Junkie same thing :shrug:
Round 1 - Referee Mario Yamasaki in the cage for this featherweight fight. Yagin with an early low kick. Both fighters look quick early. Hominick circling, bu towards the power hand for some reason. Hominick returning fire, and there's a small cut under Yagin's right eye. Yagin throwing frequently, and Hominick unable to really utilize his reach advantage. Still, it's Yagin bleeding. Halfway in, and Hominick stumbles a bit. Yagin pounces, and Hominick hits the floor. Yagin lets Hominick up after a few punches on the floor, and Hominick's face is now a mess. He was in real trouble. Hominick looks recovered, and he's working a jab. Hominick left eye is closing. Still, he works the body. Yagin seems the more powerful puncher right now in the final minute. Hominick finishing strong, but MMAjunkie.com gives Yagin the opening round, 10-9.
Round 2 - Yagin starts strong again, opening as the aggressor. Yagin using a strong low kick to bother Hominick, as well. Hominick pumps a few jabs and avoids a wild Yagin kick. Yagin slowing just a bit, allowing Hominick some room to work. But when he does throw, it comes with power, and an overhand right sends Hominick toppling to the canvas again. Halfway in, and Hominick scrambles up when Yagin gives him a little room. Hominick has a huge hematoma on the left cheek, and his left eye is closing. Still, he's moving forward with a jab. Yagin's nose now busted open, and he's bleeding badly. Final minute of the round. Hominick still working the jab but not adding anything behind it. Big left to the body for Hominick. Tide now turning somehow, as the body shots are adding up fro Hominick. Round ends, and MMAjunkie.com sees it for Yagin, 10-9, but Hominick was battling back. Third could be interesting.
Round 3 - Yagin takes a deep breath and the crowd brings the noise. Both fighters trade immediately on the glove touch. Hominick likely needs a finish. Yagin still throwing with power. Hominick still trying to work the jab, and Yagin's nose is bleeding again. Right hand for Hominick. He's trying to push, and he's landing. Yagin showing good head movement, but Hominick is finding him, anyway. Two minutes in. Hominick staggers back on a right hand, but it was more of a push. Hominick is really finding a home for his jab, but the power shot is not coming immediately after. Yagin's cheek opens up, as well. Hominick light on his feet, and he's pushing. RIght hands landing foor Hominick. He slips. Final minute. Hominick pounds Yagin against the cage. Yagin swinging back in what has turned into a bloody war. Just 30 seconds. Hominick trying hard to finish. Yagin throwing back in desperation. Final flurry to end, and Hominick does his traditional push-ups. Yagin responds with sit-ups. Fun, gutsy fight. MMAjunkie.com gives the final round to Hominick, 10-9, but Yagin takes the fight, 29-28. Eddie Yagin def. Mark Hominick via split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28).