Well, I've never, ever used the harshest word as you just did

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

Could you possibly be speaking of former President Clinton speaking 6 years ago about a bj? Are you referring to former President Clinton who your party spent 70 million dollars of tax payer money to prove that his ooey gooey stained a fat jewish broads dress? Is that who you are talking about?

You see O, Wayne doesn't like men who lie about sex after they get busted. He wants his politicians to be nice and clean and born again Christian. He prefers the guys who lie and don't get so obviously busted. He prefers guys who get women pregnant, have abortions, do cocaine and whose wife kills people while driving her auto.

I guess if Clinton said he found Jesus and changed his ways then he would be okay in Waynes eyes. Somehow, I think there might, just might be a little more too Wayneo's anger towards Mr. Clinton.

You see, O, Wayne is just concerned with his lilly white burg somewhere down in Kentucky. He wants everyone to go to First Baptist on Sunday morning, then down to the ice cream parlor for a social followed up by a nice sunday afternoon drive in the country with the Mrs. and the kids.

Wayne, lives in the 19th century. Actually, I think I saw a twilight zone episode about him recently. Wayne is corporate americas poster boy.



Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Well at least Bush found out Iraq did not attack us. He even said so. I thought that was a break thru. What worries me is how shot he is. I don't think he can make it 4 more with out droping. Maybe we better start electing some younger men. Dam just think what bad shape we be in if Cheney got control. Being the nut case he is we be fighting half the world.


Forum Member
"Iraq is now what it was not before the war, a haven for terrorists." John F. Kerry, September 24, 2004

Iraq and terrorism go back decades. Baghdad trained Palestine Liberation Front members in small arms and explosives. Saddam used the Arab Liberation Front to funnel money to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers in order to prolong the Intifada. And it's no secret that Saddam's own intelligence service was involved in dozens of attacks or attempted assassinations in the 1990s.

"Iraq is now what it was not before the war, a haven for terrorists." John F. Kerry, September 24, 2004

Iraq was a haven for palestinian international terrorist Abu Abbas, who was captured in Baghdad in April of 2003. Palestinian terrorists under Abbas' command hijacked the Achille Lauro in October 1985. During the hijacking, Leon Klinghoffer -- a 69-year-old wheelchair-bound American Jew who was with his wife of 36 years on the cruise -- was killed and dumped into the sea. "He created troubles. He was handicapped but he was inciting and provoking the other passengers. So, the decision was made to kill him," Abbas told the Boston Globe in 1998.

Abu Abbas had been living in Baghdad since 1994, under the protection of Saddam Hussein.

"Iraq is now what it was not before the war, a haven for terrorists." John F. Kerry, September 24, 2004

Iraq was a haven for palestinian international terrorist Abu Nidal, and The Abu Nidal Organization ("ANO"), in fact, Saddam participated in forming the ANO, sheltered the ANO, and sponsored ANO. The ANO is responsible for terrorist attacks in 20 different countries, which killed more than 300 people, as well as wounding hundreds more. In the mid-1980s, the group was seen as the world?s most dangerous terrorist organization. Experts say that Abu Nidal worked with Iraqi intelligence while representing Fatah in Baghdad. Although Saddam Hussein expelled Abu Nidal and the ANO in an attempt to win American military support for Iraq?s 1980s war with Iran, once the war ended, Iraq resumed its support of Abu Nidal. The ANO now believed to be based in Iraq, with cells in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon.

"Iraq is now what it was not before the war, a haven for terrorists." John F. Kerry, September 24, 2004

Iraq was a haven for the radical Kurdish Islamic terrorist group Ansar al-Islam. This terrorist group has ties with both the Taliban and with al-Qaeda. It is the most radical group operating in the Iraqi Kurdistan region. Ansar al-Islam activities include: razing of beauty salons, burning a school for girls, and the murder of women for refusing to wear the burqa. It has seized a Taliban-style enclave of 4,000 civilians and several villages near the Iranian border. It is also responsible for ambushing and killing of 42 Kurdish soldiers. Ansar al-Islam is in a state of war with the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK). It was responsible for the assassination in 2001 of a senior official of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), Franso Hariri, and for the attempted killing of Burhan Salih, head of the PUK-led Iraqi Kurdistan regional government.

