MMA Record (since UFC 58)
Prop Bet 19-11
Fighter vs. Fighter 75-88
Parlays 41-47
+97.72 Joe Rogans
Anthony Johnson beat Kevin Burns $1.36 *6.5 Joe Rogans :scared :scared :scared :scared
Jesse Taylor beat CB Dollaway $2.45 *1.5 Joe Rogans
Gotta go with Jesse as an underdog, no way CB should be that big a fav. It is really simple, I just don't think CB is really that good. Sure Taylor isn't exactly GSP, but at those odds he is worth a shot:SIB
did you see the link i posted regarding their pac-10 wrestling match in 2006?.......
from what i`ve read,they actually met twice and dolloway won both times..
doesn`t mean he wins in the cage...but,taylor looks like a "one trick pony" that i mean,he`s gonna try and take you down and wrestlle and g&p you.....
apparently,dolloway is at least as good a wrestler as taylor(or used to be)...and i think he has better stand up and kicks...
so,that`s what i got...:shrug:
btw...kick...could you also post your odds in american?...i have no idea what that gobbledygook you post that supposedly passes for odds means...
either that or give me a primer on how to read that pig latin.....