UFC 139: Shogun vs. Henderson November 19th 2011


Forum Member
Oct 8, 2010
it`s only a fricking internet forum.....not the pillar of anybody`s existence....

Funny that this is coming from the most prolific poster in existence, lol. 30k and counting, if you didn't post in a 6 hour period people would think you're dead. That's no to mention all the other forums you post on.

and...we know.......it's..you...because....only one idiot...post the same...mindless drivel...all over the internet....just..like..this

But hey, it's not the pillar of anyone's existence or anything.

yet you don`t even have enough scrotum to post plays(but you certainly like taking credit after the fact).....

Stfu weasel, in the link you encouraged Weepaul to welch on his bet with Bucs. Now, I have nothing against Weepaul and don't really want to see him go, but he lost the bet fair and square.


Weasel, you're a welcher (on a gambling forum no less), and you want to talk about having balls?

You're the biggest clown on these forums weasel. Not to mention a hypocrite. You encourage Weepaul to welch and then the same night make a thread about how 5dimes "stiffed" you. :facepalm: You're a true"martyr", weasel. :facepalm:

On top of that youre a snitch, too. Good job policing the forum that you spend every waking moment on (even though it isn't a pillar of anybodys existence).

Serious bettors are kicked out so we can hear about how you hedge your $20 wagers at the last minute because you "had a bad feeling".

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/FJvUCDP9u0I" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Just the response I expected. An excuse filled response followed up by changing the subject. You're a pussy, enough said.

My point is, don't come in here, calling me out about my "plays"(that I didn't even post) or criticize me then get all teary eyes when I challenge you.

You're right. I am a jackass. To those who are baseless and ignorant. They deserve it. Otherwise, you'll go your entire life acting like a retard.

ps- If you're not scared to lose your rights, and it's just "posting rights on a forum" then man up. COWARDDDDD

Bucks let me try to explain this to u again. Anybody can go on a nice run in a contest and beat anyone any giving day or week. It is silly what u are asking people to do. It has nothing to do with courage. U got that? I tried to say it as simple as i can. U are talking about courage with people losing their posting rights. Courage and losing ur posting rights. Courage and losing their posting rights. U are acting like a ten year old kid. If i lost my posting rights my life would stay the same.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Funny that this is coming from the most prolific poster in existence, lol. 30k and counting, if you didn't post in a 6 hour period people would think you're dead. That's no to mention all the other forums you post on.

and...we know.......it's..you...because....only one idiot...post the same...mindless drivel...all over the internet....just..like..this

But hey, it's not the pillar of anyone's existence or anything.

Stfu weasel, in the link you encouraged Weepaul to welch on his bet with Bucs. Now, I have nothing against Weepaul and don't really want to see him go, but he lost the bet fair and square.


Weasel, you're a welcher (on a gambling forum no less), and you want to talk about having balls?

You're the biggest clown on these forums weasel. Not to mention a hypocrite. You encourage Weepaul to welch and then the same night make a thread about how 5dimes "stiffed" you. :facepalm: You're a true"martyr", weasel. :facepalm:

On top of that youre a snitch, too. Good job policing the forum that you spend every waking moment on (even though it isn't a pillar of anybodys existence).

Serious bettors are kicked out so we can hear about how you hedge your $20 wagers at the last minute because you "had a bad feeling".

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/FJvUCDP9u0I" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

:toast: Right on target. I once called him the hedge king. when i post a pick at least u know who i am on. His record is an even 500. He takes both sides of every bet he makes. I could just imagine the paper work he must have created back in the day when their wasn't computers :mj07: I can hear his book right now. Hey Weasel u are minus ten dollars again this week.


Forum Member
Nov 6, 2007
Ohio but not a Buckeye
If i lost my posting rights my life would stay the same.

Then man up and take the bet. Its no big deal if you dont post on here anymore, right? We can spread this over 4-5 cards or more! Dude I dont care. I just wanna take out the trash. Dont call me out then fold up like a little bitch when I challenge you.