"Iraq is now what it was not before the war, a haven for terrorists." John F. Kerry, September 24, 2004

Iraq was a haven for the deadly terrorist network headed by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, an associate and collaborator of Usama bin Laden and his al-Qaida lieutenants. In 2002, Zarqawi was in Baghdad for medical treatment, staying in the capital of Iraq for two months. Also in 2002, an al-Qaida associate bragged that the situation in Iraq was "good," that Baghdad could be transited quickly. Also in 2002, two suspected al-Qaida operatives were arrested crossing from Iraq into Saudi Arabia. They were linked to Zarqawi's Baghdad cell and one of them received training in Afghanistan on how to use cyanide.

Zarqawi's terrorism is not confined to the Middle East. Zarqawi and his network have plotted terrorist actions against countries including France, Britain, Spain, Italy, Germany and Russia.

"Iraq is now what it was not before the war, a haven for terrorists." John F. Kerry, September 24, 2004


Forum Member
Eddie Haskell said:
You see, O, Wayne is just concerned with his lilly white burg somewhere down in Kentucky. He wants everyone to go to First Baptist on Sunday morning, then down to the ice cream parlor for a social followed up by a nice sunday afternoon drive in the country with the Mrs. and the kids.

Eddie, I can never figure out why you always call Dogs a racist, xenophobe. He may have conservative views, but thats no reason for calling him a redneck. Can't figure out why most vehemently opposed to racial-profiling & stereotypes and so on always use the racial-profiling, stereotypes to justify their actions? )How does Wayne explain to the local Grand Wizard that his wife is a foreigner?) Be pretty hard to hide a diminutive, yellar woman@ the local tractor pull wouldn't it?

You revere Hella10 for answering the call to duty although his less than stellar, alterior motives are now known. (And some thought he was fighting for our freedom!)

Guess some things will never change- such as Bush being an imbecil & idiot, who managed to steal a Presidential Election, Mastermind 9/11, start a War for Profit, etc.

Just my 2 cents Eddie, but sometimes I wonder if your dream of a mixed society, living in harmony, isn't so you can drive a Lexus, Watch a Korean TV, have a Mexican Gardner, go to a Chinese Dry Cleaner, eat at a French Restaurant and so on. And why the animosity towards the Jews- Competition?

Just asking counselor& Please keep it civil I really value your opinions. :142squint
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
"Could you possibly be speaking of former President Clinton speaking 6 years ago about a bj? Are you referring to former President Clinton who your party spent 70 million dollars of tax payer money to prove that his ooey gooey stained a fat jewish broads dress? Is that who you are talking about?"

Edwards It is amusing how you try to jusify lying under oath for any reason.--and on spending tax payors money--It is Edwards liberal logic to blame those that seek the truth and not the lier.
Did it EVER occur to you despite his inept character all he had to do was tell the truth and no 70 million tab to tax payor??--in a perfect world where each are responsible for their actions we would be using his book revenue where he exploited his ineptness to foot the cost of having "to prove" he lied to the world his family.

and more liberal logic to diss Bushes wife for killing pedestian in accident--but ok for people to knowingly spread aids throughout the world.

Odd how some people view things differently--always nice to get input from the legal profession ;)

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Wayne's World:

$70,000,000.00 (taxpayer money) = blow job & stained dress = okay expenditure

At a minimum projected expenditure for our little sojourn into Iraq of $99,000,000,000.00 to $1,900,000,000,000.00 (taxpayer money) (by the way, those are the right number of zeros) = no wmd + 30,000 dead + 50,000 injured + one dictator out of power & okay expenditure

And you talk about priorities. And you talk about tax and spend democrats.

You said it is liberal logic to "blame those that seek the truth and not the liar". Well I hope finding out about the blow job was worth $70,000,000.00 authorized by your Republican buddies in Congress.

