What's planned for the weekend?


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Forum Member
Feb 22, 2001
I was planning on getting drunker than Paul Newman in The Verdict, but it looks like mommy and daddy may be present where I will procrastinate (ww?) (yes, they're still alive...barely sorta) so perhaps hypothecation (ww) will be preserved for new years.

You asked.
Obtusity is in.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/s6D9UDj30T0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2004
Monument, CO
Go to work Saturday morning and walk the building wishing everyone a merry x-mas. I save the last hand shake for an employee whom is struggling with finances that has a family that they are responsible for and hand them an envelope with a few hundred bucks. I do this in my office, so it is confidential. I have done this for over 25 years and will continue to till I am retired.
Go home Saturday afternoon and have some friends over that night for a little dinner party.
Sunday open presents and then my step son goes to his dad's for the week and Betty and I have a quiet day..... Thank god Christmas falls on Sunday:toast:

People over.....enjoying friends.....My man James at work has six kids, and when I gave him my gift he teared up and so did I...........Is a wonderful thing you know. The gift of giving :toast:


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 7, 2001
Long Island
People over.....enjoying friends.....My man James at work has six kids, and when I gave him my gift he teared up and so did I...........Is a wonderful thing you know. The gift of giving :toast:

You will be sitting next to the holy father when he calls for you. You sir are an example many should follow. God bless you :) :0008

Full court press

Forum Member
Dec 3, 2009
Great Lakes
Drove down to Pensacola Fla to pick up my Navy son to bring home for Christmas. Spent a rainy week and drove home. We have all three boys home for the first time in a long time so this will be a magical Christmas for us. Have to put him on a jet back to Fla. on New Years eve which will cut down on my festivities but well worth it.

I was the first up this morning in anticipation of a wonderful day.

Merry Christmas to Jack and all the 'Jackers :00hour
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