Went to the local Elks Club today......


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 7, 2000
Atlanta, GA
The only social club I belong to has strippers in it

Congrats to your daughter and money saved paying for college Sports!!

As for the comment above in a thread about his DAUGHTER, you say this crap???????? SCUM!!! I saw the other pathetic thread also and will not comment in it because everyone said exactly what you are, the same word I just used. Pathetic you are still allowed to be here.


la vita ? buona
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2000
My daughter receive a scholarship from our local Elks Club, Emblem Club today at their Annual Instillation Meeting.......Wow was that interesting, never seen a gathering with so many bells & whistles tossed in......They had people marching all over the place, I got more exercise today standing and clapping then I had all week!!!They had more functions/positions for people then they knew what to do with .....Four, 70 plus year old Lady Sargent's at Arms, seriously.....LOL..... I bet they had over 25 different positions/officers and not a one of them under 65 years old......Was a riot to take in, got to love them and their efforts for the local community though.....:toast:

Congrats ! :toast:
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