Everyone with a brain, and even some without, know that the entire Whitewater/Lewinski investigation was nothing but a witch hunt organized, orchestrated and executed by right wing Republicans (DeLay et al) to destroy Clintons incredibility.

You know what is really humorous Wayne. What is really funny is how much money do you think your Republican Congress is going to spend to look into Cheney and his Haliburton activities, DeLay and his campaign activities and the myriad of other Republican crimes?

How much Wayne? How much? Yeah, all he had to do was come forward about the blow job. Your logic is laughable and so patently biased. I guess Reagan's alzeimers kicked in too soon for him to come forward on his criminal activites relating to Iran-Contra.

Reagans, Cheneys, DeLay, Gingrich etc. crimes and unethical conduct are okay but we gotta spend 70 mil on a bj. You are unf******believable. The reality Wayne is that all sides committed crimes and were guilty of unethical behavior. It just that the psycho, religous contract with america boys who came into power in 96 decided to take the holier than thou approach.

Both sides do it Wayne. It's just that now, your side declared war and is in power. Hence, no real investigations into Cheneys relationship with Halliburton, etc. I understand you have a scratch handicap. Well thats one thing you have that I'm envious of.

Tell me this Wayne, how can you have a scratch handicap with such a blind eye?


Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
You little yellow skinned slanty eyed gook, I have never in my life called anyone a racist.

Now with that out of the way, I would like to point out a criticism I have of you. Can you do anything to shorten your posts. I mean honestly, I find it tedious to open all the links you provide and would really appreciate it if you could summarize because although I think many of your views are from Jupiter, I do want to read them.

Hell, your writing reminds me of Clintons speechs in 92. I've had this discussion before involving loophole. Wayne really has a lot of friends who like to defend him yet seem to have the same blind eye when he launches his personal attacks.

Not that Wayne has ever said anything negative about my profession. Is that not a personal attack? I'm missing the problem with pointing out that Wayne is from small town, bible belt rural america and well, frankly, is a redneck.

Now I might be going out on a limb on this but, guys like Wayne, from such background, are shall we say, most likely Republican Bush supporters. I did't call Wayne a racist. I don't know if he is a racist no more than he knows if I am a racist.

However, his conservative posts have a distinct flavour of going back to that 19th century time in white america etc. I'm just pointing out what I know. I know of Kentucky. I know of its not to recent history. I know of Adolph Rupp. I know of eastern Kentucky. Lets just say it ain't the most progressive state on race relations.

Is that to say that Wayne is a racist and everyone from Kentucky is like Mitch McConnel and Adolph Rupp, no. However, they do elect that most horrible politician on a regular basis. As far as why Wayne married a non-white, I have no idea. Maybe she has big tits, who knows.

This is getting too personal even for the internet. Let Wayne attack me as a trial lawyer and a recovering compulsive gambler and thats okay. But when I point out that he is from bible belt heaven and conservative central that not too long ago had seperate drinking fountains and I'm the racist?

Chanman, you used a typical right wing, Bush like, attack. You said I called Wayne a racist. I never called Wayne a racist. I don't know Wayne other than to know that he has very strange and militant ideas about the world. Congratulations Chanman, you state in your post many positions that I have never taken yet attribute them to me as my beliefs. Very Bushlike of you. Ie, Jews? What the f*** are you talking about.

Congrats again you have put me on the defensive and I fell for the bait. I'm just going to have to stop responding to right wing love circle that you, Loophole and Wayne seem to always form. Kinda like Bush in the debate the other night, if you don't have the brains, circle the wagons, blow smoke, and speak in a phoney down home Texas accent.

Your statement about my intentions for a mixed society is reprehensible and without basis. You owe me an apology. I do not put color of skin as a factor in my decisions. You might find a different answer if you ask the average resident of Bowling Green, Kentucky the same question.

Oh yeah, and by the way, Bush is an imbecile.



Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 19, 2002
Kerry doesn't know how to tell the truth. That makes him dangerous. He has a way to draw people to him. It's not easy to find women with money and get them to marry you. He is a fake and he knows it and thats what makes him stand tall to a lot of America. I am a Bush man and proud of it but he needs to fight harder or he could end up like his dad and we will all be in a world of hurt. He will give the country away and sell out America to the highest bidder. God help us.....


