so one highlight of the weekend I feel I need to share is this....
Monday night, everyone was back in binge drinking and gambling mode after the loss from the Steelers cripled some of the guys. We headed out with all intend of not being able to see by midnight. Started at Casino Royale, played some craps (won $240) and had like 5 7/7's, I met up with a friend that I used to work with while the guys continued the hike back to NYNY where we were staying.
about 2 hours later of heavy drinking the guys made it onto the tramm and met 3 different working girls. the 3rd they decided to keep around while they drank. I met them at the NYNY where 6 of the 10 guys played and one a minimum of $400 (most newbies to the game). I finally saw 2 of the others talking to another group of working girls, then the 3rd goes walking by.
We take a breather from craps, grab a slice of pie when the others minus one come up to the table. Apparently $300 of a little oral massage sounded like a good idea to the missing man, right as I heard this we saw the couple at the ATM!!!:mj07:
They then proceded up to the room....30 min later here he comes, all smiles
I love Vegas