Registered User
Forum Member
May 2, 2008
Victoria's Secret
LOL, my wife picked this one out for you.



you know what, i used to use that one ahahah

but i got sick of looking at the fat man's ass crack

oh well a little less than two weeks


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Funny that this is coming from the most prolific poster in existence, lol. 30k and counting, if you didn't post in a 6 hour period people would think you're dead. That's no to mention all the other forums you post on.

and...we know.......it's..you...because....only one idiot...post the same...mindless drivel...all over the internet....just..like..this

But hey, it's not the pillar of anyone's existence or anything.

Stfu weasel, in the link you encouraged Weepaul to welch on his bet with Bucs. Now, I have nothing against Weepaul and don't really want to see him go, but he lost the bet fair and square.


Weasel, you're a welcher (on a gambling forum no less), and you want to talk about having balls?

You're the biggest clown on these forums weasel. Not to mention a hypocrite. You encourage Weepaul to welch and then the same night make a thread about how 5dimes "stiffed" you. :facepalm: You're a true"martyr", weasel. :facepalm:

On top of that youre a snitch, too. Good job policing the forum that you spend every waking moment on (even though it isn't a pillar of anybodys existence).

Serious bettors are kicked out so we can hear about how you hedge your $20 wagers at the last minute because you "had a bad feeling".

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/FJvUCDP9u0I" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

i love the way a weasel bashing thread brings out the morons...:lol:

this is the last time i`m saying this to an idiot.....first off i`ve never complained to anyone(jack i.e.,anyone) about any member in this forum..everything i post is straight up ,and out in the open...right on the forum....right to your face...

ii`m a welcher because i tried to talk weepaul out of leaving over a stupid mma match?...lol..the guy just happened to be a truly a valued mamber of the forum...not a sissy who ran away like ghost kid....ghost kid left voluntarily because he couldn`t coerce others he didn`t like to leave...he ceased doing anything productive months ago....and apparently was trying siphon posters away from jack`s site....

if you think jack was wrong for banning him,grow a sack and take it up with jack...i`m looking in my pockets for a f-ck i can give about your opinion,but i haven`t found one yet...

as for spongy`s picking winners,all you need do is check around in the general forum to see what a running joke his "dogwhistle plays of the week" are...:D

i hope that addresses your concerns...now,feel free to go and polish your spongy shrine...i have to get ready for work....

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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 29, 2001
Dallas, TX

you know what, i used to use that one ahahah

but i got sick of looking at the fat man's ass crack

oh well a little less than two weeks

Sorry man, my wife just thought it was too perfect for you. I was thinking more along the lines of a large lady with a thong on but she thought a man was better.

When I saw that pic I thought it looked familiar but couldn't remember if it was from you or not.


Forum Member
Oct 8, 2010
ii`m a welcher because i tried to talk weepaul out of leaving over a stupid mma match?...lol..

You're a welcher because you encouraged Weepaul to go back on his word and not honor his bet, lol.

Ask yourself, Weasel, why didn't Weepaul take you up on your little offer? I guess he has a little more respect for himself than you do.

if you think jack was wrong for banning him,grow a sack and take it up with jack...i`m looking in my pockets for a f-ck i can give about your opinion,but i haven`t found one yet...

I never said Jack was wrong for banning him, Hell, I would probably do the same thing if I was him.

But, I can tell you for Damn sure that I wouldn't go crying to the mods if I was a poster because I thought I was the forum hall monitor. If that were the case I would be a complete clown.

But wait, you didn't snitch, despite proclaiming yourself as "The lifeguard of the gene pool" that is the "Off the Wall" forum. You said "I hope Jack bans you" then just like magic Ghost was gone 2 minutes later.