Forum Member
Yeah Chan you friggin *sshole, (damn he's good). Eddie, I remember reading on several occasions you insinuations that DTB was a neo-Nazi or affiliated w/the Klan. If I misread your posts sincere apologies are offered.
As far as the Jewish animosity- I took literary license as I was on a roll...no harm was intended as I know your intentions are pure. Did I mention that I was an *sshole? Guilty as charged. I'll catch up on your other posts later as... currently I'm workin Graveyards- that or sunspots are interfering w/my transmission from Venus.


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Forum Member
Aug 13, 2001
conroe,texas usa
1055 DEAD

1055 DEAD





Forum Member
Iraqi Insurgents are Attacking, Rather Than Gaining the Support of, Their Own People

Iraqi Insurgents are Attacking, Rather Than Gaining the Support of, Their Own People

Today we see news of a bomb in Baghdad that killed Iraqi children and adults.

Why are the Iraqi insurgents targeting their fellow-citizens? Does that seem like a way for them to win support?

The following is from William Truax, a Major in the USMC on the Multi-National Corps staff in Baghdad. It was written before, but is relevant to, today?s bombing in that city.

He argues that the insurgents are attacking their fellow Iraqis precisely because they are losing the popular support of the Iraqi people.

...[the recently published National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq], along with the car bombings and kidnappings in Baghdad in the past couple days are being portrayed in the media as more proof of absolute chaos and the intransigence of the insurgency.

From where I sit, at the Operational Headquarters in Baghdad, that just isn?t the case. Let?s lay out some background, first about the ?National Intelligence Estimate.? The most glaring issue with its relevance is the fact that it was delivered to the White House in July. That means that the information that was used to derive the intelligence was gathered in the Spring ? in the immediate aftermath of the April battle for Fallujah, and other events. The report doesn?t cover what has happened in July or August, let alone September.

The naysayers will point to the recent battles in Najaf and draw parallels between that and what happened in Fallujah in April. They aren?t even close. The bad guys did us a HUGE favor by gathering together in one place and trying to make a stand. It allowed us to focus on them and defeat them. Make no mistake, Al Sadr?s troops were thoroughly smashed. The estimated enemy killed in action is huge. Before the battles, the residents of the city were afraid to walk the streets. Al Sadr?s enforcers would seize people and bring them to his Islamic court where sentence was passed for religious or other violations. Long before the battles people were looking for their lost loved ones who had been taken to ?court? and never seen again. Now Najafians can and do walk their streets in safety. Commerce has returned and the city is being rebuilt. Iraqi security forces and US troops are welcomed and smiled upon. That city was liberated again. It was not like Fallujah ? the bad guys lost and are in hiding or dead.

You may not have even heard about the city of Samarra. Two weeks ago, that Sunni Triangle city was a ?No-go? area for US troops. But guess what? The locals got sick of living in fear from the insurgents and foreign fighters that were there and let them know they weren?t welcome. They stopped hosting them in their houses and the mayor of the town brokered a deal with the US commander to return Iraqi government sovereignty to the city without a fight. The people saw what was on the horizon and decided they didn?t want their city looking like Fallujah in April or Najaf in August.

Boom, boom, just like that two major ?hot spots? cool down in rapid succession. Does that mean that those towns are completely pacified? No. What it does mean is that we are learning how to do this the right way. The US commander in Samarra saw an opportunity and took it ? probably the biggest victory of his military career and nary a shot was fired in anger. Things will still happen in those cities, and you can be sure that the bad guys really want to take them back. Those achievements, more than anything else in my opinion, account for the surge in violence in recent days ? especially the violence directed at Iraqis by the insurgents. Both in Najaf and Samarra ordinary people stepped out and took sides with the Iraqi government against the insurgents, and the bad guys are hopping mad. They are trying to instill fear once again. The worst thing we could do now is pull back and let that scum back into people?s homes and lives.

