting, I'm rather proud of this achievement, and will be trying my darndest to keep the streak alive. Wish you all the best of luck in trying to quit. It's easily the hardest habit I've had to break.
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Registered User
Forum Member
May 17, 2000
congrats to you Soulhat------i have now been smoke free for 1 week today---doing it cold turkey---first 2 days were tough but now it is not to bad at all---i am finding out that i am stronger than i thought
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