But this has to be a major coincidence because you said you didn't do it, so it must be someone else. And your word should be as good as gold, it's not like you're a welcher or anything :facepalm:

There are so many people that post in "Off the Wall" it could have been anyone. Come to think of it, "Snafu" probably investigated Ghost's massive conspiracy and blew the whistle.

Ask yourself again, Weasel, why is Ghost able to siphon these people off so easily? They obviously don't care too much about exchanging ideas with you here, what does that tell you?

Don't ge me wrong, I do appreciate you picking up the slack in the boxing forum with your sage advice.

I like Kirkland...Nah Im going with Angulo....No wait...Kirland....No Angulo final answer.

Fuck...I ...knew...I should have ...taken kirkland...I had a.... feeling about.. that... one



That Guy
Forum Member
Dec 12, 2000
Seguin, TX
What a great night of fights. I wouldn't have been disappointed if they had scored the Rua v Hendo a draw. In fact kind of surprised that none of the judges scored the 5th round 10-8 Rua.

That was the best Urijah I've seen in a long time. I really thought Bowles would give him a tougher time than he did.

Fucking Bonnar - I will never bet a fight that he's in again.

Watching McDonald v Soto, I thought it was interesting to see how when Soto got tagged (flash KO) he bounced back pretty quickly and I'm guessing that's an age and lack of head trauma thing. Wande damn near dropped when they turned the Air Conditioner on and the cold air hit his chin. That being said it was a fun fight to watch.

Tom Lawlor always puts on a good show and that's even when he decides to take a nap rather than tap.

And the most predictable thing of the night... All the pissing and moaning in this thread. Every fucking show this shit happens. It's stupid pissing contest shit too.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 29, 2001
Dallas, TX
What a great night of fights. I wouldn't have been disappointed if they had scored the Rua v Hendo a draw. In fact kind of surprised that none of the judges scored the 5th round 10-8 Rua.

The first time I watched the fights I said that Hendo clearly won but I watched it again at home by myself last night and I'll have to say it should have been a draw. Hendo won the first 3 rounds but that night I really thought Hendo might get a 10-8 third but after watching it again I realized it was a sure 10-9 round. He did land a big punch and had Rua in trouble but that was only for the first part of the round. Rua wan't bad for the 2nd half of the third and IMO you have to dominate the whole round to get a 10-8. 4th was Ruas and the 5th I thought was cleary a 10-8 round. Rua dominated the round from start to finish.

I still won't complain because it was a great fight but that's 2 losses for Rua in his last 5 fights that I thought he should have either won or had a draw.


That Guy
Forum Member
Dec 12, 2000
Seguin, TX
The first time I watched the fights I said that Hendo clearly won but I watched it again at home by myself last night and I'll have to say it should have been a draw. Hendo won the first 3 rounds but that night I really thought Hendo might get a 10-8 third but after watching it again I realized it was a sure 10-9 round. He did land a big punch and had Rua in trouble but that was only for the first part of the round. Rua wan't bad for the 2nd half of the third and IMO you have to dominate the whole round to get a 10-8. 4th was Ruas and the 5th I thought was cleary a 10-8 round. Rua dominated the round from start to finish.

I still won't complain because it was a great fight but that's 2 losses for Rua in his last 5 fights that I thought he should have either won or had a draw.

Dana had it exactly like you said, 47-47. I only got a chance to watch the fight once and to be honest I was pretty wrapped up in the near KO's through the 1st 3 rounds that I wasn't really scoring the bout. At the time I thought there was no way it would end up in the judge's hands. Then when the 5th started my buddy said Rua needs a stoppage to win and I definitely didn't disagree with him.

Definitely a great way to introduce the 5 round non title fight.

Hindsight being 10-20 maybe Rua should have gone for an arm bar or some kind of sub from the mount, late in the 5th.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
You're a welcher because you encouraged Weepaul to go back on his word and not honor his bet, lol.

Ask yourself, Weasel, why didn't Weepaul take you up on your little offer? I guess he has a little more respect for himself than you do.

