hit with mcdonald...:0074
oh...and kim winslow is up to her old tricks....:0002
Round 1 - Referee Kim Winslow in the cage. Poirier charges forward with a flurry of punches. Most are blocked, but he's unrelenting. Poirier just teeing off on Micklewright. Poirier keeps the pressure on. Clean right hand scores. Micklewright is definitely rocked, but he's standing in the pocket and firing back. Poirier continues to hammer away. SOme 20 punches come with Micklewright against the cage. Some are blocked, but Poirier is just pouring on the damage. Crowd calling for the towel, and Winslow finally steps in. Micklewright never went down, but after the fight is waved off, he collapses to the floor. Impressive stuff from Poirier Dustin Poirier def. Zack Micklewright vis TKO (punches) - Round 1, 0:53.
oh...and kim winslow is up to her old tricks....:0002
Round 1 - Referee Kim Winslow in the cage. Poirier charges forward with a flurry of punches. Most are blocked, but he's unrelenting. Poirier just teeing off on Micklewright. Poirier keeps the pressure on. Clean right hand scores. Micklewright is definitely rocked, but he's standing in the pocket and firing back. Poirier continues to hammer away. SOme 20 punches come with Micklewright against the cage. Some are blocked, but Poirier is just pouring on the damage. Crowd calling for the towel, and Winslow finally steps in. Micklewright never went down, but after the fight is waved off, he collapses to the floor. Impressive stuff from Poirier Dustin Poirier def. Zack Micklewright vis TKO (punches) - Round 1, 0:53.