Webb doesn't roll over for Bush


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Forum Member
Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
if he`d spoken to me face to face like that,i`d have slapped that rug off his head...

Yeah right. CLASSIC !!! Funny how you attack a Vet and his son who is a Vet, but will defend and spin for your boy. Guys that have and had, their boots on the ground have to deal with small talk and bull shit from ass holes like Bush, and still carry the load, that's the way of the world I guess. Webb's response should have been : You don't care about my boy or the others. You sit around with your sissy hawk brigade from Oxford, Harvard and Yale and this was the best plan you could come up with ? Mr President, excuse me before I do something that I will regret. This President does not have the right to address a man that has served,especially a man with a son in Iraq. If he wants to know how the boys are, start with Cindy Sheehan. ****ing coward !


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Try and remember this perspective - while campaigning for Allen, Bush accused democrats of essentially wanting the terrorists to win. I can't imagine this sat well with Webb. Webb doesn't seem like the kind of guy who can pretend or play political games. He didn't use his son's service in his campaign, and wasn't about to make pretend conversion with the same guy who accuses his party of being "weak".

I'll give Bush the benefit of the doubt that he does care about the troops. But he wasn't Webb's friend until the elections were over. Webb's response was refreshing - it was HONEST. It may have embarrassed Dubya, but it wasn't disrespectful.


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Mar 3, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
Bush a pussy? No way.



Registered User
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Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
if he`d spoken to me face to face like that,i`d have slapped that rug off his head...

Something tells me that you or your boy couldn't slap the hat off a Girl Scout. That's the problem, all talk no action. Blow horns and flight decks. The people that knocked down those buildings are still waiting !

danmurphy jr

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Sep 14, 2004
How can anybody not feel sorry for this schlep. His children are asked to leave a country that harbored Nazi War criminals for 50 years. Photo ops where he has that "What me worry" look on his face. Reading Policy from prepared text that he's obviously never seen before. Cheney and Rove are running this country with the military and CIA. I believe this poor guy just wants to go home.
June 1963, Kennedy wanted to disband the CIA and bring everybody home from Vietnam. 5 months later he was dead.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i feel like a stumbled into an anti-rotc rally at harvard......

i didn`t attack him...i disagreed with his demeanor...his disrespect for the office.....and his bragging about it to the press(and the bad hairpiece)....

bush was polite...asked about his brave son....and the guy didn`t have the class or the common sense to be civil to the potus....maybe that turkey was strapped on to tight?.....

stevie...i posted the will piece because even you would admit,he`s not a blindered neocon...he has taken anti-administration positions....as i have...

look...because someone served,doesn`t mean they are immune from criticism or debate....i believe that the raccoon(thanks stevie),is,or at least was, a patriot...i believe he "IS"....
much like wesley clark.who i disagree with 95% of the time...

..i don`t believe that they`re on the same level as carter`s boy who defended saddam(name escapes me/he is definitely a quisling)....

being in the military doesn`t give you a lifetime pass to act like a snotnosed shitbird...

edward.."But Bush shouldn't bait him knowing his position until he volunteers his own priviledged bitch to go fight."...

bait him?....another example of the collective liberal psychosis..."edward,how`s your mother?"
....."that`s between me and my mother...neocon!!"....

sheesh...now asking after one`s family is an insult in the liberal lexicon.....:shrug:

i would guess that "bush" doesn`t "volunteer" his "bitches" to serve in the armed forces.....much like i`d guess that "raccoon-top" didn`t pull his brave son by the ear to the recruiting station....


and if theres a law that states that you have to serve in the military to lead the u.s. gov`t,please post a link...

it`d be nice if kerry had won...i understand...a veteran of several months in viet nam....who was actually wounded in the thumb and the arse.....which doesn`t surprise me as they were both probably in close proximity....:D
Last edited:

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

No mothers. Thats below the belt. Besides that not a good analogy. Bush is as disengenous as one can be. Man is slime. Runs around spinning Kerrys line for policital gain, uses fear as a tool against his own countrymen, Uses emotion, God, patriotism etc, to rouse up the less informed despite the long term best interest of this country.

One thing I was teached a long time ago is that when someone screams they are on the side of rightousness the loudest, you can bet your bottom dollar they are covering up. Thats your boy.



el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"

No mothers. Thats below the belt. Besides that not a good analogy. Bush is as disengenous as one can be. Man is slime. Runs around spinning Kerrys line for policital gain, uses fear as a tool against his own countrymen, Uses emotion, God, patriotism etc, to rouse up the less informed despite the long term best interest of this country.

