Kos parlay for 1 unit
Kos is a good fighter, he unfortunately took one for the team in his last fight.
Kos parlay for 1 unit
Kos is a good fighter, he unfortunately took one for the team in his last fight.
Hartt beats Hill.LAST MINUTE BETS!!!
Miller to beat Wiman at -130. Even on short notice I still think Miller controls Wiman.
Hartt to beat Hill at +240. I know Hill is 7 ft tall but this is a battle of sluggers and Hartt trains at Sityadong. That's good enough for me to take a chance.
Good luck boys!!! :toast:
Dale Hartt breaks Cory Hill's leg!
R2 - The fighters start trading on the feet as Dale Hartt lands a leg kick, and just as Corey Hill plants his right leg to throw a punch, he crumbles to the mat. It appears that Hill has a broken leg. The sound from the break echos in the arena. Hill is carried out on a stretcher. Marc Ratner says he is pretty sure Hill has a broken leg. Dale Hartt stays by Corey's side as he is hurt in the Octagon. Everybody in the arena is visibly shaken by the occurence.
Congrats weepaul
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