So, you may hear analysts and prognosticators on CNN, ABC and the like in the next few days talking about how bleak the situation is here in Iraq, but from where I sit, it?s looking significantly better now than when I got here. The momentum is moving in our favor, and all Americans need to know that, so please, please, pass this on to those who care and will pass it on to others. It is very demoralizing for us here in uniform to read & hear such negativity in our press. It is fodder for our enemies to use against us and against the vast majority of Iraqis who want their new government to succeed. It causes the American public to start thinking about the acceptability of ?cutting our losses? and pulling out, which would be devastating for Iraq for generations to come, and Muslim militants would claim a huge victory, causing us to have to continue to fight them elsewhere (remember, in war ?Away? games are always preferable to ?Home? games). Reports like that also cause Iraqis begin to fear that we will pull out before we finish the job, and thus less willing to openly support their interim government and US/Coalition activities. We are realizing significant progress here ? not propaganda progress, but real strides are being made. It?s terrible to see our national morale, and support for what we?re doing here, jeopardized by sensationalized stories hyped by media giants whose #1 priority is advertising income followed closely by their political agenda; getting the story straight falls much further down on their priority scale, as Dan Rather and CBS News have so aptly demonstrated?

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Chanman. You are not an a**hole. You are just wordy. Breath deeply. Exhale. I may have inferred Wayne is a neo-nazi at some point in time. Probably when I was getting back at him for one of his ambulance chasing comments or those few times that I let his lies bother me.

After a few rounds with my Sigmund Freud wannabe, I'm cool now and practice relaxation techniques on a daily basis. Serenity now. Serenity now. Your posts, although always right wing leaning, are getting further and further that way. Is there a nuclear leak in that energy plant you work in? Why, there almost Freezian.

Have a good one.



Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
"You said it is liberal logic to "blame those that seek the truth and not the liar". Well I hope finding out about the blow job was worth $70,000,000.00 authorized by your Republican buddies in Congress."

"Tell me this Wayne, how can you have a scratch handicap with such a blind eye?"

!st Edward I don't think I have ever dissed you personally as an attorney--my anology is to show that once again we we have smooth talking attorneys blowing smoke and my point is show show last attorney (slick) who was pres and while he supposedly was an officer of the court he finished his terms as the greastest violator of law in presidential history.

The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance
- Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates
- Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation
- Most number of witnesses to flee country or refuse to testify
- Most number of witnesses to die suddenly
- First president sued for sexual harassment.
- First president accused of rape.
Number of individuals and businesses associated with the Clinton machine who have been convicted of or pleaded guilty to crimes: 47
Number of imprisonments: 14
- Number of congressional witnesses who have pled the 5th Amendment, fled the country to avoid testifying, or (in the case of foreign witnesses) refused to be interviewed: 124

and on your statement of Reagans Alzeimers I believe Slick and company had a little of their own--

- Number of times Hillary Clinton said "I don't recall" or its equivalent in a statement to a House investigating committee: 50
- Number of paragraphs in this statement: 42
- Number of times Bill Clinton said "I don't recall" or its equivalent in the released portions of the his testimony on Paula Jones: 271
- Total number of facts or events not recalled before official bodies by Bill Kennedy, Harold Ickes, Ricki Seidman, Bruce Lindsey, Bill Burton, Mark Gearan, Mack McLarty, Neil Eggleston, John Podesta, Jennifer O'Connor, Dwight Holton, Patsy Thomasson, Jeff Eller, Beth Nolan, Cliff Sloan, Bernard Nussbaum, George Stephanopoulous, Roy Neel, Rahm Emanuel, Maggie Williams, David Tarbell, Susan Thomases, Webster Hubbell, Roger Altman, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton: 6,125
- Average occurrence of memory lapse by top administration figures while before official bodies: 235

Two things are obvious--Bush can't compete with attorneys in debating or corruption--but at least he has no cabinet members being indicted so far and no suicides-plane crashes ect.Hmm I wonder if he could use that in debate on health issue under his term :)
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Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

To the contrary, this is an example of your relentless capacity to spin, mislead, and otherwise post falsehoods on these boards. How can you "diss" me as an attorney? Unless I'm mistaken, and that is a rarity, I have not, nor do I currently have any clients named Wayne from Bowling Green who has there own insurance agency.

