This will be a future Trivial Pursuit question, " Who were the only two guys to fight on UFC 100 and 200 and receive the same result"?
Alves is a big guy. In 2012 he posted a picture ( while under the guidance of Dolce) of him gaining 30 pounds 3 hours after weigh-in to a weight of 196 pounds. He's essentially going to go through two weight cuts .. What's most advantageous is that one of the stipulations that both teams agreed on backstage is he has to weigh in again "few hrs" before the fight and can't be above 173. This is going to neutralize any strength advantages he would have had and he's going to enter dehydrated..Miller's an animal not someone you want yo fight with a bad gas tank Miller by decision just like against Danzig 100 alves will lose just like he did to GSP. Jim Miller +125 max bet....