

Registered User
Forum Member
May 6, 2006
Personally, never posted on a forum before, but win or lose, I don't get why some guys never post a record, brag when they win, then ignore any and all questions from newbies or perhaps novice bettors when they ask what someone's record is.
Some guys like Jord20 may not post a record but I have seen multiple times when he answered if anybody asked.
Other guys post no record, never reply if someone asks what their record is & act like an arrogant bastard when they win...not saying kid does that as I wouldn't know, just my observation of the forum posters over the time I have bothered to go online to find any substantive conversation, feedback or whatever.


The arrogant/ignore part notwithstanding, I totally see it the other way around regarding records. IMO, sometimes I wonder why I should even post at all if I'm not providing some kind of reasoning for my plays. Because, how would it help someone looking for an angle to make a play? Always thought the key was providing the info...I mean does making a post, eg., 24-20 +XX units listing only team names actually help? Unless someone is blindly tailing (which most would not recommend), the info carries a higher significance than simply listing plays/record. There are many I'm sure with great short term records but hardly will you see blind tails because of it. HH is a great resource because the daily posts includes all the bells and whistles. You see the plays AND you see the reasoning behind it. IMO of course. YMMV.

Welcome to the forum, btw, and please feel free to post your questions anytime because there are many who love to talk sports.
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