sounds like ernests doesn't like canada......who can blame land to see, but not the best fans (from after the match he intentionally lost to that canadian dude with no personality:
Q. What was it like with the atmosphere? Fans were booing you.
ERNESTS GULBIS: They're used to hockey here. It's okay.
Q. When the crowd turned on you, did it affect you at all?
ERNESTS GULBIS: I got the love from the crowd. I like it. I turn it around and make it into positive energy (smiling).
But, honestly, I don't understand why you need to clap for a double‑fault. Simply I don't understand it. You know, there can be emotions, but I think it's stupid.
I can't call a thousand people stupid. Don't put it as a quote. But it's something what I don't understand. That's why all the Canadian players, they play always very well in Canada. Honestly some of them ‑ I guess you know who ‑ they don't play really nowhere else.
Milos is a great player. But the rest of the guys, they play great in Canada because it's like Davis Cup every match. People are clapping after a double‑fault, before a second serve to provoke a double‑fault. I don't think it's nice.
Q. Is it pretty much the only place where you see that?
ERNESTS GULBIS: Honestly here I felt it a little bit more than anywhere else. In general, you can't say nothing bad about it because there was no bad behaving.
But you know exactly the crowd is very well‑educated. They know exactly what to do in the right moment to screw up the other player's game.
I don't know, in France the crowd is tough. But they're tough all the time. Doesn't matter what it is, Love‑15, 15‑All, 30‑40, they're the same. Here you serve second serve, breakpoint down, you get one guy screaming from Row 11, Play tennis. I don't know.
Q. Have other players talked about this or is this something unique you're finding?
ERNESTS GULBIS: I don't talk to other players (smiling).
Q. It was a good week for you. Can you build on that for the next tournament?
ERNESTS GULBIS: Yes, yes, definitely a good week. My father send me a text. He wasn't here. He send me a text he was watching every match on TV. He said it was the best tournament he saw in a while, maybe not game‑wise, but maybe mental‑wise, the way I fight.
I feel the same. I feel slowly, slowly I start to build up my character on court. It may not be all about positive, smiles, love all the time. But I want to show this fighting spirit which I have, even if sometimes it brings some kind of negative emotions from somebody else.
The US crowd in Flushing will be different and really get behind their boy Ernests.