" What's an Aggie and why don't I like People from Oklahoma "?

Box and one

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 26, 2000
Hudson Valley area.....NY
That was my daughter who just graduated from a NY High school in 1997 on the phone with me giving my wife and I are our 1st update on her 1st week at Univ Of Texas in Austin She was 18 yrs old and other then visiting my wife's family in Paris,Texas and on one vacation visited Austin . Oldest daughter of 4 children . This morning read the Austin- American -Statemen newspaper and on page 1 the article and picture on the front headlines was " " Corralling New Longhorns" She knew nobody in Austin and a friend of mine from North Texas and his wife picked her up at the Austin airport and drove her to her dorm on campus. She had checked in on her new dorm and the 1st night UT welcoming committee had free food and provided activites for all incoming freshman The class of 8,000 at the end of there 1st day on campus were all going to the football stadium for the final activity of the day. Guest speaker and junior running back Rickey Williams welcomed the incoming class. Now the biggest football staduim my daughter had ever been to was at West Point .
Sarah on the phone after being in Texas one day said to me " I don't think I'm going to get all hyped flash the longhorn hand and sing / I am a New Yorker not a Texan. Rickey and the coaches speak,they turn the lites in the football staduim off and light the Texas tower up. Each floor turns on with Orange Lights and the State Capital dome is in the back round . She said she had never seen anything like this in her life. Each floor turns on orange until the entire tower is colored burnt orange. They start singing the " eyes of Texas" and flashing the Longhorn hand signals. That's when she tells me she doesn't like Aggies and has no idea what an Aggies is and has no idea why she hates people from Oklahoma. Imagined brian washed already after 2 days.. I texted her this morning and she graduated UT 4 yrs later and has been teaching in Austin for 20 years. She knows the song now probably better then any other song " the eyes of Texas" That article this morning bought back those memories. And she called " collect" Don't think they still have that anymore.


Forum Member
Aug 30, 2012
Nice story Box. My grandfathers, great uncles, and uncles all went to Ga. Tech in Atlanta. Grandfathers took me to Tech football games at Grant Field all my life. I visited UGA in Athens once as a senior in HS. Graduated from UGA and my motto is " to Hell with Tech". I can relate. Thanks!


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
Great story Box..

My parents and sister graduated from UT. I know well what you mean. Been watching Texas sports since I was an infant, still a huge fan. My dad is a superfan...our Saturdays in the fall were planned around when Texas played growing up, still are to this day when I come into town.

Box and one

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 26, 2000
Hudson Valley area.....NY
Last night went out to dinner with her and her family I forgot to mention she also asked " dad do you know a running back from Texas named Rickey Williams" ? I did know him but didn't know for the next 2 years he would win the Heisman . She did know what an Aggie was. She went on a basketball visit to College Station when she was being recruited Was also recruited by Rice in Houston but chose Texas where Judy Condrat the Texas coach hinted to her that although she was 6'3 she had guards that were 6'3. BUt she loved Austin and although didn't play there she graduated UT got a teaching job here and never has left Austin and even convinced her father to retire in Austin . Love Austin a lot, a little hot won't say Ya'all or eat a breakfast taco
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