What happend?

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Uncle Vinnie

Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 12, 2000
This post will get moved but I've had somthing I my mind. What happened to all the old regulars around here?? Fletcher, Raymond,Roger,thunder,dvj,volfan,freeze,......I could go on and on. Not to take credit from anyone else but I used to look forward to comparing their plays. Are some touts now? I mean we get enough free service plays to make that kind of silly. This place originated on sharing info which we all do some better than others. I'm sure I could go to another site and get their plays for free also so why does MJ's have to suffer? I just don't want to see things deterioate. I respect everyone that takes thier time to post on this site and I think alot go unappreciated thats why they leave or stop posting. I mean alot of guys post and have crazy high views and go 4-0 and don't even get a freakin reply.
It wasn't like that in 2000. I mean no disrespect to Jack (your the best) but you hardly post on the fourms anymore, I know you have your own page but that participation with the masses is gone. I know this site has blown up and you get your hits but don't forget how it started.
I remember the time I posted a play that you took the time to give me congats because you played it. And I still wear my MJ tee shirt you sent me. Thats the spirit that everyone should carry over into the New Year.


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every person you mentioned is still here and posting regularly.

i even started posting some stuff in the nfl and nfl match-up forums in the last few days.

plus, it's the holidays and fletcher is at the wvu/md game. before he left he told me to bet whatever i want on wvu. i couldn't post it because i think it might have been one of his service plays.

anyway, things are fine, i thought. sure, we have some new faces and some old faces are gone but the site is bigger and has more people participating than ever before.

there has been a lot of goofballs posting in the last month or so with the bashing and advertising of services but i think i have a handle on that now.

happy new year!

things are good :D
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May 8, 2002
Clwtr, Fl
What happened to all the old regulars around here?? Fletcher, Raymond,Roger,thunder,dvj,volfan,freeze,......I could go on and on. Not to take credit from anyone else but I used to look forward to comparing their plays

I couldn't have agreed more

Seems watered down capping now

cavy1 :cool:


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Nov 12, 2001
Funny, but I'm like Uncle Vinnie. . . I was looking forward to seeing some of the top guns in college football come in here and help me out. Not saying that some of you haven't or that you aren't top guns, but I'm referring to the old timers. . . hell, I even saw barfly checking this site out yet he didn't post any plays unless I missed them.

Given my piss poor college football season, I was looking for a little guidance that I gladly return in college basketball :cool:

Still though, I do appreciate the good cappers that still post here especially when they have great info to provide and share with the rest of us (I won't list any names because I could easily miss a few).
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Jul 20, 2003
Lincoln Park, New Jersey
I love this site, and I still wear my T-Shirt as well, Jack sent it to me 5 years ago now, pretty faded, any chance of a new one Jack? I do go runnning in it in Central Park - how is that for free advertising??

I really like the way Jack has cleaned the site up as well, I was getting pretty fed up with all the bashers and bullshit a while ago, but things seem great now. That, plus Jack getting into Poker, it's going to be a great 2004 here.

I don't post much, just lurk mostly. Don't post since I'm not much of a handicapper right now and don't want to screw people up with bogus calls - witness my pick on FLA this morning.

I also really like Nolan's participation. He is having a bad year, but his insights are always very valuable and I enjoy occasionally corresponding with him personally. He is a very nice bloke to know.

GLTA in 2004.


Uncle Vinnie

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Nov 12, 2000
I just don't see the point in the service. I understand they want to get paid but well all know how easy free info is to obtain. I think it will hurt MJ's in long run if this trend continues. Point is their leadership is lost.

Enough said. MJ's is the best and I want it to stay that.


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Jan 7, 2001
Houston, Texas
Uncle Vinnie!!

Uncle Vinnie!!

I see your point and so I'll give mine!! If you asked a few of the cappers you used to follow, that went pay, to list how many hours away from their families they spend capping sports for FREE, I think you might be surprised. Most choices we make in life come down to trading hours for dollars. A professional should get paid. The American way dictates free enterprise as practiced by Doctors, Lawyers, etc......
I'm sure you see a big example of that in Detroit, where Auto workers wages are often several times that of workers in other countries doing the same job. Hence the decline in autos being built in the Detroit plants!!
Factor in, a trusted professional (Capper), posting for free, and then very little appreciation, complicated by bashers, and I think you will have your answer. I'm GLADLY paying!! I also benefit greatly from those who post here as you might see by my post most everyday. I will also add that the fewer games there are the more likely they are pay plays for their customers.

Keep it Positive, Topdog!!

P.S. I_love7.....Please post which service had Maryland BIG!! The timing of your post made it seem that a service had Maryland and a friend gave Mad Jack the other side!! Just wondering!!
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Jul 13, 1999
whoa....i apologize.

fletcher gave me maryland, not wvu. i was typing quickly and for some reason typed wvu, i guess, because he has strong ties with them.

sorry i even mentioned it.

Uncle Vinnie

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Nov 12, 2000
maybe someone should realize time is money and make it "worth" their while to post for free. I am only interested in Mad Jacks securing their premiere handicappers who's rep's were created by MJ's. All that will happen by excluding these picks, because they are suddenly pay, is cause seekers of these picks to find other alternatives in obtaining them. I mean come on look at mizz's post every day. I am trying not to be specific but you see the problem.
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Jan 7, 2001
Houston, Texas
Mad Jack!!

Mad Jack!!

Thanks for clearing that up!! I feel the same way you do about anyone that might give out both sides. I was certain that didn't happen here!!

Keep it Positive, Topdog!!


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Jan 7, 2001
Houston, Texas


These guys STILL post here!! Maybe just less since there are fewer games with value other than their service plays. Mizz is nice enough to post service plays but I haven't followed their records to see which are worth following. These cappers that went pay, also advertise here at MJ's.

Keep it Positive, Topdog!!


Registered User
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Feb 17, 2000
May I know if Anthony R get kick out by MJ? Or he just left us for a few days? I love to get his picks... it would be a lost to the forum if he left.

Just my 2 cents.


Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
Cap your own games gentlemen. Anything worth doing is worth doing well;)

Out with the old, in with the new:D

In ALL forums there is constant turnover

same as with any place of public access;)

Like Top Dog says...

Keep it positive!


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Nov 12, 2001
ViGoR said:
May I know if Anthony R get kick out by MJ? Or he just left us for a few days? I love to get his picks... it would be a lost to the forum if he left.

Just my 2 cents.

You see, that's what this forum is all about. . . this capper knows quite well that Anthony R is the perfect fade so he finds value when Richass posts.
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Jan 7, 2001
Houston, Texas


Now that's funny!! Is that an "ALL IN"?? One poster in for two cents and another post from a nickel!! LOL!! That should cheer me up from my last stellar pick.

Keep it Funny, Topdog!!


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Nov 12, 2001
Me too :D

My dogs aren't doing too well so far but maybe Michigan and Miami will have something to say about that