I never said Jack was wrong for banning him, Hell, I would probably do the same thing if I was him.

But, I can tell you for Damn sure that I wouldn't go crying to the mods if I was a poster because I thought I was the forum hall monitor. If that were the case I would be a complete clown.

But wait, you didn't snitch, despite proclaiming yourself as "The lifeguard of the gene pool" that is the "Off the Wall" forum. You said "I hope Jack bans you" then just like magic Ghost was gone 2 minutes later.

But this has to be a major coincidence because you said you didn't do it, so it must be someone else. And your word should be as good as gold, it's not like you're a welcher or anything :facepalm:

There are so many people that post in "Off the Wall" it could have been anyone. Come to think of it, "Snafu" probably investigated Ghost's massive conspiracy and blew the whistle.

Ask yourself again, Weasel, why is Ghost able to siphon these people off so easily? They obviously don't care too much about exchanging ideas with you here, what does that tell you?

Don't ge me wrong, I do appreciate you picking up the slack in the boxing forum with your sage advice.

I like Kirkland...Nah Im going with Angulo....No wait...Kirland....No Angulo final answer.

Fuck...I ...knew...I should have ...taken kirkland...I had a.... feeling about.. that... one


well,good evening to you sunshine...:lol:

let me ask,spongy`s helper monkey,if you`ll accept the same challenge that your keeper rejected....the same challenge to you that i gave to your girlfriend....

let`s ask jack if i e-mailed or contacted him and asked him to:

1)ban ghost kid
2)talk about ghost kid
3)have ghost kid send you a free coupon for gluteal assplants and cleft
4)discuss or do anything at all about ghost kid...or anybody else in this forum(hell,the whole fricking forum,not just off the wall)......

and i`ll throw in the multiple i.p. address accusation as a bonus....

.if you`re right,i`m gone...if you`re wrong,you`re gone...

put on your superman underoos sparky and step up to the bar...or stfu and slink back into your corner.......

your move...
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Forum Member
Oct 8, 2010
put on your superman underoos sparky and step up to the bar...or stfu and slink back into your corner.......

your move...

Does anyone else not find it ironic that Weasel is challenging me to the exact same bet he attempted to welch out of earlier? :shrug:

So, how do we find out if you talked to Jack or not? Ask the friend of a liar and a welcher to tell the truth? I don't think so.

But I'll tell you what, since you love throwing around challenges why not make a loser leaves town bet on some fights, because that way the outcome is fair?

I know you wont accept though, because you're a clown and this forum is your entire life. Don't worry Weasel, you could just welch if you lose anyways. Nobody will say anything because you're some clown with nearly 40k posts and they don't want to hurt your feelings.

Your move.

PS I find it quite funny that you are so adamant about not being a snitch, but you are completely fine about being a welcher, what's the difference?


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Does anyone else not find it ironic that Weasel is challenging me to the exact same bet he attempted to welch out of earlier? :shrug:

So, how do we find out if you talked to Jack or not? Ask the friend of a liar and a welcher to tell the truth? I don't think so.But I'll tell you what, since you love throwing around challenges why not make a loser leaves town bet on some fights, because that way the outcome is fair?

I know you wont accept though, because you're a clown and this forum is your entire life. Don't worry Weasel, you could just welch if you lose anyways. Nobody will say anything because you're some clown with nearly 40k posts and they don't want to hurt your feelings.

Your move.

PS I find it quite funny that you are so adamant about not being a snitch, but you are completely fine about being a welcher, what's the difference?

so you `re calling jack a liar... and you`re backing out on my offer...i guess it was just a masterbatory circlejerk all along....

thanks for admitting that i burned down your straw man...:0008


Forum Member
Oct 8, 2010

I wonder how many clowns can come out of one tiny car :shrug:

PS: Weasel I called him the friend of a liar and a welcher. I hope you can understand the difference. Personally, I would not associate myself with a welcher, so I hope you understand why I wouldn't put my trust in someone who does?
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