Vegas mask mandate

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Under .500
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Mar 16, 2000
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I guess we will all find out sooner or later. Dominoes are starting to fall all over the world. From Israel where 95% is triple drugged and cases never higher to Denmark Sweden uk and Finland removing all Covid restrictions. The shit will hit the fan now that people are investigating and asking questions.

Cases never higher, but you fail to mention that far and away, the people dying and getting sick are the unvaccinated.


Forum Member
Feb 7, 2021
Cases never higher, but you fail to mention that far and away, the people dying and getting sick are the unvaccinated.

Thats not true. Total lie. First of all people dying are the very old or people who have many underlying health issues. People are dying with Covid not because of Covid. The mRNA drug is actually causing negative efficacy and countries that are fully drugged like Israel and Australia etc actually have the highest case rates in the world. Countries in Africa where they have the lowest drug rate have the lowest infections on the planet. This drug is not a vaccine. We?ve all been lied too. Doesn?t stop infection nor the spread. These people are running out of lies and tales to spin. Let?s see what the future holds. It ain?t gonna be pretty.
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Forum Member
Feb 7, 2021
There?s a reason why Moderna?s stock price went from 500 to 163.


Under .500
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Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Thats not true. Total lie. First of all people dying are the very old or people who have many underlying health issues. People are dying with Covid not because of Covid. The mRNA drug is actually causing negative efficacy and countries that are fully drugged like Israel and Australia etc actually have the highest case rates in the world. Countries in Africa where they have the lowest drug rate have the lowest infections on the planet. This drug is not a vaccine. We?ve all been lied too. Doesn?t stop infection nor the spread. These people are running out of lies and tales to spin. Let?s see what the future holds. It ain?t gonna be pretty.

The sick and dying have always been the old and ill. I guess I'll stick with what the agenda driven doctors and scientists say, while you smart guys listen to Joe Rogan.

I'm waiting for normalcy, while a lot of you guys just want to say, "See!!!! I told ya!!!"
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Forum Member
Feb 7, 2021
Lol. Yea it went from 20 to 500 because they along with the cdc said they developed a ?vaccine ? that would stop people from getting infected. 😂. Then it went from from 500 to 163 when the world realized it was a failure and doesn?t work. So now they tell people like you to take it anyway because at least you wont die. 😂 you really can?t make this up. Come on yyz. I?ve been reading your posts for 20 years. You?re smarter than this.


Forum Member
Feb 7, 2021
Anyway. Enough. Just get me the winning side on Sunday please. ✌️


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Lol. Yea it went from 20 to 500 because they along with the cdc said they developed a ?vaccine ? that would stop people from getting infected. 😂. Then it went from from 500 to 163 when the world realized it was a failure and doesn?t work. So now they tell people like you to take it anyway because at least you wont die. 😂 you really can?t make this up. Come on yyz. I?ve been reading your posts for 20 years. You?re smarter than this.

I've taken medication and vaccines my whole life. You probably have too, to some degree. But, for some strange reason, all of the sudden people "question everything".

And you guys talk about the "woke".
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Registered User
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Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
Thats not true. Total lie. First of all people dying are the very old or people who have many underlying health issues. People are dying with Covid not because of Covid. The mRNA drug is actually causing negative efficacy and countries that are fully drugged like Israel and Australia etc actually have the highest case rates in the world. Countries in Africa where they have the lowest drug rate have the lowest infections on the planet. This drug is not a vaccine. We?ve all been lied too. Doesn?t stop infection nor the spread. These people are running out of lies and tales to spin. Let?s see what the future holds. It ain?t gonna be pretty.

Did you listen to Dr. Malone on Rogan and Rumble? You don't know WTF you are talking about? The people who are dying and filling up the ICU's are not vaccinated. Right NOW we have 8 ICU patients at local hospital all non vaccinated. I don't have the January numbers yet but December there were 37 covid deaths and 36 unvaccinated deaths, the 1 Vaccinated death was a 46 year old who had Multiple Myloma and the Covid quickened his death. You are right many are older but the people in their 50s - 70s getting this and dying are unvaccinated.


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Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
Back to the mask mandate in Vegas? I know some doctors who feel the mask is worthless because the Omnicron Variant is catchy and they feel the best way is to protect one's self is to social distance which at this stage of the game is very difficult to do for the working class and for businesses.

I was in Vegas wearing my mask in the casinos and it did not bother me. If it works or not it makes some of the people who live and work in Vegas more comfortable and at ease.


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Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal
Back to the mask mandate in Vegas? I know some doctors who feel the mask is worthless because the Omnicron Variant is catchy and they feel the best way is to protect one's self is to social distance which at this stage of the game is very difficult to do for the working class and for businesses.

I was in Vegas wearing my mask in the casinos and it did not bother me. If it works or not it makes some of the people who live and work in Vegas more comfortable and at ease.

You just nailed it......its a control and fear tactic....if it makes people more comfortable???? even if its fucking useless?

Thanks for the #science; however my kids are forced to wear these things 7-9 hours a day ; inside and outside; at school while the dipshits making these "decisions" "hold their breath" for photo ops and/or "hold their masks close by their side" ......they know and have known the masks are useless but dont care; kids are suffering because of their lies/mandates.
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Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
You just nailed it......its a control and fear tactic....if it makes people more comfortable???? even if its fucking useless?

Thanks for the #science; however my kids are forced to wear these things 7-9 hours a day ; inside and outside; at school while the dipshits making these "decisions" "hold their breath" for photo ops and/or "hold their masks close by their side" ......they know and have known the masks are useless but dont care; kids are suffering because of their lies/mandates.

No one has ever explained how the "control" aspect shakes out. Just what do "they" gain? Unless you live in a cave somewhere, it would seem most of your life is controlled. We've been controlled at the airport for 21 years, over complete bullshit, but you never hear a peep about that.

You work a job for 30-40 years being controlled by the people who sign that check.

But you draw the line at wearing a mask?



Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
You just nailed it......its a control and fear tactic....if it makes people more comfortable???? even if its fucking useless?

Thanks for the #science; however my kids are forced to wear these things 7-9 hours a day ; inside and outside; at school while the dipshits making these "decisions" "hold their breath" for photo ops and/or "hold their masks close by their side" ......they know and have known the masks are useless but dont care; kids are suffering because of their lies/mandates.

Yeah I?m a little confused? Are there that many places in the country forcing masks? Not happening in Wisconsin or Minnesota and Minnesota is as liberal as it gets. I think it?s a little bizarre because kids are kids I just don?t see how mask is going to do much in a school room.

My GFs son who was 8 last year did have to wear a mask for a bit last year. Wasn?t no big deal to him. And for a while I had to wear them all day at work. After a while forgot i had it on

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