Nor do I recall ever meeting you in a Court of law as a witness, party or observer. You see Wayne you cannot diss me personally as an attorney. As I cannot diss you personally as an insurance agent. We haven't work together and as such, cannot measure one anothers skills or lack thereof.

We can only, as we both have done, utilize stereotypes. You calling me a spinning, smooth talking, blowing smoke liberal, aclu type, who files frivolous lawsuits and causes poor doctors to go out of business. And I calling you a small town, bible belt, pick up driving, Dale Earnhardt tee shirt wearing, beer drinking hick who buys the republican schtick hook, line and sinker.

For all I know, you are a sophisticated, symphony going, white wine drinking, reasonable, intelligent, Lexus driving, suave, armani suit wearing, man about town. (Imagine Eddie bent over laughing hysterically and spitting out his coffee)

Now for the substance of your post. Reagan could have easily been impeached for his conduct while in office by a Democratic Congress. However, before your contract with america boys got into office in 96 there was a kinda code in DC that although you could take such action for political reasons, it wasnt done. Your party decided to take another road.

Since they have power, the criminals, from Bush on down to DeLay have nothing to worry about. Cheney can take a 20 million dollar retirement from Haliburton after working there a whopping 5 years and then following up as vice president with an 18 billion no bid contracts to his former employer with impunity. No problem.

The reason Clinton was impeached was because of the phenomenal distain your party had for him. Kinda similar I imagine to how I feel about that total moron in DC today. One of your hero's Reagan commited far more serious crimes and probably should have been impeached.

However, he was lucky. He was president in the 80's when different rules applied. Your boys got in in the 90's and changed the rules when Clinton was president. So please, save your holier than thou stuff for Sunday morning at First Baptist.


Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

Just saw your edit. I do not have the time or inclination to list the criminals, conspirators and other not so savory individuals who reside on your side of the aisle. Once again concerning your remarks about how lilly white Bush's cabinet is, again my point, they have no one to look at their conduct as your party controls.

Although there a billion reasons to vote republicans out of office, the foregoing should be enough to at least balance the ledger.



Forum Member
Up early counselor. Always welcome your input as it makes me think. Didn't realize I was being so partisan. Hows this?



P.S. Eddie- I think you are as much an American as Baseball & Mom's Apple Pie. We disagree on many issues, but that doesn't mean I don't like or respect your posts. I know you're not a racist, but I was in the zone. You get my drift, such as...

Thanks Nosigar. I'm not sure you apologized, but anyway, your forgiven about that Haskell comment. That kind of stunned me because I've pretty much been in agreement with your political posts also. No hard feelings. Its not going to be my style to bash any poster here because everyone has a right to there opinion but I'm not sure where DJV comes from. I mean his posts are hard to understand and I'm not sure he speaks English real well. But I agree with you that when he comes into a conversation it usually goes to hell.


Have a Great Day :)


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Edward For the 100th time I have NEVER dissed you personally as an attorney.As I said before I would like to believe that you are one of "the few" good guys in the PI field and will do so unless proven otherwise--however we do have a conflict on our beliefs in general--and thats cool---I did make remark about your wagering which was uncalled for and I apologized for that.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Will you please stop reminding me of my schizophrenic personality my little yellow friend. I also enjoy your posts. But, please the cliff notes version.


Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

Wow. Is that a little compassionate conservative I see coming out of you. Wow. That is welcome. You gotta know by now that although I truly believe you do not have one living, working, brain cell in that head of yours, I have the utmost respect for you as a person. That is, of course, from the content of your posts as we have never met.

Lets change that some time. Next year. Golf? I've developed this hitch in my swing that I hope you can correct. I'm going to Atlanta this Thursday for three days of golf with a bunch of high school friends and I'm sure I'll be depositing my share of Pro V 1's in the woods and lakes of Marietta.

Never, I repeat, never, take anything I say on these boards seriously. Boy is that sentence going to come back to haunt me.

Bet on MyBookie