One thing I was teached a long time ago is that when someone screams they are on the side of rightousness the loudest, you can bet your bottom dollar they are covering up. Thats your boy.


firstly...edward.....bubby....i wasn`t taking a shot at your mother...nor would i EVER stoop that low......

i hope she`s in fine fettle.....as i hope are the rest of the slip and fall clan...(i did,however take a minor jab at "mr. ketchup heiress")....

i`ll bet you were hell as a little slip and fall lawyer...screaming like a banshee about separation of church and state at the flying religious figures(poor sally field).........

look...you won....november sowed the seeds of change.....and the dems claimed that they were cleaning out the swamp and ushering in a new era of civility in governmeent...that`s why the webb thing was so disappointing....

but,you won...the demonratic party and its communication wing, the main stream media did such a successful job opposing the interests of the u.s. at every turn, and reporting propaganda for the enemy, that I assume bush has given up on stopping iran from going nuclear, and is looking for the least politically damaging way to abandon iraq, to be split between iran and al qaeda.....

good job...

but,i don't think you've done president hillary or obama or edwards any favors in the long run....it'll be hard to be popular when iran dictates oil prices, and gas is over $5 a gallon....

imagine the middle east with a nuclear iran, where the best case scenario is that iran is merely content to use the nuclear weapons as a tool of extortion, or as a shield against attack, while it bullies it's neighbors...

what u.s.president will risk nuclear war in the persian gulf, for example, and the resulting world economic collapse, if iran decides it wants to invade saudi arabia?...

and while the first islamic terror attack in the u.s. under a democratic administration(after decimating the patriot act,nsa and data mining......banning rotc from college campuses,eradicating missile defense and downsizing the military)will probably finally rally the american people, they'll get awfully tired when it keeps happening.........

well done,sir...congratulations...


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Only the weasel can turn an extremely minor Bush-shunning into (yet again) the impending apocolypse.

Look, even DTB gives Webb a pass on this. I still don't see how you can call his HONEST response "disrespectful to the office". All he did was answer that question the same he always does in public. You'd rather he be phony? You are as ridiculous as ever on this topic.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Webb should have gave him a kiss on the cheek. That would have gave the boy something to think about. It's funny he worries about Webbs kid?
Why? May because he's a Senator?


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
I put link to video up on vets day on GW and if you had seen it I don't think any but the hard core liberals would have any doubt about his sincere emotions toward vets--
I would venture to say he has been one of most poplular pres among troops.

--and for the record LBJ was another who took loss of soilders lives very personal.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

My mommy's been worm food since 86. Thank you very much. How she is doing is between the Lord and her. Now that you've thrown me into a deeper depression, Just took about 10 more prozacs. I'll need to make another appointment with Dr. Schnietleberg.

By the way, haven't had a slip and fall case in about 10 years. Law in that area has been closed down pretty much by republican legislature and judges. Now stores and businesses don't really have to mop up or patrol there aisles. They are pretty much free to invite people into there places where dangerous conditions exist that are not readily visible.

Good job contract with america boys.

Yeah despite yours and Waynes lies about how pi lawyers are killing americas businesses quite the opposite is true. Injured "folks" are the ones not getting paid. Except they ain't got no lobby in DC like you insurance types do.



Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Weasel, I will admit that Will is not a Neocon. You, my friend is as big a Neocon apologist as there is. Using the side of your double standards that you use for yourself, you could not call anyone on this board a liberal because everyone has blasted something liberal in one post or another. No, my friend, you can deny it all you want but you have bought the Neocon bs hook, line, and sinker. And they rely on guys like you to keep this charade of a war going and to keep lining their pockets while they destroy everything America stands for..


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
I put link to video up on vets day on GW and if you had seen it I don't think any but the hard core liberals would have any doubt about his sincere emotions toward vets--
I would venture to say he has been one of most poplular pres among troops.

--and for the record LBJ was another who took loss of soilders lives very personal.

his sincere emotions are right there with the slickster, i can't stand clinton but he's no better. these guys are all the same. **** emotions, show me some real leadership.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
edward,my sincerest condolences......i know you aren`t religious,but i`ll actually say a belated prayer for her.....

no smart remark forthcoming....
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