What might have been


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Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
Nosigar - "Again, knowing what I know now of how the Bush admin, has lowered themselves to fit leftist agendas"

Very true. He spends money like a drunken sailor and is anything but conservative. He has also failed to act on border problems which has also become somewhat of a conservative issue until politicians realize that the public would support tougher border policies.


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Nov 4, 2000
Ferd I'm not to sure who is conservative and who is not anymore. Clinton and Carter were tight compared to last three Reb's.
At least Reagan was tight 4 of his 8 years. But Bush 1 & 2 with or with out wars. Spenders.


Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
To somehow come to terms with the President's border policy (which I never liked)......

I'm probably way off here, but I think he's accomplishing to things. He's always had (I think) a strong Spanish base in Texas. He's continuing to carry that group abroad. By doing this, he's keeping them from the other side of the board.

As supposedly weak as he is, the Democrats STILL don't look like they are making ANY headway as far as any policies or future candidates. I sense NO momentum by them. This has been going on for some time. They continue to use the same banter etc and I think the public is weary of the same ol same ol from that party. One would think they would be in a stronger position with the war, energy prices, the President's approval rating :rolleyes: and a host of other supposed "hot" topics with the public. This is the same statement I made sometime back. Maybe I'm missing something and the ground swell is there.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
How can Bush be accused of pandering to the left? There is no left in power to pander too. He has his mandate and political capital, yet has spent his way into oblivion. The left has nothing to do with what his administration has done.

But like with the war, the extreme right already has the scapegoats lined up. It's the liberal media's fault for things not going well in Iraq and it's pressure from liberals to be blamed for Bush's irresponsible fiscal activity.

Is anything actually the fault of Bush and his administration?


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Jun 22, 2005
and (more-or-less) the judiciary for one of the few times in my nearly 5 decades,

This is absolute bullshit ! And quite the other way around the last vote on Eminant Domain was horse shit and all 4 hardcore Liberals and 1 swing moderate in the SCJ voted for that pile of crap! But I agree with much of it and its what I have been saying all along Bush is way toooooooo Liberal ! He sucks I just wish a true conservative would get elected and I know one thing that is absolutely not going to happen ...and that is a conservative wont come from the Democratic party.


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Jun 18, 2002
so the Republicans have had the House, Senate, and Presidency for 6 years and nothing is going right. But it is the fault of the out of power liberals because Bush caters to them. When did he do this? When he lowered taxes for the rich? No, maybe it was when he invaded Iraq? No, it must be all those bills the Republican Congress has passed that he vetoed. No, I don't think he has vetoed anything. When dd he do the catering to the liberals? :shrug: :shrug: :shrug:


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
a conservative law professor from ucla?....

there`s an oxy-moron for you....lol

the problem is,that regardless of how bad iraq gets...and how hard the liberal mainstream media pounds the abu gharaib`s and the cindy sheehans....and the body counts(that by the measure of any war at anytime in history are ridiculously modest)...

and how un-conservative bush is....and how porous the border remains...and how ridiculous his stance on stem cell research may be....

the democrats still have no plan...their platform is negativity....

no vision...nothing to hang their hats on...

instead of looking to the evan bayh`s and the bill richardson`s of the party..even biden would be a breath of fresh air.....even hilary gets it...she keeps reinventing herself...

she`s savvy...

instead,they cling to the kerry`s,the kennedy`s,the dean`s,the reid`s,the wesley clark`s...lol....

in other words,the extremists...the losers....

it`s very sad....

there was a time when the 2 party system actually worked.....

wake up dems.....fire the manager...the coach.....the director of player personnel.....

don`t keep backing the same losers....

be truly progressive...


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Jun 18, 2002
I always hear the Corporate Media say that the Democrats have no plan and I agree with that. But I never hear them mention is the Republican plan. What is it? Stay the course? That ain't working.


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Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
StevieD said:
so the Republicans have had the House, Senate, and Presidency for 6 years and nothing is going right. But it is the fault of the out of power liberals because Bush caters to them. When did he do this? When he lowered taxes for the rich? No, maybe it was when he invaded Iraq? No, it must be all those bills the Republican Congress has passed that he vetoed. No, I don't think he has vetoed anything. When dd he do the catering to the liberals? :shrug: :shrug: :shrug:

Nope ! The Republicans in power including Bush are way too Liberal themselves problem is the Dems are 10 times more Liberal ...got it now ?


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Sep 5, 2002
L.A. Area
Who is this Professor Bainbridge, and how did he get a job in Westwood?

I've got a call in now to the Daily Bruin to demand that some investigative journalist look into the hiring of this Professor Bainbridge. Heads are going to ROLL!
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